Lu Kong knocked on the office door: "Teacher, I'm here, are you there?"

The door opened, and Kanna's voice sounded a little surprised: "It's over so soon?"

Lu Kong entered the office, nodded, and smiled: "It's not too difficult."

To be honest, perhaps because of his soul strength, it feels faster than before to comprehend the law of war.

Kanna nodded slightly, but she was not too surprised. After all, with the soul strength shown by Lu Kong before, as long as he has the heart of the law, it must be easy to comprehend.

It's just that Kanna can't understand it. If you have the heart of the law, the condition for using it is to have a full-level god-level skill.

This kid got a low-level law treasure chest, and the heart of the law that he can use happened to be opened?

This luck is really a dog shit.

Oh, not only this time, this kid said that he also comprehended it once before, and he must have used the heart of the law. After all, if he didn't use the heart of the law to comprehend it, it would not be so short.

This means that for the previous law, this kid also has a full-level god-level skill.

Thinking of this, Kanna looked at Lu Kong with a strange look in her eyes. This kid has so many god-level skills?

And they are all maxed out?

How did this kid do it?

Seeing Kanna's strange look, Lu Kong asked in confusion: "Teacher, what's wrong?"

Kanna didn't hold back and asked curiously: "How many god-level skills have you mastered?"

Lu Kong glanced at his skill list and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Not many, only nine god-level skills in total."

Kanna: "?"

Seeing Lu Kong's embarrassed expression, she opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

You are a fourth-level player who has mastered nine god-level skills. What are you embarrassed about? !

Nine god-level skills!

Some real gods don't have so many god-level skills, right?

Where did this kid get so many god-level skills?

Then Kanna thought of the need to use the Heart of Law: "...are they all maxed out?"

Lu Kong laughed dryly: "No, there are only five maxed out."

Kanna: "..."

She admitted that she was jealous, her own maxed out god-level skills were actually similar to this kid's.

She felt that her mentality was a little exploded.

Lu Kong was happy to see Kanna's constantly twisted expression.

Showing one's holiness in front of others +1.

He also knew that at his level, it was quite amazing to master so many maxed out god-level skills.

It's a pity that there are not enough god-level skill stones, it would be better if they were all maxed out.

But it doesn't matter, there should be a lot of high-template demons in the Demon Realm, and there should be some gains.

Lu Kong smiled and said: "Teacher, are you okay?"

Kanna came back to her senses, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she smiled: "Not bad, I still resisted the urge to beat you to death."

Lu Kong: "..."

He coughed dryly and didn't dare to continue pretending, lest he really get beaten.

He quickly changed the subject: "Teacher, I'll go to the Demon Realm first."

Kanna naturally knew the purpose of Lu Kong's coming here, and she nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Kanna stood up, grabbed Lu Kong's armor collar and lifted him up.

Lu Kong: "..."

He had reason to suspect that this was definitely Teacher Kanna's revenge.

Before Lu Kong had time to speak, he tore the space and walked in with Lu Kong.

The twisted space tunnel flashed by, and the next moment, Kanna led Lu Kong out of a space gap.

Lu Kong immediately noticed that the atmosphere nearby was wrong.

The whole area was very dim, without the sun, but it was different from the eternal night of the Dark Night Alliance. The sky was gray, as if there was a mist that would never dissipate.

In the air, Lu Kong could sense the ubiquitous demonic energy.

This shocked Lu Kong a little. It was the first time he felt such a strong demonic energy in the Central Continent.

Before, he had never encountered any demonic energy near the Galaxy City.

The concentration of this demonic energy is much higher than the concentration of demons invading Yuanxing in reality.

It is also much higher than the demonic energy that Lu Kong encountered in the Orion Novice Continent before.

Kanna loosened Lu Kong's collar, and Lu Kong floated beside her, looking around.

The area they were in was an extremely desolate plain.

There were no living creatures or plants around, as if it was a dead zone.

It should be affected by the demonic energy.

In one direction, there was a vast area condensed by demonic energy.

Lu Kong mastered the laws of space and could clearly feel that the space inside this area was abnormally distorted. It seemed that this area was incompatible with the game world, like a small space, attached to the game world, but it could appear.

This space was obviously abnormal, as if the small space was trying to merge with the game world.

Lu Kong thought: "Where is the Demon Realm?"

Kanna nodded and said: "Yes, this is the eighth Demon Realm of Galaxy City. It has appeared near Galaxy City for tens of thousands of years."

Lu Kong was a little surprised: "Is this Demon Realm so troublesome? It has been there for so long and has not been destroyed?"

Kanna looked at Lu Kong in silence: "How can it be so easy? The formation of the Demon Realm is because the Demon Realm opened a space gap, and demons and demonic energy poured into the game world from it. If you want to destroy the Demon Realm, you need to restore the space rift. After the birth of some Demon Realms, the space rift is not stable, and it will automatically recover after a period of time. Some are different. After the space rift stabilizes, how can it be so easy to recover? If nothing unexpected happens, it will take at least tens of thousands of years for the space gap in this Demon Realm to recover little by little."

Lu Kong frowned, his expression was a little solemn: "It actually takes so long?"

Kanna sighed and said: "Because as the demon battlefield in the south continues to expand, the influence of the Demon Realm on our universe is getting bigger and bigger. The game world is a buffer between the Demon Realm and our universe. As the influence of the Demon Realm grows, of course, more and more space rifts will appear. Even if the game world can be automatically repaired under the influence of the universe's will, the more space rifts there are, the longer the repair time will naturally be. In the end..."

Speaking of this, Kanna shook her head and didn't say anything more.

But Lu Kong understood what she meant.

When the loopholes continue to increase, although they can be restored at the beginning, after reaching the threshold, the entire game world will probably collapse.

Thinking of this, Lu Kong felt very heavy.

No wonder it is said that this universe has little time left.

The appearance of these space cracks is obviously also a very important factor.

Lu Kong sighed and stopped thinking about it.

With his current strength, it is useless to think about these things.

Kanna said: "Although the space cracks inside the No. 8 Demon Realm are stable, the strength of the cracks is limited. At most, it can only support demons of about level 6 to enter the Demon Realm. Therefore, it is now controlled by the gods of the Galaxy City and has become a place for training. There are many natives and players who enter the Demon Realm for training. For you, it is also an appetizer before going to the Demon Battlefield. Let's go, I'll take you to the entrance of the Demon Realm, where there is a defensive main city."

As she said, Kanna flew towards the wasteland below.

Seeing this, Lu Kong hurriedly followed.

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