Chapter 17 Mu Chen’s textbook-level cooperation

"Hahahaha, I almost forgot, our classmate Li is very pure and will not interact with ordinary people."

Cheng Rong's laughter made many people feel uncomfortable.

Zhao Pengfei stood next to Cheng Rong, naturally acquiescing to his new girlfriend's behavior.

Many people dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

How do Band A talent and S Level drivers compare?

In normal shooting classes and driving classes, Zhao Pengfei's results are also among the best.

The young master of a big family has been practicing since he was a child.

As long as you have some sense, you are not on the same level as a machine girl.

Fifth-generation motorcycles and seventh-generation SF mobile armored vehicles...

"It won't be embarrassing to admit defeat now. Everyone knows that you are a motorcycle girl. Just learn how to bark five times and the matter will be over."

Cheng Rong was even more proud when she saw that no one was helping Li Shiyi.

"Shiyi, let's... I'll learn how to be a dog..." Dong Manyan knew that the incident was caused by her, so how could he implicate Li Shiyi.

The other students next to him, as well as many people in the next class, were very angry.

Utana wanted to walk up, but was held back by a fellow foreign student.

"Hahaha, Dong Manyan, you tow truck, you better get out of here."

Disdainful of trailers? A hook will knock you over.

When the day comes when your car overturns and you can’t get up, you still have to call yourself a drag queen!

"Okay, let's compete." Li Shiyi looked at Cheng Rong with cold eyes.

"Hahaha, I'm here with Brother Pengfei. What about you? Oh, you can't deal with it as a machine girl, can you?" Cheng Rong said deliberately: "By the way, you are cooperating with that classmate from the E-band. , or let him come and help, don’t worry, I won’t let him bark like a dog.”

"Huh? Don't target me, classmate Cheng Rong."

Mu Feng was named, and he walked out,

Everyone looked at Mu Chen.

"Otherwise, if I lose, I will bark five times. But if Cheng Rong loses, not only will the dog bark five times, but the pig will bark five times too."

"Mu Chen said it well." Zhou Xia teased.

"Mu Chen is really here."

"Mu Chen, he really dares to get involved if something happens." Han Shuangyan nodded.

"Ah la ah la, it's getting interesting." Qin Feifei and the others were also watching.

Mu Chen stood next to Li Shiyi: "You owe me a favor."

Li Shiyi rolled her eyes at him: "Nothing."

The two exchanged eyebrows, which made Cheng Rong angry: "Okay, hahahaha, then it's a deal. If you lose, don't deny it."

Mu Chen came out to help and made many girls happy.

But there are many sensible people.

"Cheng Rong's team is too strong, and the winning rate here is almost zero."

"Yeah, the foundation is strong, there's no way it can be compared."

"At least we can't let Cheng Rong be so arrogant."

"Li Shiyi, come on."

"The principal is here."

Hearing the sound, everyone looked up.

Principal Wu had arrived a long time ago, and there were two people from the Science and Technology Hub standing next to her, her nephew and niece.

I thought she would stop it, but I didn't know.

"Just in time, Cheng Rong, Zhao Pengfei, Li Shiyi, and Mu Chen, the four of you are trying it out. The people at the hub still need power-on data."

Now it's fun, the principal is in charge.

"The simulation-linked fusion XP combat machine can provide simulation of all fifth- and sixth-generation weapons below S Level."

"And by turning on linkage fusion virtualization, the simulated linkage fit can reach 25."

The principal explained the power of the function.

Zhao Pengfei and Cheng Rong have gone to sit on the right side.

The instrument has a girl sitting in front of it, like driving a motorcycle.

Six connectors wrap around the arms and legs, and one at the waist.

The last one connects to the driver's waist.

Mu Chen is a higher rear position with almost the same movements.


Enter through the instrument bay door, and there is a closed space inside.

Cheng Rong's side is a white cabin, and Mu Chen's side... seems to have no lights on.

"This instrument is so inhumane. It's so dark how to choose a weapon." Mu Chen and Li Shiyi used the pulse to connect the light of the watch.

