In The Whole World, I Have 50% More Rewards

Twenty-four gifts brought by Adjutant Qian


In the early morning, amidst Ling Qianhu's slogans, Zhao Gao and the others continued to practice sword and shield skills as usual.

As for Zhao Gao's sword and shield, Ling Qianhu brought in another batch of equipment today to update those who had worn out swords and shields.

Therefore, Zhao Gao also received a set for training.

After that, after the sword and shield morning exercises, it was naturally time for breakfast.

Of course, breakfast is also dry rice with side dishes.

For Zhao Gao and the others who are in training, if they eat some porridge or buns like in modern society, they will not feel hungry at all.

A lot of training and strenuous physical activity, as well as increasingly stronger physical fitness, will increase the body's consumption of material energy.

Therefore, Zhao Gao and the others eat rice for three meals.

Moreover, for Zhao Gao: "I would rather be choked to death by dry rice than starve by eating porridge."

After eating, the training of Black Stone Fist began.



Zhao Gao has always devoted a lot of energy to the practice of Black Stone Fist.

This is not only a fighting skill, but also the best skill for controlling body strength.

Moreover, he began to like this kind of skill that is full of men's violent aesthetics.

When resting, I often think about how long he needs to wait. To start: "Ola Ola Ola Ola!"

Or: "Woo big, big, big...!"

Of course, Zhao Gao just thought about it, if there were good weapons, who would use fists?

Solving battles with fists is something only masters can do. For a weak chicken like him, he should honestly use weapons to chop!

In this way, after training until noon and having lunch, the pair-catching training in the afternoon began again.

With Ling Qianhu's training order, Adjutant Qian will automatically find Zhao Gao.

"Here, use this to train with me." As soon as he came over, Adjutant Qian threw a large knife with a sheath in his hand to Zhao Gao.

"Pa" Zhao Gao caught the big knife, and the moment he took it, he directly felt that the weight of the big knife was not right.

He weighed it lightly, reckoning the weight of the big knife was already more than a hundred catties.

"Don't look, start sparring, if you can satisfy me, I'll give you this big sword!" Adjutant Qian began to urge Zhao Gao's novelty.

Hearing this, Zhao Gao was overjoyed: "Don't worry! Adjutant Qian, I won't let you down."

After speaking, Zhao Gao drew out his sword.

As soon as he took it out, Zhao Gao was pleasantly surprised.

When Zhao Gao held this all-black Wuhu Door Severing Knife in his hand, he could only vaguely judge that this big knife must weigh about one hundred catties.

Zhao Gao waved it casually, feeling that it was very suitable for him.

Holding the big knife, he finally felt the solid weight, not like a standard knife shield, but like thin paper.

"Bump~" Zhao Gao kicked his feet suddenly, raised his big knife and slashed at Adjutant Qian.

As soon as he arrived in front of Adjutant Qian, Zhao Gao only saw a cold light, and Adjutant Qian drew out his sword to block Zhao Gao's attack.

"铛~" The two knives collided, and the violent sound made people know that their strength is not simple.

As soon as he made contact, Zhao Gao drew his knife and walked away, slashing at Adjutant Qian again.

"Dang~dang..." The voice kept ringing.

The more Zhao Gao beat his heart, the more excited he felt, the feeling of the tip of a knife brushing against his skin.

It is dangerous, but also makes people secrete adrenaline continuously.

Zhao Gao's heart was pounding, his face turned red with excitement, and the unconscious joy in the corners of his mouth all indicated Zhao Gao's mood at the moment.

"Dang~" The moment Adjutant Qian blocked the attack again, Zhao Gao changed his move and turned the chopping sword into his own blade that was attached to Adjutant Qian's blade.

Then, following Adjutant Qian's blade,

Sliding and slashing at Adjutant Qian's hand holding the knife.

Adjutant Qian was taken aback, he didn't expect Zhao Gao to be so proficient in the application of saber techniques.

Before he had time to sigh, Adjutant Qian endured the sense of danger coming from his body, and took a step back, dodging Zhao Gao's combo.

Seeing Adjutant Qian's actions, Zhao Gao was overjoyed, and finally forced him out of the one-meter range. This was Zhao Gao's happiest thing at the moment.

He finally saw some strength of Adjutant Qian.

He doesn't know how much difference there is in attributes, but in terms of sword skills, he is not short of Adjutant Qian.

This made Zhao Gao even more excited, picked up the big knife, and continued to slash at Adjutant Qian with all his strength.

Every attack, every counter-shock force, every release of force made Zhao Gao quickly familiarize himself with the feeling in his soul.

The saber technique became smoother and smoother, the attack became more and more severe, and the strength became heavier and heavier.

The sound of "Dangdang..." could be heard endlessly. Adjutant Qian's feeding method allowed Zhao Gaoneng to use what he had learned even more.

The high-intensity fighting lasted until two hours later, when Adjutant Qian forced Zhao Gao back with one blow.

"Okay, let's stop here today!" After speaking, Adjutant Qian put the knife back into the scabbard, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and turned back to Ling Qianhu.

"Thank you, Adjutant Qian, for your guidance!" Zhao Gao hurriedly clasped his fists in thanks.

"Keep working hard! That knife will be stored with you first. If you slack off, I won't let you take it away for nothing!" Adjutant Qian said without turning his head.

"That may disappoint Adjutant Qian, and I will take it for nothing." Hearing Adjutant Qian's words, Zhao Gao said confidently with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After several days of fighting, Zhao Gao also guessed a little bit about Adjutant Qian and Ling Qianhu's thoughts.

Among other things, Zhao Gao already knew the arrogant nature of the two of them.

No matter what their purpose is, such relentless cultivation of them can prove that they are not that kind of cruel people.

As for the situation on the first day, Zhao Gao can only guess for the time being: to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys, and let them correct their mentality and tell them the cruelty here.

The most important thing is that those who were killed also committed suicide.


Shaking his head, Zhao Gao didn't think about it anymore, it's not worth it to hurt his brain cells for some dead people.

Pick up the scabbard and put the big knife in it.

Zhao Gao walked towards the wall, wiped the sweat off his face, lifted his armor, and let the cool breeze blow into his clothes.

As he walked towards the wall, Zhao Gao's body trembled unnaturally.

Zhao Gao is very familiar with this situation.

It happens after he gets emotional, or after a fight.

According to medicine, it is: the sympathetic nerve is excited due to emotional excitement, causing local muscle spasms or the heart rate increases when excited, resulting in abnormal blood pressure and other reasons.

No matter what it was, Zhao Gao didn't care, he only knew that the body trembled unconsciously caused by today.

It was caused by his excited mood and the sore muscles in his body after excessive use of strength.

In this case, Zhao Gao directly opened the system panel, added a little free attribute point to the spirit attribute and god attribute, and it was solved.

The feeling of swelling and pain when adding points will allow the body to clear up this little problem after adding points.

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