After the system prompt, Lu Kong's eyes went dark. When he recovered, he had already arrived at the inheritance area.

Standing in front of the stone tablet in the inheritance area, Lu Kong's mind was still confused.

No, what happened just now?

Lu Kong didn't even see how that guy attacked.

After he turned on the shield, it was stacked for a while. The thickness of the shield could not be broken instantly even by the joint attack of the five diamond earth dragons before.

So what happened just now?

Is the master level really so powerful?

When Lu Kong was full of question marks, he suddenly found that there were a lot of sights around him.

He noticed that the atmosphere seemed to be a little wrong, and he didn't have time to think about it. He turned his head and looked around.

When he saw that everyone was staring at him, Lu Kong felt a little scalp numb.

What's going on? The sight of these people is a bit scary.

Especially the eyes of several female creatures, it's like they want to eat him.

At this time, Ha Liye's voice sounded: "Lu Kong, congratulations on passing the fifteenth level."

Ha Liye's voice broke the silence, and then someone hurried forward.

A tall, gray-skinned man smiled and said, "Lu Kong, I'm Barnax from the Gray Lin tribe. How about adding me as a friend? After you leave the secret realm, you're welcome to visit our Gray Lin tribe."

"I'm Bai Yue'er from the White Spirit Cat Tribe. Can we be friends?"

"Sir Lu Kong, I'm Darcy from the Spirit Heart Tribe. I also want to be friends with Sir Lu Kong. Recently, there is a fifth-level dungeon being developed in the tribe. It's not easy. I originally planned to go there after the secret realm ends. If Sir Lu Kong has time, you're welcome to join us."

"Sir Lu Kong, have you chosen your attendant? If not, would you consider me? Although I'm only a demigod template now, I'm confident that I'll be able to reach the god template in the future!"

"Sir Lu Kong..."

The crowds of people surrounded Lu Kong. There were players who wanted to add him as a friend, some who wanted to invite him to join the alliance, and some aboriginals who wanted to become his attendant.

Among them, there are several geniuses of the innate god level, and the rest are all demigod template level characters. The geniuses of the holy spirit level dare not approach at all.

Lu Kong never thought that he would be so popular after coming out.

So these people finally discovered his handsomeness?

"Make way, make way! Why are you surrounding my brother Lu? Do you have any manners?" The blazing flames flickered, and Yan Luo squeezed through the crowd with his own powerful strength.

The demigod geniuses around him looked ugly, but they dared not speak out when they felt Yan Luo's power.

And the innate god level characters were naturally not afraid of Yan Luo, but considering the relationship between Lu Kong and Yan Luo, the innate god level geniuses just frowned and didn't say much.

Yan Luo squeezed the crowd, came to Lu Kong, and smiled: "Brother Lu, congratulations! Passed the fifteenth level! This is probably the first player in the history of our Galaxy City to pass the fifteenth level, but it's a pity that there is no system reward."

Ye Wu, Ye Tianming, Ha Liye and others also came over.

Ye Wu nodded to Lu Kong and smiled, "Congratulations."

Then her eyes were a little complicated: "You have only passed the first level, but your strength has improved to this level."

Ye Wu is still a little dazed.

Lu Kong, who had completed the third-level advancement task with her, has now reached this level.

It's like a dream.

Ha Liye glanced at Ye Wu and chuckled, "People's talents are naturally different."

Ye Wu glanced at Ha Liye without replying, and looked at Lu Kong again, chuckled, "What are your plans next? Regarding Anna's mission, I have found some clues here."

Ha Liye saw that Ye Wu completely ignored her, curled her lips, and didn't say anything more.

Lu Kong thought for a while and smiled, "Next, I plan to go to Galaxy City to do some things, and play in the fourth-level arena by the way."

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and the air was terribly quiet.

Everyone looked at Lu Kong with a weird look on their faces.

Lu Kong was a little confused by these people. He touched his face: "What's wrong?"

Is the favorability that was improved before so exaggerated?

Not really? Most of the people here are players, and I haven't heard that the favorability of the natives is effective for players.

Ye Tianming said with a strange expression: "...You? Are you going to play in the fourth-level arena?"

"Yes, am I not the fourth-level?"

Ye Tianming was numb: "You are the fourth-level, but you can defeat five upper-level god templates by yourself! Let the fourth-level players in Galaxy City go, they will be beaten to death by you!"

No kidding, if Lu Kong goes to the arena, others will have no chance to play!

Lu Kong smiled a little embarrassedly: "That can't be helped, my mentor asked me to get the first place in the fourth-level arena."

Kanna's test task at least gave a lower-level god-level treasure chest and a lower-level god-level skill.

And it is a war skill, combined with his war law, the power is not much different from that of the middle-level god-level skill.

The most important thing is that Kanna said that she would not let him learn god-level skills if this task was not completed.

Kanna still has several lower-level god-level skills and two middle-level god-level skills.

Although the Dragon Breath of War requires the blood of the Dragon of War to learn, he can learn the Fire of War.

Combined with the Law of War, the power of the Fire of War can probably be compared with the skills of the upper god level.

Lu Kong now has only a few god level skills, so he certainly hopes to have more cards in his hand.

"Wait... Brother Lu, do you have a mentor?" Yan Luo found the point.

Others also stared at Lu Kong with wide eyes.

They thought that in addition to inviting Lu Kong to join the alliance, there is another way to get closer to Lu Kong, that is, professional mentor!

Many people's eyes flashed. As a god-level race, many races have a variety of professions.

Maybe there is Lu Kong's profession?

Although Lu Kong already has a professional mentor, who says that there can only be one professional mentor?

After all, each professional mentor has different professional skills.

The professional mentor Lu Kong found may not be very strong, and the skills he can teach must not be very good, right?

Among them, the eyes of Xue Yan and several people from the Crazy Blood Clan flashed with excitement.

They knew that the Blood Hand Elder was Lu Kong's mentor before, otherwise, Lu Kong might not be related to the Crazy Blood Clan.

Lu Kong's profession is obviously a war profession, which is the strength of their crazy blood clan!

Xue Yan hurriedly asked: "Brother Lu, what is your profession? Maybe there is a corresponding profession in our clan."

There is nothing to keep secret, Lu Kong smiled and said: "My profession is the demigod-level Blood War Emperor."

Everyone: "???"

They looked at Lu Kong in shock.

It's not that Lu Kong's profession is strong, but it's too weak compared to what they expected!

A demigod-level profession, combined with a lower-level god template, can actually fight five monsters with upper-level god templates? !

Is this world crazy?

They originally thought that Lu Kong's template must be at least lower-level god level, or even middle-level god level.

Even if it is upper-level god level, it's not that no one has thought about it.

Demigod level? This is not within their consideration at all!

But soon, Xue Yan and others reacted.

Xueyan's face showed a touch of ecstasy, and he smiled and said: "There is an ancestor in our clan who was a Blood War Emperor before. You can let him teach you!"

Lu Kong was not surprised, after all, the professions of the Crazy Blood Clan are similar in classification.

To be honest, Lu Kong didn't really want to have a close relationship with the Crazy Blood Clan.

After all, it can be seen from the previous resource allocation battle that the people of the Crazy Blood Clan are too good at attracting hatred.

Lu Kong felt a little weak.

But... a god-level strongman who mastered the template of the Blood War Emperor, to be honest, this is a bit attractive.

Anyway, there is not only one mentor...

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