The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

In the vast no-man's land, a man and a woman seemed to be walking aimlessly.

The woman was charming and fragrant, and the man was upright and awe-inspiring. From time to time, the woman teased the man, causing the man to sigh.

"Eh~ Such a familiar smell..."

Xiao Yuxiu's nose twitched slightly, and she looked at Ye Cangtian in surprise.

Ye Cangtian spread his hands.

"You know this guy, he has disciples all over the world. Isn't it strange that he has disciples in Zixiaojie!"

Xiao Yu nodded, thinking that Ye Cangtian's words made some sense.

"Since we meet here, let's go and help him. After all, I am also the master of this kid..."

"Yes, I am also his master's aunt. Then I want to see who dares to bully my nephew. I will skin him alive."

Sure enough, not far away, poor Feng Qian was tied up on the grill by the demons in the no-man's land, as if he was treated as a sumptuous dinner.

"Hey~ Those ugly monsters, can you please give me the man on the grill?"

Xiao Yu twisted her willow waist and approached the green-faced and fanged demons.

With a blink of her charming eyes, several demons were instantly bewitched by her and obediently handed Feng Qian on the grill to Xiao Yu.

However, in the next step, Xiao Yu did not intend to let these ugly guys go.

"There are so many of you. Whoever wins, I can go with him!"

Then, several demons rushed into the crowd and started to kill like hungry wolves.

Ye Cangtian didn't say anything during the whole process. For him, the death of these ugly ants had nothing to do with him.

Feng Qian was covered with wounds at this time, and his immortal essence was sealed. It was obvious that he had been ruthlessly beaten before.

"Ye Cangtian? You saved me?"

When Feng Qian woke up slowly, he found that it was Ye Cangtian standing beside him, and he opened his mouth in surprise.

"Xiaoyu saved you, I didn't interfere!"

Ye Cangtian smiled, then took out a golden pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

The pill turned into a warm aura at the entrance, flowing along the tendons and veins, repairing his damaged body.

Feng Qian turned around and saw that there was indeed a beautiful woman with a peerless face behind him.

At this moment, Xiaoyu was looking at the gentle boy in front of him with a smile on her face.

"Little guy, call me Master Aunt!"

"Ah? Master Aunt?"

Feng Qian was confused.

"Have you practiced the technique I gave you?" Ye Cangtian asked. Feng Qian immediately became excited when he mentioned the technique. "Thank you, Brother Cangtian. That technique is so profound. I tried my best to comprehend it, but I have only reached the entry level." Ye Cangtian pointed at Xiaoyu and said. "She is from the same sect as the master of that technique, so it is right for you to call her Master Aunt." Feng Qian looked at the charming and charming Xiaoyu and called her Master Aunt with a red face. Xiaoyu was amazed at his talent. How old is this kid? He looks like he is only twenty years old. He has practiced the Zimu Forbidden Sutra to the entry level. He is even more amazing than his master Wu Nian. "Brother Feng Qian, why did you come to this no-man's land?" Ye Cangtian asked. "Hey~" Speaking of the whole story, Feng Qian sighed helplessly. "I was going to the Unmanned Abyss to seek help, but I was robbed by these demons on the way. If it weren't for the two of you, I would have died here."

"Ask for help? What happened in Chengluo Immortal Realm?"

Ye Cangtian was puzzled. After all, old man Fengtian was skilled in divination and knew the fate of his life. When it came to escaping, no fairyland in Zixiao Realm could compare to this old guy.

"A few months ago, a group of black-clothed men suddenly came to my Chengluo Immortal Realm. They were all immortal saints. The guardian beast of Chengluo Immortal Realm, the Golden Rui Lion Dragon Beast, died in battle, and the domain master was captured and imprisoned in the Thunder Purgatory in the unmanned area. I am the last hope of Void Mountain."

"Only by finding the immortal emperors guarding the Unmanned Abyss can there be a glimmer of hope to rescue the domain master, but I was robbed on the way. I am so useless."

Feng Qian pounded the ground in frustration.

"Isn't old Fengtian proficient in divination? Why didn't he predict that he would have this disaster?"

Ye Cangtian continued to ask.

However, Feng Qian shook his head.

"I am also puzzled by this matter, but the domain master once said that there might be something that does not belong to the Purple Sky Realm, blocking the Heavenly Dao;"

Ye Cangtian nodded, he had already guessed who this group of people were; how could they have such great ability to use something that does not belong to the Purple Sky Realm?

Things from the Zixiao Realm can block the Heavenly Dao. Except for the twelve heads of the twelve Immortal Saint level, no one in the Zixiao Realm can do it.

"These little mice are really making a fuss."

Ye Cangtian muttered to himself.

"Do you know who attacked my Chengluo Immortal Realm?"

