The strange phenomenon just passed, and a distant voice like a morning bell rang out from the sky.

"My dear friends, my son has awakened the sword spirit. I am sorry to disturb your practice. To express my apology, I will set up a small wine in Changfeng Pavilion in three days to apologize to all my old friends."

Ye Haotian also knew the person who spoke. It was Su Changfeng, the lord of Tianfeng Fairyland and the Tianfeng Fairy Emperor.

"Brother Changfeng, congratulations..."

"Congratulations, Tianfeng Fairyland is indeed a land of talented people. Su Lin has awakened the Blood-Crying Sword Intent at a young age. He has a bright future..."

"As expected of the son of the emperor of Tianfeng Fairyland, he has amazing talent. Congratulations. He will definitely arrive as promised in three days."

A series of flattery in the sky;

After a while, a golden card floated from the horizon and landed steadily in Ye Haotian's hand.

"Tsk, Su Changfeng, this old guy, this is not an apology, this is clearly showing off, this makes him so proud..."

Ye Haotian pursed his lips, with a face full of jealousy.

"You~ Isn't it just that his son has awakened the sword intent, and is a little stronger than our Qingcheng? Don't forget, his son is already four years old, and our daughter hasn't been born yet."

"If it doesn't work, talk to that old guy Changfeng and arrange a baby marriage for our Qingcheng. By then, won't it be our child?"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Qingcheng in her belly was not happy, and she performed a set of military boxing in her mother's womb;

What kind of cats and dogs can be engaged to her? In the Fengxian Realm, there are at least eighty people who have awakened the ancient sword intent, if not a hundred. I really don't like such guys.

"Oh~ Qingcheng stop, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."

Ye Lingshuang covered her belly and begged for mercy, but her face was still filled with a happy smile.

In her mother's womb, Ye Cangtian was even more angry. According to her parents, her sister's limelight was all taken away by that guy from the Tianfeng Fairyland. How could this be possible?

How can I, Ye Cangtian's sister, fall behind others?

Even if we don't make money, we have to fight for our dignity.

Looking at Ye Cangtian with an angry face, Ye Qingcheng panicked. She had already expected what her brother was going to do.

She kept praying in her heart;

"Don't...don' brother...please take back your magic power. I think there is nothing wrong with being behind others. Keep a low profile...we need to keep a low profile!"

But things went against her wishes. Ye Cangtian's temper came up, which was just one word, stubborn.

So, a seven-color sword-shaped seed came into Ye Qingcheng's body along the umbilical cord.

"Little sister, let the world feel what the real king's sword intent is."

The next second, a strong sword intent wrapped around Ye Qingcheng's heart, and then the boundless sword intent spread to all directions with Ye Lingshuang as the center like a wave of air.

"Not good~"

Ye Haotian was the first to notice the sharp sword intent, and covered Ye Lingshuang with a barrier in time to resist the spread of the sword intent.

The sudden sword intent was extremely powerful. If it hit a mortal, it would definitely be a body and head.

At this moment, a huge golden giant sword phantom appeared on Ye Lingshuang's body. After the phantom appeared, the nine realms shook, and all the sharp swords came towards the golden giant sword phantom, as if worshiping or offering sacrifices.

The golden clouds in the sky were panic, following Ye Qingcheng's heartbeat, flickering;

Looking at the various long swords piled up like a mountain, Ye Haotian was shocked;

Just now he complained that his daughter was not as good as other people's sons, and now there was such a big commotion.

"Haotian, Qingcheng has awakened something, do you know?"

Ye Haotian, who was familiar with ancient books, pondered for a long time and replied.

"If I'm not mistaken, what Qingcheng awakened this time might be the legendary Wuji Sword Intent..."

"Wuji Sword Intent?"

Ye Haotian nodded, and continued to speak like a teacher teaching a student.

"Wuji Sword Intent is more of a spiritual state than a sword intent. This state is not achieved through practice, but is innate. People with this state of mind are born with a 100% fit with the sword, which means that any sword magic weapon can exert 100% of its power under the effect of Wuji Sword Intent, and there are no restrictions."

"A person with Wuji Sword Intent is like a sword, and a supreme sword. Any sword must bow in front of him. Those so-called sword intents are not worth mentioning in front of Wuji Sword Intent."

"Let me tell you this, the old madman in the sword domain, if you have this Wuji

Sword Intention, even though he is only at the Saint King level, you and I may not be his opponent even if we join forces. "

Ye Lingshuang was stunned when she heard this. Even though she was invincible in the fairyland, she had never heard of such a perverted sword intention.

At this time, Su Changfeng, who should have been happy for Su Lin, covered his head with a look of worry.

As fairy emperors, they are not fools or blind. The strange phenomenon that appeared in Lingshuang Fairyland just now spread across the nine realms and even spread into the uninhabited area. It was more bizarre and wider than the celestial phenomenon that his son Su Lin had summoned. Someone must have awakened something more awesome than the Blood-Crying Sword Intention.

But his invitation It has been distributed. When the banquet starts, I will be the only one who will be embarrassed.

Touching Ye Lingshuang's bulging belly, the black-bellied Ye Haotian showed an evil smile.

He wanted Su Changfeng to find a rat hole to crawl into. Aren't you planning to hold a big banquet tomorrow to show off your grandson's awakening of the sword intent? Then I will also interfere.

So he imitated Su Changfeng and transmitted his voice in the air.

"I'm sorry, old friends. My daughter accidentally awakened the infinite sword intent. I'm sorry for making a big noise."

The four words "infinite sword intent" were particularly heavy in his words, and it was obviously showing off.

The immortal emperors were speechless. This Ye Haotian was really black-bellied. Su Changfeng just showed off his son, and you gave him an extreme slap in the face. It was really cruel.

"Infinite sword intent?"

"It is said that the infinite sword intent is the best of the best among the best sword cultivators. It is born with nature and can be encountered but not sought. "

"That's right. It is said that Wuji Sword Intent is the king of swords. Any sword intent will submit to her feet."

For a moment, all the immortals were silent. It seemed that this guy was specially awakened for the Blood-Crying Sword Intent.

This made Su Changfeng's old face red and white. The most important thing was that he would have a big banquet in Changfeng Pavilion after tomorrow. What was hateful was that he also invited the Ye family couple. If the Ye family couple came, who would pay attention to his son? Isn't this a typical case of making wedding clothes for others?

But if you don't let them come, you have already sent out the invitations, which is not justifiable. After all, they are all well-known immortal emperors.

Su Changfeng could only pray silently in his heart that the Ye family couple would not come tomorrow.

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