Hearing this, the three of them were startled.

"Demonized tiger? We haven't encountered one yet." Wang Bing said slowly.

Lin Yingying and Liu Qiang also shook their heads, indicating that they had not encountered one.

Lin Yingying smiled and said, "I will notify the people in the Player Processing Bureau. If anyone has encountered a demonized tiger, I will tell you, my godfather!"

Liu Qiang and Wang Bing also expressed their interest.

Lu Kong smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll trouble you."

This is the benefit of connections. If he was asked to find it alone, the entire Silver Moon Village is so large, even if he rode a demonized wild wolf, he didn't know how long it would take.

If there are other people to help find it, it will be much easier.

"By the way, I plan to do a task next. I'm afraid I will need someone to trade equipment at that time. You can arrange someone to come and take over."

Lin Yingying's eyes lit up: "Can we go by ourselves?"

Liu Qiang and Wang Bing also looked at Lu Kong eagerly.

This copy has only been played for more than ten minutes.

The experience they gained was much higher than before.

If they could go monster hunting with Lu Kong, they would definitely level up faster!

Lu Kong was full of black lines: "What are you thinking? There is no way in the dungeon. It takes a long time for me to run out every time. You can only enter the dungeon in a team. You don't need to form a team outside, you can run around."

Lin Yingying and the other two were all dejected and very disappointed.

Originally thought they could follow Lu Kong to get experience.

Wang Bing said: "Okay, I will arrange for Jiang Su to continue trading with you, godfather."

Liu Qiang said that he would still arrange Li Mu to go with him.

As for Lin Yingying, she blinked and looked at Lu Kong expectantly: "Godfather, where are you going to do the task? I will also go to the nearby monster hunting, and I will go there to get the equipment myself."

Lu Kong was full of black lines: "You are not going to level up by yourself? Such a good talent, it would be a waste if you don't level up well."

Hearing this, Wang Bing and Liu Qiang looked at Lin Yingying in surprise.

Lu Kong actually called her a very good talent, which means that Lin Yingying's talent is indeed excellent.

Liu Qiang suddenly felt more pressure in his heart. This little girl is proactive and talented. Will the good son-in-law not be unable to bear it?

Liu Qiang now hopes that Lu Kong can quickly reach level 10 and leave the Novice Village.

In this way, they can separate.

And when his two precious daughters leave the Novice Village and compete face to face, Liu Qiang is still very confident in his precious daughters.

Lin Yingying was a little disappointed when she heard this: "Oh... Then I will level up nearby and let someone trade with me when the time comes!"

Lu Kong shrugged: "It's up to you. I'm going to the Land of the Dead in the north of the village to do a task next."

The three of them were confused about the Land of the Dead and had no idea about it.

However, they still knew the direction of the north of the village.

Lin Yingying nodded, smiling, and said that she would go to the north of the village to kill monsters and level up next.

Liu Qiang and Wang Bing naturally had their own things to do.

The four chatted and soon left the dungeon.

As soon as they walked out of the dungeon, Wang Bing and the other two felt jealous eyes.

All three of them were startled.

When they saw that they were the eyes of high-end players outside the dungeon, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Bing looked up and laughed with a proud face: "These people are just envious! Envy that I can get rewards with my godfather!"

Liu Qiang said expressionlessly: "Don't say it, healing potion."

Wang Bing: "?"

He was immediately pierced through the heart and fell silent.

Lu Kong smiled: "Then I'll go first."

"Goodbye, godfather!" Lin Yingying smiled and waved to Lu Kong.

Wang Bing and Liu Qiang also said goodbye to Lu Kong.

Lu Kong rode on the demonized wild wolf and ran towards the north of the village.

Riding on the tall demonized wild wolf, wearing a heavy and ferocious little devil suit, with a scarlet cloak flying, Lu Kong looked like a general on the battlefield.

This made Lin Yingying look like a fangirl: "As expected of you, you are my godfather, so handsome!"

Liu Qiang glared at Lin Yingying and turned away.

As for Wang Bing, he was still silent.


The environment in the north and east of the village is different. There is a river not far from the entrance of the village.

There is a wide wooden bridge on the river.

After crossing the wooden bridge, there is a large wasteland, and further away are hills composed of small hills.

