Ye Xuan chuckled and shook her head: "I gave you this Thousand-Change Mask, not because I want you to repay me. You don't have to feel that you owe me anything."

Ye Xuan believed that the reason why Lu Kong wanted to give her something was simply because the Thousand Transformations Mask was too precious and he felt indebted.

But Ye Xuan felt that she didn't lack anything, and what she lacked, how could Lu Kong, a sixth-level player, be able to get it?

However, this idea completely disappeared when Lu Kong took out a short dagger that looked like it was condensed from black mist.

"Is this...?!" Even with Ye Xuan's temperament, her eyes widened and her breathing stagnated at this moment.

This feeling is unmistakable.

Dominant level items! ?

And it’s a dark law weapon? !

But how could Lukong have such a treasure? !

This kind of treasure can only be possessed by dominant figures like the Lord of Darkness, right?

Even among high-ranking gods, Ye Xuan has never seen many possessing Dominator-level equipment, let alone vital weapons!

Well, Ye Xuan admitted that this was indeed something she desperately needed.

But Ye Xuan still struggled to look away from the dagger.

She took a deep breath, looked at Lu Kong, her dark eyes full of shock, and said, "I have to say, Lu Kong, you really scared me."

"Ha... Even I was almost controlled by desire. You'd better not take out this master-level item. After all, it's too precious."

Lu Kong felt a little funny for a moment when he saw Ye Xuan peeking at the dagger from time to time while talking.

Now Ye Xuan doesn't look like a high-ranking god, but more of a pyrotechnic.

He smiled and said, "This was originally intended to be given to you."

This is the evil elemental dagger that Lu Kong obtained before.

Originally, he planned to give it to Ye Xuan to hold on to his thigh.

He originally planned to find a suitable opportunity.

Is there any better opportunity than now?

After giving this evil spirit dagger to Ye Xuan, the relationship between the two became a little closer. Even if he really encountered any trouble in the future, he would be embarrassed to ask Ye Xuan for help.

Although Ye Xuan had already guessed what Lu Kong was thinking when she saw Lu Kong take out the dagger.

But when she heard Lu Kong personally say that he would give this master-level dagger to her, her heart still jumped involuntarily.

This is a domination-level weapon!

Countless brothers have killed each other for this kind of treasure. How come someone is willing to give this kind of treasure to her?

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then sighed: "Lu Kong, it's not that I don't want it, it's just that it's too precious. If you give this dagger to the Lord of Darkness or the Lord of Slaughter, I'm afraid they will be happy to protect you. ”

Lu Kong smiled: "His Royal Highness Ye Xuan is joking. I am a small sixth-level player, and I don't know the master-level big shot. Not to mention that for my safety, His Highness Ye Xuan, even the people who grew up with me The secret treasures are all given away, so I can’t be stingy.”

Ye Xuan shook his head: "Although the Thousand-Change Mask is precious, it is absolutely inferior to Dominator-level items."

Lu Kong smiled and said: "Isn't the demon battlefield going to be turbulent next? If your highness Ye Xuan has this dagger, your combat power should be greatly improved, and you can withstand the demon's attack. As you said, It’s all about the overall situation.”

Ye Xuan laughed angrily.

What she said before turned into a boomerang and hit her?

She pursed her lips, finally took a deep breath, took the dagger from Lu Kong's hand, looked at Lu Kong seriously and said, "I owe you a big favor. If something happens in the future, I, the Dark Night Clan, will do my best."

Wouldn't this be great?

Lu Kong felt happy in his heart and waved his hands repeatedly on the surface: "Your Highness Ye Xuan is too polite."

Ye Xuan let the dagger spin on her fingertips, glanced at Lu Kong and said, "If you treat me as a friend, just call me Ye Xuan from now on."

Lu Kong was a little surprised.

Better than expected.

This becomes a friend.

As a sixth-level player, he can be friends with a high-level god. I'm afraid there is no such treatment in the entire universe, right?

Of course, it is probably the only one in the entire universe that gives away a Dominator-level weapon.

Lu Kong stopped thinking and said with a smile, "Then I'll call you Ye Xuan."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly and said, "I'll leave first."

She tore apart the space casually and stepped into it.

As the space closed, Lu Kong let out a breath, sat back on the sofa, and then smiled.

It feels good to have a friend who is a high-ranking god, and I feel like I have a supporter.

Lu Kong originally started to count the harvest, but was interrupted by Ye Xuan's arrival, and now he started counting again.

This time I walked around a lot and cleaned up the demon areas No. 4 and No. 9.

Naturally, a lot of things fell.

Fortunately, my backpack is basically unlimited now, otherwise I would never be able to fill it all.

Because Demon Realm No. 4 and Demon Realm No. 9 are both demon realms with an upper limit of level seven, the demon templates in them are also slightly higher.

There were quite a few demons above the semi-god level template, which resulted in Lu Kong dropping tens of thousands of god-level items this time.

This is a god-level item!

You can imagine how rich the harvest is.

For items below the god level, Lukong focused on skill books, potion drawings, formulas, and guild building drawings.

He has no use for the others, so he can just throw them into the guild warehouse later.

There are thousands of skill books below the god level.

However, these skill books are for various professions, and the warrior profession has only a little over a thousand.

And many of these skill books are repeated.

After all, they are all dropped by several demons.

There are only a little over a hundred skill books in total.

And most of these skill books were learned by Lu Kong before.

There are only about ten books that he has not learned.

These ten skill books are basically basic skills. Lu Kong is not very useful in combat now. After learning them, it is to prevent the learning conditions of advanced skills from having this skill in the future.

Only one of the skill books made Lu Kong very concerned when choosing to drop.

[Bullet Time (Legend)]: You will focus all your attention and enter a special bullet time state. In this state, all your speeds are +1000%, and the skill cooldown time is reduced by 1%, the duration is 1 minute, and the cooldown time is 30 minutes.

Learning requirements: All professions, level 6, lower god template, 20,000 speed, 20,000 intelligence.

Even if Lu Kong kills so many demons, this skill will only drop this one.

This skill is common to all professions, and what shocked Lu Kong a little is that this skill can actually reduce the skill cooldown time!

Although Lu Kong also has the skill that can refresh his own cooldown time, this is not refreshing his own cooldown time, but reducing the cooldown time of all skills!

This is a bit outrageous.

What surprised Lu Kong the most was that this skill was only at the legendary level, but it actually required a lower-level god template, and the attribute requirements were almost comparable to the demigod-level skills.

It is conceivable how special this skill is.

Lu Kong had previously guessed that this skill might be related to the time system, so it was so special.

Unexpectedly, his first time system skill was actually contributed by a demon.

Lu Kong once again felt that demons were actually quite good sometimes.

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