In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 744 Sunshine in the Demonic Realm

Outside the Demon Realm Core, the scene of the Devouring Demon God's clone breaking apart petrified all the demon leaders.

They originally thought that this would be the time of Lu Kong's death.

But they didn't expect that even the Devouring Demon God's clone at the peak of the seventh level was not Lu Kong's opponent.

And with the death of the Devouring Demon God's clone, Lu Kong's aura soared several times.

At this moment, Lu Kong was just standing there, and the demonic energy in the sky was blown away, and a faint yellow sunlight appeared in the sky.

From the birth of the Demon Realm to the present, this is probably the first ray of sunlight that has entered the Demon Realm.

Under the sunlight, the demon leaders looked ferocious and frightened.

The Blood Bone Demon Leader, who was in the lead, roared, as if he wanted to say something, but the next moment, the galaxy swallowed all the demon leaders.

Because these demon leaders said they wanted to surround Lu Kong, this put them very close to Lu Kong.

They were completely within Lu Kong's attack range.

In this way, a galaxy of anger was enough to swallow all the demons.

Even the seventh-level peak upper god-level demon commander was vulnerable to the attack after the superposition of the Devouring Demon God's clone attribute.

After the attack, a bottomless pit appeared on the ground, and all the demons turned into ashes, leaving only a bunch of dropped items floating in the sky above the pit.

Lu Kong picked up all the dropped items casually, and then looked into the distance.

There were a lot of demons below the demigod level.

This was all experience for Lu Kong!

"Hehehe, if you want to blame someone, blame you for being demons!"

Lu Kong rushed over with a grim smile and started killing.

These demons are almost the sum of all the demon nests in the periphery, and the number is in the tens of millions.

When Lu Kong killed these demons, it took him a long time to pick up the dropped items.

This is because his backpack is almost unlimited now, if he is asked to pick up things one by one.

He felt numb just thinking about it.

It takes time to decompose equipment!

Tens of millions of demons, plus hundreds of demon commanders and great demon commanders, and a Devouring Demon God clone.

Although most of these demons are at level six, they are more numerous.

After killing this group of demons, Lu Kong's level soared by two levels, reaching level 63.

However, Lu Kong was not satisfied with this upgrade speed.

If it was the level 50 stage, with so many demons, it would be normal for him to upgrade four or five levels.

It can only be said that the experience bar has increased again.

If this batch of demons were all level seven, it would be better, and it should be able to upgrade one more level.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Kong looked at the core area, and his smile gradually became perverted.

The ones he encountered just now were all demon commanders, and the other demons were in the outer demon nests.

There should be a group of level seven demons in the core area.

Lu Kong rushed directly to the core area.


Not long after Lu Kong left, a group of figures approached quickly.

They were several adventurers with strong auras, all of them were at the peak of level seven, and their templates were all above the god level.

These adventurers were recruited by the Demon Suppression Army and came for the roar of the Demon God's clone.

Their expressions were very serious, their bodies were tense, and they were always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

After all, although they were all seventh-level peak divine template characters, they were definitely top-notch in the entire No. 4 Demon Realm.

But they were facing the Demon God's clone, which was also a huge threat to them.

If it weren't for the generous rewards given by the Demon Suppression Army this time, I'm afraid no one would be willing to take the risk to come and explore.

Of course, in addition to these adventurers, the Demon Suppression Army also had top-level seventh-level peak strongmen to investigate.

They followed the remaining breath and carefully came to the area where the previous battle took place.

When they saw the bottomless deep pit with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, they all widened their eyes and looked shocked.

And when they saw the faint sunlight above the deep pit, they seemed to stop breathing.

Among them, the strong men of the Demon Suppression Army murmured to themselves: "...What happened here?"

The other strong men also looked at each other.

They couldn't understand what kind of power could achieve this level.

Is the seventh level really possible?

Or is it the Holy Spirit?

But this Demon Realm No. 4 can only accommodate the existence of the seventh level at most, how could the Holy Spirit appear?

After a long silence, an adventurer said faintly: "...Speaking of which, how should we report this situation?!"

The adventurers looked confused.

They didn't even know what happened. Where did the Demon God's clone go?

Where is Lu Kong?

The Demon God's clone was clearly calling Lu Kong's name, but Lu Kong also disappeared.

This is very embarrassing.


At this moment, Lu Kong has already penetrated into the core of the Demon Realm.

The attribute bonus brought by the endless battle lasted for half an hour.

During this half hour, Lu Kong felt that he could do anything.

The attributes of the clone that devoured the power of the Demon God were too high. These attributes were superimposed on Lu Kong, and you can imagine how strong he is now.

Just with mental power, Lu Kong's detection range has increased several times.

In fact, if these attributes were not his own, he felt that he could probably condense his soul directly.

However, even so, this several times greater mental power detection range also allowed Lu Kong to easily hunt demons in the core of the Demon Realm.

Wherever he passed, no matter how well the demons hid, he would catch them and kill them.

Because there was no interference from the demon leader, Lu Kong was like a gust of wind, unstoppable.

Half an hour later, Lu Kong had cleared nearly half of the entire Demon Realm Core.

As the attribute bonus disappeared, Lu Kong felt a little empty.

He couldn't help but sigh, his strength was still a little lacking.

He continued to sweep the Demon Realm Core.

Because of the weakening of the attribute, his mental power detection range dropped sharply, which made the next detection much more difficult.

It took half a day for Lu Kong to kill the remaining demons hiding in the Demon Realm Core.

When all the demons in the Demon Realm Core were cleared, Lu Kong's level reached nearly one-third of level 63, and there was still a distance from upgrading.

Mainly because the number of demons in the core area was a little small, even less than one million.

The area that Lu Kong finally explored was the core of the Demon Realm, which was the area of ​​the space rift.

As a magic domain with a maximum limit of level 7, the size and range of the space rift in the No. 4 magic domain are similar to those in the No. 8 magic domain, but the degree of space distortion is several times higher.

Lu Kong tried to use the space law to accelerate the space recovery of the game world.

The result was very weak.

Obviously, the low-level space law is difficult to effectively recover the space rift with such a high degree of space distortion.


Lu Kong remembered that he is now at level 6 and can try to repair the space rift in the No. 8 magic domain.

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