The hills are mostly covered with gravel and weeds, which look far less lively than the east of the village, but rather very dilapidated.

There are still many players of lower levels spawning monsters in the wasteland.

But after entering the hills, it is the area of ​​monsters above level 5, and there are very few players here.

Lu Kong understands that most level 5 players are now going to the Little Devil Camp to spawn dungeons.

This is also a normal phenomenon. After all, there are elite monsters in the dungeon, and white items are bound to drop. If you are lucky enough to drop a green item, you will make a fortune.

The most important thing is that because the bosses in the little demon camp are all in the fortress, you can bypass the fortress and only spawn small monsters without alerting the bosses. There are many elite monsters outside, and there is a lot of experience.

Of course, it is more cost-effective to spawn elite monsters.

If it weren't for the fact that the little demon camp can only be spawned once a day, Lu Kong suspects that many players would probably stay in the dungeon and never come out.

The demonized wild wolf is very fast, and Lu Kong ran past them before the wild monsters reacted.

Soon, Lu Kong went deep into the hills.

After running for nearly half an hour, Lu Kong came to the monster that he encountered, which was already level seven.

The ground on the hills was becoming more and more desolate, and even rotten gray soil appeared.

After a while, Lu Kong saw a large piece of gray land in front of him.

There were many tombstones standing on these lands, and a large number of undead were wandering.

Lu Kong almost vomited when he saw these undead.

This game is really too real, and the five senses are not weakened. The smell of this place is sour and refreshing.

Moreover, the undead are just skeletons and zombies, with flesh and blood attached to them, and there are even maggots wriggling inside the flesh and blood.

Lu Kong saw a zombie with one eye hanging outside, and it was still shaking as he walked.

Lu Kong was numb.

A timid person would probably be scared to death if he fought monsters here.

Horror movies are not so scary, right?

Fortunately, Lu Kong's courage is still okay, and with his attributes, even if a ghost really appeared, he would have to take a few slaps before leaving.

Lu Kong threw a detection spell over.

[Silver Moon Skeleton (Elite)]

Level: 7

Life: 580

Attack: 40

Introduction: Originally a dead Silver Moon human, it was corroded by the power of the undead and turned into a skeleton.

Lu Kong's eyes lit up and he smiled.

It turned out to be another elite monster.

This means good stuff.

So happy.

Lu Kong immediately started to do the same as before, clicking on the drop list, selecting equipment, skill stones, attribute stones, etc.

Although the level of monsters such as Silver Moon Skeletons and Silver Moon Zombies has reached level 7 or even level 8.

But it still couldn't break Lu Kong's defense.

Lu Kong easily attracted more than a dozen monsters, and then swept them all down.

After that, he picked up things and continued to select drops.

Level 7 and 8 elite monsters have a lot of experience.

Lu Kong finally reached level 8 when he was playing the dungeon just now.

But even if he is playing level 8 elite monsters now, and it is a group of them, Lu Kong's experience bar is still moving at a snail's pace.

Even he had such a hard time upgrading, how long would it take for an average player to reach level 10?

This crappy game is really hard to play.

But he thought about it, this game is linked to the attributes of reality after all.

It is outrageous that a person can become extraordinary in ten days and a half months.

Lu Kong brushed all the way, and soon his backpack was almost full.

Fortunately, Jiang Su, Li Mu and the people called by Lin Yingying had followed the map.

The trouble is that the level of the monsters on the map is a bit high.

But they are all wearing green equipment, so it is no problem to fight ordinary monsters that are one or two levels higher.

As for the elites in the land of the dead, Lu Kong has cleared them all, so they don't have to worry.

As time passed, Lu Kong pushed forward and killed all the elite undead he could see.

He didn't forget his mission, looking for bone-eating grass.

Unfortunately, there is no bone-eating grass in the land of the dead, not to mention the weeds, it is a completely lifeless place.

Lu Kong didn't even know where to find the bone-eating grass.

At this moment, Lu Kong saw a gray-white stone tomb in front of him. The door of the tomb was wide open, and two skeleton warriors wearing armor stood beside the door.

He widened his eyes in surprise.

It seemed that these skeletons seemed a little different.

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