Inside the storm domain.

A huge elemental creature composed entirely of wind elements floated high in the sky.

There were a large number of concrete runes of wind laws around him.

A large number of gods who mastered the wind laws hovered around him, observing the runes.

The system announcement sounded, and the gentle breeze flowing around the Lord of Storms began to ripple, gradually turning into a violent wind.

The creatures around who were comprehending the wind laws also looked up at the sky of the storm domain.

"Close the rift..."

"Another space law controller has appeared!"

"Lu Kong, the genius who opened up the history of the universe? It turned out to be him? The talent of the space law controller this time is probably the highest in history."

The Lord of Storms thought: "Lu Kong... is it the creature that Filia knew? It's really predestined..."

The Lord of Storms chuckled, and his will passed through the endless void and came to the demon battlefield.

"Filia, leave this to Lu Kong."

Just after listening to the system announcement, Filia, who was still a little confused, suddenly appeared in the space in front of him.

There is a gentle breeze flowing inside the crystal.

However, Filia knows that once activated, this seemingly gentle breeze will turn into a bone-eroding gale, destroying all enemies.

Filia smiled slightly: "Yes, sir."

It seems that his investment in Lu Kong is still too little.

Filia plans to condense a few law crystals to give to Lu Kong.

Anyway, if the demons cannot be completely expelled from the universe this time and the channel to the demon world cannot be closed, then the universe will have no future.

If the universe has no future, then where is the future for their Wind Wings?

Why not take a gamble.

Bet on the survival of the universe and the continuation of their Wind Wings.


The dark realm, the core of the star realm, the land of fire...

All regions and masters have responded.

In contrast, the top gods and races in the universe have also made their own expressions.

"Lu Kong... is he from Yinhe City? It seems to be a small city under the Purple Thunder Region? Such a small place can actually produce such a monster."

"Go, that person is the future, go find him, and then grow and rise with him. Life or death, it's all your luck."

"Lu Kong's growth path may not be smooth. How should our race choose? How should we invest?"



Compared to the huge reaction of various forces, the humans of Yuanxing were not too surprised.

After all, for Lu Kong, isn't it normal to be notified on the system?

As for the significance of closing the cracks in the demon world, the people of Yuanxing haven't even entered Yinhe City yet, so naturally they don't know much.

Only Xia Yan and others in Yinhe City noticed the enthusiastic reaction of Yinhe City and could guess some of the situation.

And Lu Kong himself was happily checking the harvest this time.

It must be said that it was worth it for him to use up all the scrolls and potions that added attributes this time.

The harvest was still good.

Just the free attribute points alone, added up to 90 million points.

Ninety million, Lu Kong hadn't gotten so many free attribute points in such a long time.

As for gold coins, Lu Kong actually had quite a few in his hand, and he didn't have much idea about them now.

Anyway, he could get whatever he wanted, so gold coins were basically useless to him, and they were only useful for buying a house or something like that?

Perhaps it was because Lu Kong did something really big this time, and he was even rewarded with the Stone of Law!

You know, Lu Kong had wanted the Stone of Law for a long time, but low-level demons didn't drop it at all, no matter how high the template was, or even the demon clone, it wouldn't drop it.

Teacher Kanna had said before that it seemed that demons above the demigod level had a chance to drop it.

It was unrealistic for Lu Kong to kill the demon demigod.

He didn't have that thought.

But now, he got several through the system rewards.

There were five in total!

When Lu Kong was originally promoted, he was rewarded with one by the super-level transformation.

Now he has six Stones of Law in his hand.

I don't know if he can comprehend a law to a high level.

If he can comprehend the high level, then he will have the hope to learn the master-level skills, and using the master-level items will be even easier.

Lu Kong plans to count the harvest before trying again.

There are many treasure chests, including law treasure chests, normal treasure chests, and skill treasure chests.

What's outrageous is that there are several master-level treasure chests.

Among them, the law treasure chest has a low-level law, a mid-level law, and two treasure chests.

In this way, Lu Kong has two mid-level law treasure chests in his hand.

During this period, as his level increased, his mental power increased significantly.

When he reaches the peak of the sixth level, he should be able to comprehend a mid-level law.

This can be saved for later use.

Ordinary treasure chests, including a high-level god-level treasure chest and two master-level treasure chests.

Master-level treasure chest! This means that you can get origin-level items!

However, Lu Kong can't even use the master-level items now, so there is no need to think about the origin-level items. It's better to keep them for later when the level is higher.

The treasure chests of the upper god level can be opened when he reaches the peak of the sixth level.

By that time, he should have the hope of using the items of the master level.

Speaking of which, he still has 4 treasure chests of the upper god level in his hand, and with this one, there are a total of 5.

After the sixth level peak is opened, if he can get some things he can use, plus he has worked hard during this period to accumulate more attributes, skills and equipment.

Maybe then he will have the hope of passing the master-level advanced task.

Then there are skill treasure chests, 2 master-level skill treasure chests and 1 upper god-level skill treasure chest.

Skills are different from ordinary treasure chests. No matter what the level is, the skill books opened are the same.

Lu Kong just checked the drop list of the treasure chest directly.

First look at the upper god-level skill treasure chest. As expected, the first one is the master-level skill.

[War Frenzy (Master Level)]: Use the power of the law of war to make yourself and your allies fall into a war frenzy, greatly improve the attributes of yourself and your allies, and the power changes with the strength of the law, and you can fight against heaven and earth.

Learning requirements: upper god template, intermediate war law, mid-level god-level war skills at full level, 2000 points of divinity.


When Lu Kong saw the skill learning requirements, he was stunned.

Then he widened his eyes: "Huh???"

This learning requirement?

What the hell? !

It turns out that not all master-level skills require high-level laws to learn? !

It turns out that there are master-level skills that can be learned with intermediate laws?


Lu Kong was ecstatic. This learning requirement was relatively not that difficult.

Lu Kong carefully put the skill book away, and then checked the drop list of the other two master-level skill treasure chests.

As Lu Kong expected, the first one was an origin-level skill.

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