In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 738: The Devil's Lair on the Glacier Planet

A few minutes later.

Qiming appeared on the satellite of Yuanxing.

Lu Kong looked at the satellite through the window, and all the craters on it could be seen clearly.

This was also the first time he saw the scenery of a satellite surface at such a close distance.

Lu Kong controlled Qiming to continue to go to the nearby planet.

Yuanxing is the only life planet in this galaxy. The size of the neighboring planets is several times larger than Yuanxing, but the environment on them is very harsh.

There are red wastelands everywhere, and the strong winds are raging on the wastelands, sweeping out many tornadoes.

Lu Kong drove Qiming over the surface of this planet, and the wind and sand fell on the planet's shell, and a slight sound could be heard inside.

However, the planet's shell uses a new type of synthetic metal, which is hard enough to be suitable for most planetary environments.

If it were on Yuanxing, such an environment would be called a natural disaster, but for Qiming, it was just a little bumpy during the flight, and there was no substantial impact.

Just as Lu Kong was flying, Xu Xi's voice came from the communication.

"Chairman Lu Kong, are you on Hongyan Star now?"

This communication uses the latest quantum communication technology, and the range has exceeded the entire star system. Moreover, because it is quantum communication, the information is instant no matter how far away.

Lu Kong nodded and smiled: "Yes, I am on Hongyan Star now."

There was a noisy sound on the other side of the communicator.

Xu Xi suppressed his excitement and said: "Your Highness Lu Kong, according to our data, the Qiming is all normal. I wonder how your situation is?"

"Everything is normal here."

Cheers came from the other side of the communicator.

The Qiming flew for nearly an hour, and everything was normal during the flight. It has even flown to the surface environment of other planets.

If nothing unexpected happens, then this flight test is completed.

The Qiming can be put into use and even mass-produced!

With mass-produced planetary aircraft, they can go to other planets in the galaxy to open up resources.

For example, Hongyan Star contains a huge amount of rare earths, silver ore, iron ore, etc.

Lu Kong just smiled at the cheers from the communicator, not surprised at all.

After all, after so long of research, the results came out, of course it is worth celebrating.

Lu Kong didn't talk much, he planned to go to a farther place to have a look.

The galaxy where Yuanxing is located is not large, with only six planets in total. Yuanxing is located on the third planet in the solar system.

Going out, after flying for a few hours, Lu Kong passed through the empty vacuum, passed through the asteroid belt, and saw comets in the vacuum.

Soon he arrived at the edge of the galaxy.

The outermost planet of the galaxy is very huge, with pale rocks all over and covered with a lot of ice. That's why this planet is called Glacier Star.

The surface of the planet is covered with thick ice fog, which makes the whole planet look a little fairy-like.

In terms of environment, it is better than the other planets.

Lu Kong plans to take a closer look.

However, when Lu Kong approached the Glacier Star, he saw black fog floating in the depths of the ice fog.

This fog is too familiar to Lu Kong.

He immediately frowned, and his expression became more solemn.

Demonic energy?

How could there be demonic energy in this ghost place?

Isn't the demonic energy invasion in reality aimed at Yuanxing?

Lu Kong never thought that there would be traces of demonic energy on other planets besides Yuanxing.

He thought about it and directly stopped the Qiming in orbit outside the planet.

Then, Lu Kong left the Qiming, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the direction of the demonic energy.

The reason why he didn't drive the Qiming to the demonic energy area was that he was a little worried that if there were demons in the demonic energy area, the battle might destroy the spacecraft.

If that was the case, he could only fly back, which was too tiring.

The temperature inside the planet was extremely low, basically below minus fifty degrees.

The breath Lu Kong exhaled condensed into ice crystals almost instantly.

The air on this planet was completely different from that on Yuanxing, and it was not suitable for human survival.

Of course, this was relative to ordinary people.

With Lu Kong's current physique, he could do whatever he wanted in the vacuum, let alone on the surface of the planet.

His speed was extremely fast, passing through the ice fog area and quickly approaching the location of the demonic energy.

The closer he got to the demonic energy area, the denser the demonic energy hidden under the ice fog became.

Lu Kong's mental power could clearly feel that the concentration of the demonic energy in front was quite high.

Although it was not as high as the concentration of the outer area of ​​the Demon Realm in the game, it was much denser than any demonic energy invasion phenomenon that appeared on Yuanxing.

His expression became more and more solemn.

In such a dense demonic environment, there would probably be at least fourth-level demons.

He thought about it, landed directly, and then moved from the surface to avoid disturbing the demons in the demonic energy.

Soon, Lu Kong came to the center of the demonic energy.

When he saw the scene in the center, Lu Kong couldn't help but widen his eyes.

In front of him was a huge glacier pit with a large number of buildings in the pit.

These buildings were all black, emitting a trace of demonic energy. Some buildings were still burning with black smoke. Lu Kong could vaguely see clusters of green flames through the buildings.

A large number of demons of various kinds were moving back and forth in these buildings.

Lu Kong saw that there were probably more than 100,000 demons.

This number might be very small in the game.

But in reality, especially for a planet like Yuanxing that has only been in the universe game for about two years, it is almost unimaginable.

A thought flashed through Lu Kong's mind.

The demonic invasion of Yuanxing seems to indicate that the demons will appear not only in the Yuanxing range, but also in the entire galaxy.

This means that all planets, asteroids and other areas in the entire galaxy may experience this situation!

His mental power sensed that the most powerful of these demons should be around the fourth-order emperor template.

This strength is not strong, but it depends on what it is compared with.

If there is no Lu Kong, a normal novice race, with two years of growth, I am afraid that the strongest may not be able to reach this level.

That is because these demons may not have the means to go to Yuanxing. If they go to Yuanxing, it will cause great unrest.

Of course, it is not ruled out that these demons are more insidious and want to accumulate strength in areas far away from Yuanxing. When they have enough power to destroy Yuanxing, they will go to Yuanxing.

Lu Kong took a deep breath and felt a little fortunate.

Fortunately, he discovered this phenomenon in advance.

Otherwise, there might be some trouble in the future.

As for now...

A cold look flashed across Lu Kong's eyes, and he instantly appeared in this special demon's lair.

The passing demons saw Lu Kong suddenly appear at the first time, and all the demons were stunned.

Before they could react, the scarlet light swallowed them.

When the light dissipated, the entire deep pit was more than doubled, and the buildings inside had completely turned into ruins. As for the demons, they all became corpses.

Lu Kong took a deep breath, but was still a little worried. He continued to spread his mental power and investigated the surface of the planet.

After confirming that there were no other demon gathering places on the Glacier Star, Lu Kong returned to the Qiming.

As soon as he returned to the Qiming, Lu Kong heard a somewhat anxious call from the communicator.

"Chairman Lu Kong! Chairman Lu Kong, are you still there?"

"Chairman Lu Kong received, please reply!"

"Lu Kong, what are you doing?"

Lu Kong then remembered that he had not told anyone else when he left the Qiming.

Lu Kong took a look at his private chat, and sure enough, Xia Yan and Alice had sent him private messages.

But he was busy just now, so Lu Kong didn't see it.

Lu Kong smiled and said, "I'm still here."

The other party was obviously relieved.

"Lu Kong, why didn't you reply suddenly? Not even a private message!" Xia Yan said angrily, "You make me worry."

"I will definitely reply next time. By the way, I have a discovery here."

Lu Kong's expression was serious, and he planned to tell others about these demon nests.

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