In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 748: Collapse of Space Cracks

Lu Kong didn't go to Demon Realm No. 5 right away.

Although there are signs of war in Demon Realm No. 5, the war hasn't started yet, right?

Lu Kong plans to go to Demon Realm No. 9 first, improve his strength, and then go to Demon Realm No. 5.

Demon Realm No. 9 is located in the southwest of Galaxy City, far away from Galaxy City.

Fortunately, Lu Kong is very fast now. It only took him more than half a day to travel. He changed directions from time to time along the way, but he still rushed to Demon Realm No. 9.

Considering the uncertainty of the situation in Demon Realm No. 5, Lu Kong didn't rest. After entering Demon Realm No. 9, he went directly to Demon Realm.

Lu Kong didn't even choose to let Ye Lan and others find friends to buy the location of the demon's nest.

He found that as long as the news of his appearance in the demon's nest spread, it wouldn't take long for all the demons in the demon's nest to run as fast as rabbits.

Lu Kong might as well use his mental power to explore, find it all the way, and then rush directly to the core area.

Lu Kong's current mental power detection range is OK, plus he can ride his beloved Red Flame Fire Eagle outside, so his speed is not slow.

It took almost half an hour for Lu Kong to find a demon's nest.

He rushed into the demon's nest with a grin.

The demon inside was covered by the starry sky before he could see Lu Kong clearly.

He found that the group attack skill of Star River Fury was good for clearing small monsters.

Of course, for Lu Kong, the current sixth-level demon commander and great commander are also considered small monsters.

After clearing one, Lu Kong picked up the things and continued to search.

In two hours, Lu Kong found three demon nests, all of which were sent to the sky by him with a Star River Fury.

After that, Lu Kong found another demon nest with strong demonic energy, but when he went in, all the demons inside had run away.

Obviously, the demons had found that something was wrong and started to run away with buckets.

Lu Kong was helpless, these demons were really smart.

After another hour, Lu Kong came to the core area.

This time, there were no demons in the outer circle of the core area. Lu Kong went deeper and deeper until he approached the space rift, where he felt the breath of a large number of demons.

The breath of these demons was more than Lu Kong had imagined.

Obviously, the demons in the No. 9 Demon Realm had already begun to gather their strength as soon as they noticed Lu Kong's appearance.

The concentration of demonic energy in the space rift area was the highest, and it had the greatest improvement on the demons.

This was different from the previous two times.

The previous two times, those demon commanders relied on the gift of the demon god in their hands to look for Lu Kong all over the demon domain.

This time, they probably learned their lesson. Even if they had the gift of the demon god and could summon the demon god's clone, they still waited for Lu Kong to come to their home area.

Lu Kong's evaluation of this was: cowardly.

If he had the ability, he could bring the outer demons to trouble him all over the world like before!

What kind of ability is it to be so cowardly now?

Lu Kong cursed in his heart and approached the space rift area.

In the distance, a large number of demons were located above the earth and the sky.

Among the demons at the front, four were extremely powerful, reaching the upper god template, and their level was already the peak of the seventh level.

Seeing Lu Kong appear, all the demons had no surprise on their faces, only solemnity.

The leading Blade Demon stared at Lu Kong with scarlet eyes, and said in a low voice: "You are here!"

Lu Kong was stunned and a little confused: "Why? Shouldn't I come?"

The smile on the face of the Blade Demon Commander was a little weird, and he said: "No, you are here at the right time!"

The next moment, he took out a statue in each hand, and the statue looked familiar to Lu Kong.

One was the statue of the Destroyer Demon God, and the other was the statue of the Devourer Demon God.

"Hehehe! The Demon Gods know that you are powerful and have made all preparations! This time, it is your death!"

The two statues absorbed the rich demonic energy and gradually turned into flesh and blood, becoming the Demon God clones.

The Destruction God clone flashed with destructive light, staring at Lu Kong and said, "Didn't expect it? I'm back again!"

The Devouring God smiled grimly and roared, "Lu Kong! I said, I will definitely eat you!"

The two demons rushed towards Lu Kong without any hesitation.

The other demon commanders and the great commanders also attacked immediately.

Because the concentration of demon energy here is strong enough, the strength of these demons has increased by about 20% to 30% compared to the periphery.

Especially the two demon clones, at this moment, just bursting out their breath with all their strength, causing the surrounding space to vibrate, and even the space cracks seemed to be unable to bear it.

When Lu Kong saw these demons rushing over, he also showed a grim smile.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect to get one free for one, good and good!"

He used the Death Fight immediately, aiming at the Devouring God clone.

However, the next moment, the Destruction God clone showed a sinister smile: "Since I already knew this skill of yours, how could I be unprepared?!"

The Destruction God clone and the Devouring God clone both had a dark black ring in their hands. At this moment, the ring had a glow, including the Destruction God clone.

Then, the Destruction God clone actually crossed the void barrier and entered the other dimension.

In the war field where the fight never ended, the Destruction God clone and the Devouring God clone stared at Lu Kong, their faces full of murderous intent.

"This time, one against two, let's see how you deal with it!" The Destruction God clone was in a violent aura.

The Devouring Demon God clone opened his big mouth on his belly, smiling evilly: "You keep using those god-level scrolls and potions! Hahaha, do you have enough potions and scrolls to support you fighting both of us at the same time?!"

Lu Kong smiled brightly: "How do you know it's possible?"

The Destruction Demon God clone and the Devouring Demon God clone both froze when they heard this.

Then, the two rushed towards Lu Kong at the same time without any hesitation.

However, Lu Kong was already covered by nine-color light.

Huh! !

The heavy sword fell on the Destruction Demon God clone with extremely violent power.

The Destruction Demon God clone flew backwards on the spot.

Lu Kong grinned at the two Demon God clones with ugly expressions.

"Laugh! Keep laughing! Hehehe, why don't you laugh?!"

"Lu Kong! You're looking for death!" The two Demon God clones were roared by Lu Kong's air.

They burst out with all their strength and rushed towards Lu Kong.

However, this had no effect on Lu Kong.

During this period, Lu Kong kept killing various demons, and he obtained too many potions and scrolls of middle-level and upper-level gods.

He used high-level goods, and there were quite a few of them.

In addition, Lu Kong's own strength was also improving during this period, so he could easily crush the two demon clones.

The battle lasted for a few seconds, and the roars of the two demon clones before death were heard.

Because this time, there were two demon clones in the war field where the battle never ended.

The attributes of the two demon clones after death were all superimposed on Lu Kong.

Lu Kong felt that he was almost invincible.

The first moment after coming out, a galaxy of wrath came directly.

The entire land of the demon domain seemed to shake.

The ground where the galaxy of wrath fell disappeared directly, and with it, the demons that were originally located there disappeared.

Just when Lu Kong was about to pick up something, suddenly, a series of crisp sounds like broken glass rang out.


Lu Kong's face changed, and he looked in the direction where the sound came from.

He found that the space crack, which was originally stable, was now twisting irregularly.

The entire crack seemed to be breaking.

Lu Kong was numb.

The force of the previous attack might have exceeded the space stability threshold of the space crack.

If it was farther away, the impact might not be so great.

But Lu Kong hit the face of the space crack directly. What's the difference between this and using a big move right in front of it?

It's over!

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