School Wu's voice came from outside: "The event you are practicing is to defeat alien beasts. There will be points for defeating them. You have three minutes to choose weapons. You can only choose four types."

All the robot girls and pilots looked at the big screen.

The simulation scene includes hills and lakes. From the main view, there are a large number of insect-level alien beasts, a few ferocious-level alien beasts, and Earth Level alien beasts.

Bernadette also came running.

inside the cabin.

"I use fifth-generation B-class pulse missiles." Li Shiyi clicked the switch.

"Then I choose the fifth-generation C-class pulse rifle."

"That thing is very heavy. If the density of the linkage is not maintained, it will be dangerous." Li Shiyi turned to look at Mu Chen.

The eyes seemed to say, we must win with speed.

"Small problem, I originally wanted to choose the B-class heavy artillery pulse rifle. I believe in my arm strength."

"Qilin Arm?"

"Huh?" Mu Chen coughed. It was not surprising that Qin Feifei said this word, but Li Shiyi.

Anyone watching can see the weapons chosen by both sides.

"What did Mu Chen choose here?"

"The first three are too weak."

"Fifth-generation B-class pulse missiles, fifth-generation C-class pulse rifles, fifth-generation C-class magnetic explosive grenades?"

On the other side, Cheng Rong and Zhao Pengfei all had sixth-generation weapons.

The sixth-generation A-class Jiaofeng Destroyer missile, the sixth-generation A-class offensive and defensive paint, the sixth-generation A-class pulse Scorpion cannon, and the fourth choice is the sixth-generation A-class Navigator multi-missile launcher.

Full of heavy firepower.

"Isn't this a sure defeat?"

"The firepower is not on the same level."

"You common people don't understand at all, you only know the numerical values. There is no problem with their choice. Li Shiyi is a motorcycle, heavy firepower and heavy recoil weapons are not good."

Bernadette snorted coldly: "Pulse weapons are the first choice. Secondly, most of them are insect-level and vicious-level beasts. The fourth and fifth generations are enough."

Qin Feng also said: "Although the power of the sixth generation is much greater, the buffer time is longer. Every weapon has its advantages and disadvantages."

"Look, what did Mu Chen and the others choose last? The sixth-generation A-level Windrunner spear? A melee weapon?"

"The simulator is fully started"

"Protective Field Expansion"

"Please note that if the simulation is damaged by more than 20%, the simulation will be stopped."

Mu Chen opened his eyes and appeared on the hilly slope, with a ten-second countdown in the sky.

Li Shiyi transforms.

Mu Chen immediately rode up, and on another hill, Cheng Rong also transformed into an SF mobile armored vehicle.


Cheng Rong just started and fired two Jiaofeng Destroyer missiles down the hillside.

The sound of the explosion is perfectly simulated, just like the real thing.

The seven or eight alien beasts were blown to pieces.

Rush down and strengthen the defensive paint, allowing Cheng Rong to have a thick deck and ignore the attacks sprayed by low-level alien beasts.

Use power acceleration to smash it into pieces.

Strength and domineering are vividly reflected.

On the other side, the light-chasing motorcycle was very fast. It rushed down and faced the alien beast, moving in an S line at high speed.

They all just passed by, and they didn't dare to collide at all.

"Hahahaha, that's so shameless." Cheng Rong laughed out loud when she saw Li Shiyi's movements in the distance.

But the next second.

Boom boom boom boom... a series of explosions.

All the strange beasts Mu Chen and the others passed by exploded one after another.

The black magnetic explosion grenade is powerful enough.

Alien beasts in the sky are attacking.

Mu Chen controlled the motorcycle and made a beautiful swing. The two of them cooperated very well.

Mu Chen maintained the linkage with one hand, so that the power drive was guaranteed, and he lifted the heavy pulse rifle with one arm in his right hand.

Fire at the four strange beasts attacking from the sky.

Li Shiyi twisted the front of the car and spread four pulse missiles to the left and right.

Boom boom boom boom——

With precise strikes from two directions, eight strange beasts were killed by two people at the same time.

The tacit understanding of cooperation was textbook level, and all the students were stunned.

(End of chapter)

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