In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 691 The Sword Light Connecting Heaven and Earth

Demon Suppression City.

Demon Suppression Army Headquarters, Scout Camp.

Ye Da, the Scouting Leader and other high-ranking officials who have no mission are all here.

After thinking about it, Ye Da still feels that he should tell others what Lu Kong said.

When they heard that the demons were gathering, all the high-ranking officials of the Demon Suppression Army frowned.

After all, the last siege had just ended not long ago.

The demons in the Demon Realm also suffered huge losses in the last siege, and now they are replenishing the number of demons.

Logically speaking, the demons should not gather a large army at this time.

After all, a small-scale siege is meaningless. Facing the defense of the Demon Suppression City, the demons are simply here to deliver food.

However, when Ye Da said that Lu Kong felt that this gathering was because of him, the high-ranking officials of the Demon Suppression City had different attitudes.

Some people think that although Lu Kong is a genius, he is a little too conceited.

The demon army gathered just to target a single person?

This is a bit funny.

But some people think that if it is unrealistic for the demon army to gather for the siege, then it may really be for Lu Kong.

After all, Lu Kong's talent is strong enough. With the understanding of the demons in various main cities, the demons must have a certain understanding of Lu Kong.

A genius who is almost certain to become a higher god in the future is indeed worthy of such a big move by the demons.

And Ye Da thinks that perhaps a strong man should be sent to support Lu Kong.

After all, if Lu Kong dies in the Demon Realm, it will be a loss to the entire universe.

Of course, many high-level people also hold different opinions on this issue.

Some people think that Lu Kong should be helped.

After all, dying in the Demon Realm is indeed a huge loss.

Others think that all this is caused by Lu Kong's own arrogance.

If he dies because of his arrogance, it is the price he should pay.

And only a sixth-level strong man can go to the Demon Realm.

It is impossible for a high-level strong man to take action in the Demon Realm and the Demon Suppression City unless it is absolutely necessary.

The semi-god-level strong man in the Demon Suppression City is just the last insurance.

The insurance to prevent the Demon Suppression City from being captured by the demons.

If the Demon City is captured by the demon army, the demigod-level warriors will kill all the demons and then notify the gods to reinforce the space defense, while also ensuring that the demons will not rush out of the Demon Realm in the chaos.

Once this step is reached, the Demon City is also ruined. If you want to build a Demon City again, the resources and time required are unimaginable.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is entering the Demon Realm or guarding the Demon City, it is carried out by players of level 6 and below and the indigenous people.

If a level 6 warrior is sent into the Demon Realm, then when the demon army really attacks the city, there will definitely be a gap in the defense force of the Demon City, which is an opportunity for the demons.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, the communication crystal rang, and Ye Da hurriedly said: "It's Minglege! Connect it!"

The communicator of the scout group immediately connected the crystal.

"Minglege? What's the situation?" Ye Da asked.

Minglege heard Ye Da's voice and came back to his senses.

He said quickly: "We found a lot of demonic energy in the northern rift area. If nothing unexpected happens, there should be a lot of demons gathered together. Lord Lu Kong put me outside the rift and rushed in by himself."

In the room of the scout camp, the air was quiet.

Ye Da was a little surprised and said: "...Mr. Lu rushed in alone?"

A demigod-level strongman couldn't help but frowned and said: "Lu Kong is too reckless! The demon army gathered, and there must be a lot of god template demons among them, and the level even reached the fifth level! Even if the low template demons are not a threat to him, the large number of high template demons are not something he can deal with alone, right?"

Another demigod-level strongman sneered: "Lu Kong has talent, but he is a little conceited. With such a character, even if he has strong talent, he may not be able to make it to the end in the future."

The other demigods frowned and said nothing.

One of the mad blood clan demigods said, "Ye Da, I think we should send strong men to help."

Ye Da shook his head: "It's too late. The northern rift area is far away from the Demon Suppression City. Even if a sixth-level person goes there, it will not be able to get there in a short time. By the time they get there, the battle may have been over."

The mad blood clan demigod frowned, then sighed and said nothing more.

Even he felt that Lu Kong's behavior this time was a bit reckless.

Just as they were communicating, Ming Liege said, "Deputy Commander, everyone, according to the request of Mr. Lu Kong, I plan to approach the battlefield and pass on the situation on the scene to you."

Hearing this, Ye Da and others were stunned.

Ye Da frowned and said, "Approach? How do you approach?"

Ming Liege is not a strong man. Although he is an assassin, he has no chance to approach the strong men in the demon army.

Ming Lieg: "...Lord Lukong gave me a lower god-level invisibility scroll. As long as we don't get too close, there shouldn't be any problem."

Ye Da: "?"

Other demigods: "???"

Everyone had question marks in their heads.

In order to report the situation, he directly gave me a lower god-level scroll?

They said it was difficult to understand Lukong's train of thought.

Lower god-level!

This level of scroll is a life-saving trump card for geniuses!

Just gave it like that?

Just when they were confused, Minglige had already used the scroll and began to quickly approach the area with dense demonic energy.

Just as he approached a distance, a violent roar sounded.

Minglige felt that the entire rift was shaking, and there was a scarlet sword light gushing in the distance. The rift in front of him was completely broken, and the area within a radius of thousands of kilometers seemed to be shaking under the sword light.

Minglige felt the powerful sword light and his legs were a little weak.

He widened his eyes and looked at the scarlet light that slowly dissipated in the distance with a look of horror.

...What the hell was that just now? !

Is this how a fourth-level battle works? !

Ye Da's voice rang out from the communication crystal: "Minglige, what was that sound just now? Has the battle started?"

Minglige swallowed his saliva: "...I, I think so."

"Very good, the projection permission will be enabled here, you use the communication crystal to enable the projection permission, let's see the situation on the scene."

Minglige's mouth twitched: "...Deputy Commander, I'm still a long way from the battlefield, and I haven't seen the battlefield yet."

"Huh? Didn't you say that the battle has already started?"

Minglige opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He hurriedly said: "I will enable the projection permission now!"

As he said, he turned on the projection and transmitted everything he saw to the scout camp.

Minglige, who had just turned on the projection, saw that a series of scarlet sword lights quickly emerged in the distance, and the sword lights became more and more, from dozens to hundreds, and then to thousands.

In the end, the sword light seemed to turn into a stone pillar, connecting the sky and the earth together.

The violent sword wind raged, and all the rift valley walls were wiped out and turned into powder wherever it passed.

Ming Liege in the distance trembled: "..."

Ye Da: "..."

Other high-ranking members of the Demon Suppression Army: "..."

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