Feng Qian looked at Ye Cangtian in surprise.

Ye Cangtian nodded.

"The Sword Realm was almost attacked by them before, but was beaten away by the Sword Emperor."

Ye Cangtian briefly introduced the situation of the Sword Realm.

"Sword Realm? The Sword Realm was also attacked!"

Feng Qian widened his eyes in disbelief. You must know that the combat power of the Sword Realm is not comparable to that of his Chengluo Immortal Realm. Take the Sword Emperor for example, he is already a half-step Immortal Saint. Even the two Immortal Emperors of Lingshuang Immortal Realm did not dare to face his edge, and they almost suffered from the poisonous hands.

"Okay, don't be so surprised. It's just a few petty thieves at the level of immortal saints. There's nothing to be afraid of. Let's go to Thunder Purgatory to rescue the Lord of Fengtian~"

Ye Cangtian stood up and said to Feng Qian.

Feng Qian opened his mouth wide.

[What do you mean by just a few petty thieves at the level of immortal saints! You look down on immortal saints too much. This is an unrivaled realm in the Purple Sky Realm! ]

"Ah? Just us?"

Feng Qian looked at Ye Cangtian in surprise;

He felt very complicated. He knew that although Ye Cangtian had many magical places, his cultivation was only at the entry stage. He couldn't be dreaming of challenging the immortal saints with treasures!

"What are you looking at~ Go quickly, your master is very powerful."

Feng Qian turned his head and looked at the beautiful woman next to him, muttering in his heart.

[No matter how powerful the master is, how powerful can she be? Can she withstand twelve immortal saints? ]

[Forget it~ Let's die! 】

Seeing the two of them walking forward, Feng Qian could only follow them with a sad face.


Thunder Domain, a naturally formed thunder purgatory, filled with nine-day thunder. Legend has it that this was once the execution ground of the God Realm. All gods who committed crimes would come here to be tortured by thunder. Even the high and mighty Immortal Emperor could not withstand the violent thunder here.

However, at this time, in the center of the Thunder Purgatory, above the Thunder Pool, an old figure was tied up in mid-air, allowing the thunder to strike. The man lowered his head, his hair was loose, and his robes had long been charred by the thunder.

"Brother, this Tongtian Divine Tree is really a treasure. It actually made this old boy Fengtian bear so much thunder power."

Twelve men in black surrounded Fengtian, pinching their hands to seal the seal, as if waiting to force some treasure out of Fengtian's body.

"This Tongtian Divine Tree is a necessary divine object for finding the way of heaven. I wonder how this old guy got lucky enough to get this treasure."

"Unfortunately, his good luck ends here!"

The leading black-clothed man showed a cruel smile.

"Ka La~~"


The dazzling thunder struck the old Fengtian in the air again.


Amid Fengtian's heart-wrenching screams, a golden sapling slowly rose from behind Fengtian.

"Boss... it's out!"

A black-clothed man pointed at the small tree and shouted excitedly.

"Quick... Binding Spirit Array... Combine~"

As the leading black-clothed man shouted, the remaining eleven black-clothed men changed their handprints, and the golden light tree floating in the air was firmly bound in the air by twelve black forces.


The leading black-clothed man waved his hand, and a chain directly pulled the small tree into his hand.

"Mission accomplished, retreat~"

Then the twelve men in black left the thunder zone without stopping.

Only the weak Fengtian was still bound on the thunder pool, waiting for the next wave of thunder.

Fengtian's old face looked up at the sky, with despair in his eyes.

"Hi~ Old Fengtian, long time no see."

Not long after, an extremely familiar voice came into the old man's ears.

"Ye Cangtian! Fengqian! How come you are here!"

Fengtian widened his eyes and looked at the boy outside the thunder pool in disbelief.

He can be said to have watched Ye Cangtian grow up. Although many inexplicable strange things happened to this child, his cultivation was indeed only at the entry stage, and he was a complete waste.

However, at this time, the waste emperor in his heart was now standing in the thunder purgatory, trying to save himself.

Seeing that Ye Cangtian was about to step into the thunder pool, Fengtian hurriedly called Ye Cangtian with a nervous look.

"Don't~ don't come in, this is a thunder pool, the power of thunder inside is a hundred times that outside, you will die if you come in!"

Although Fengtian didn't know why Ye Cangtian could stand in the thunder purgatory, he didn't want this child to waste his time in vain

It cost his life.

But Ye Cangtian just smiled and walked into the thunder pool like a leisurely stroll.

"Ka La~"


As if sensing the invasion of outsiders, the red thunderbolt struck Ye Cangtian's forehead.

But all the thunderbolts were blocked by a pink energy without exception.

Fengtian then discovered the charming beauty standing next to Ye Cangtian.

He swallowed his saliva, and could block the thunderbolt so easily.

No wonder Ye Cangtian could easily come to the Thunder Purgatory and step into the thunder pool. It turned out that he had such a master around him.

[Tsk~ Even if I don't use my magic power, I can still touch the master of this thunderbolt. 】

I saw Xiaoyu wave her hand lightly, and the chains that bound Fengtian broke with a sound.

"Thank you for saving my life~"

Xiaoyu didn't pay attention to Fengtian, but stood behind Ye Cangtian again.

"Old Fengtian, what did the Twelve Heads of State capture you for?"

Ye Cangtian was puzzled. This old man was only at the Saint King level, and he was not a beauty. The Twelve Heads of State must have taken great pains to capture him for some purpose.

"So they are the notorious Twelve Heads of State. No wonder they are all so powerful;"

Fengtian whispered.

"In my early years, I accidentally broke into a secret realm and accidentally obtained the sacred tree leading to the Heavenly Dao Palace, the Tongtian Sacred Tree. Therefore, I can use the power of the Heavenly Dao to predict worldly affairs; they captured me to use the power of thunder to force out the Tongtian Sacred Tree in my body. As for what they want to do with the Tongtian Sacred Tree, I think they are heading for the Heavenly Dao Palace."

Ye Cangtian thought for a moment and said in silence.

"Do you mean that their goal is actually Zixiao Tiandao?"

Fengtian nodded.

"That should be right!"

Ye Cangtian frowned slightly. Ever since Ye Cangtian forced Zixiao Tiandao to give half of Tiandao to Qingcheng, the weak Zixiao Tiandao has been sleeping in Tiandao Palace. Now there are enemies coming, and it is absolutely difficult for Zixiao Tiandao to deal with them now.

"Let's go! Let's go to Tiandao Palace."


Fengtian was a little confused. The Tongtian Divine Tree had been taken away. How could he go to Tiandao Palace? Do you have any other methods?

Ye Cangtian silently looked at Xiaoyu who was feeling uncomfortable.

"Humph~ Just ride it~ It's not like you won't ride it, but you can ride it, but you are not allowed to touch it."

Xiaoyu snorted at old man Fengtian;

Then a purple mist rose, and then a roar similar to a dragon's roar came from the mist.

A black jade Qilin appeared in front of everyone with a wronged look on its hooves.

The black jade unicorn was huge, and it could easily hold four people. Ye Cangtian climbed up.

The father and son of Fengtian were stunned. They had never seen the black unicorn so close before, and they were at a loss for a moment.

"Old man, what are you waiting for? Come up!"

Xiaoyu's voice came.

The father and son of Fengtian hurriedly climbed onto the unicorn.

"Hold on tight~"

Ye Cangtian smiled awkwardly. He knew that Xiaoyu's true identity would scare the father and son.

But the situation was urgent, so he had to let Xiaoyu reveal her identity.


A loud dragon roar resounded through the sky, and the black jade unicorn kicked down clouds and flew into the sky.

It rushed up all the way, and the black jade unicorn was extremely fast. In a flash, a magnificent palace was seen.

But this palace seemed to have been attacked by someone, and there were traces of burning everywhere.

Inside the Heavenly Dao Palace;

Poor Zixiao Tiandao was floating, obviously he had suffered a lot of damage, and the twelve heads of state in front of him were looking at him coldly.

"Hahaha~ I didn't expect that this Zixiao Tiandao was so rubbish, even without this trapped sky formation, I don't think it can escape."

The black-clothed Sagittarius looked at the Zixiao Tiandao who was at the mercy of others and laughed up to the sky.

"Okay, Sagittarius! Collect the Heavenly Dao Divine Tree quickly, so as not to have more dreams at night."

Aquarius frowned, his eyelids twitched, and he always felt that something was going to happen.

"Boss, you are too cautious. Only we have the Tongtian Divine Tree. Is there anyone who will come to kill us in the nine heavens?"

Sagittarius said with a sly smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, I told you to hurry up, so hurry up~ Otherwise, I will give the opportunity to absorb the power of the Heavenly Dao back to others!"

Aquarius shouted coldly with a gloomy face.

"Yes...Yes~ Let's get started!"

As the seal on Sagittarius's hand changed, Zixiao Tiandao's figure dimmed again, and then a crystal emitting colorful divine light slowly moved out of Zixiao Tiandao's body.

"Hey~ This is the Tiandao crystal, so beautiful!"

Sagittarius exclaimed.

The divine pattern was entangled on the Tiandao crystal, and the natural Tiandao rhyme was wrapped in it, which looked extremely gorgeous.

Under the wrapping of the formation, the Tiandao crystal slowly moved towards the horizontal seat.

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