In The World Of Machine Girls, The School Beauty Teacher Is Going To Heaven

Chapter 33 Shen Ling Sleeps In The Master Bedroom And Li Shiyi Sleeps In The Second Bedroom

Chapter 33 Shen Ling sleeps in the master bedroom and Li Shiyi sleeps in the second bedroom

"There's nothing we can do against him." The goddess of glory was suspended in the air.

"There is actually a way, but let's forget it. Everyone in District 7 is watching."

"You guys, do you still have a trump card? Tell the truth!"

The intertwining of spirits, she knew that there was another word in Mu Chen's head, Shining Gaia Armor.

what is that? Are there any hidden talents?

Armor? It sounds like a defensive weapon.

"We are not in that relationship, why do we need to explain."

"Would you like to think about it and sleep in the second bedroom?"

"Mu Chen, I'm going to tear you apart, you pervert."

"Go back, I won't tease you anymore."

"Fusion Transformation Release"

Transform back into fighter form and fly back to Area 7.

"Well done!"

"He just beat the opponent away, it's amazing."

"It shows the majesty of our Red Dragon Warrior."

"You guys are awesome."

Large numbers of people cheered.

Luo Tong walked out: "Okay, everyone goes back to their posts. The captain of the Zhan Ji team, and the captains No. 1, 5, and 8 come to my office. The others continue to be on C-level alert."


Mu Chen shed sweat, and Luo Tong threw him a coat and hat to put on.

Li Shiyi is wearing Mu Chen's multi-colored clothes, sunglasses, hat, and uniform. Her figure and temperament do not reveal her to be a girl of 18 or 19 years old.

Not to be recognized.

"Go to my office."

Li Shiyi had already transmitted the data on the way.

In addition to the deputy team, there are five team captains in the office.

"We are all our own people. Don't worry, tell me what happened to you."

Luo Tong's words... made Team Zhan Ji and several other captains who had just come in confused.

So secret.

Look carefully at the man in the special attack team. Isn't he Shen Ling's boyfriend?

"We accidentally discovered the Pandora factor and thousands of alien beast eggs in the Great Rift Valley. The war queen who was chasing us was discussing the beast tide with the talking alien beasts."

Li Shiyi marked out several photos.

A three-dimensional image appeared, and everyone present widened their eyes.

"According to analysis, these eggs were not laid normally by alien animals, but were caused by human intervention."

Li Shiyi pushed Mu Chen away and asked her.

"I have three detailed analysis reports here, Captain Luo Tong. I can give you two, but there is one requirement."

The four squad leaders looked at Luo Tong.

This beauty sounds like she is not one of us at all?

They all judged it but didn't say anything. Captain Luo Tong should know better.

You know what, Luo Tong looked at Mu Chen.

What's going on, bro?

"Listen to her."

"you say."

"You normally can't hide the situation between Mu Chen and me. Just say that you are cooperating with the people from the lighthouse, and then cover it up. I think it will not be difficult for you. These two reports on the Pandora factor and cloned insect eggs, and I can share these photos with you.”

"Are you from the lighthouse?"

Several team captains had questions.

Only Luo Tong and the deputy team looked shocked.

"You can definitely report it like this. I won't talk nonsense about this. I am indeed from the lighthouse. Mu Chen doesn't know this either. You don't need to ask him."

Mu Chen shrugged cooperatively.

“This intelligence is very important and it has been a pleasure working with Beacon.”

Luo Tong stretched out his hand.

Li Shiyi held it.

A pleasure to work with.

"Captain Luo, there's one more thing." Mu Chen stood next to Li Shiyi.

It's convenient now that I have someone to take the blame.

"When you reported, you said that according to the lighthouse's investigation, this beast tide has been greatly advanced, and may still be more than a month away."

"What did you say?"

"Is this...impossible?"

"Mu Chen? What are you talking about? We don't have this investigation."

"Now there is."

"You want me to carry out your nonsense?"

Mu Chen blocked it with his hand and said in her ear: "Believe me that I'm not wrong. I can only tell you that this is not a general intuition."

Li Shiyi pouted.

When she met Mu Chen, she recognized him.

"Is this true? People at the Tactical Hub estimated it to be one and a half years."

"With these pictures and information, what if there are higher-level alien beasts in the beast tide, or even some human intervention?"

So anything is possible.

From this incident, Mu Chen not only successfully conveyed the situation of the beast tide in advance.

And he can barely hide his identity.

At least for the time being, he doesn't have to go on the stage completely, and he can let the Lighthouse Organization, who has never heard of it, pass on the information.

"Let's just say it." Li Shiyi accidentally believed Mu Chen's lies.

After today, Li Shiyi never doubted Mu Chen's intuition again.

"Mu Chen, have you collected the things?"

"Got it."

"That's great." Luo Tong nodded: "By the way, take a rest, Shen Ling... is here."


Mu Chen looked at Luo Tong, who smiled awkwardly.

"Run away!"

Then the M-20 fighter jet ran away, and Mu Chen was still standing in Luo Tong's office.

"It's over now."

Mu Chen covered his face.

"Brother Mu Chen, your friend is not simple."

"Brother Luo, I have never heard of what kind of organization the Lighthouse is."

"Not many people know about it. They are very secretive and rumored to be very powerful. You can understand that they are the top guild. I don't know for sure, but I have dealt with another one and the higher-ups also recognize them. Shen Ling may be better than I know better."

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Shen Ling's car drove in directly.

Get out of the car, holding a cigarette, domineering hands crossed in front of his chest, Apex Level arms suppression.

"Move over, I'll park."

The two girls were so frightened that they immediately ran away: "Right now, right now, Sister Ling!"

She is several years older than her, so she also calls her Sister Ling.

Shen Ling saw them both at a glance.

"What about the lady who destroys the -20 machine?"

Come up and find the machine girl first.

When the deputy captain heard about the cheating, he felt like he came to the big room to check on the small room?

"When I heard you were coming, I ran right away."

"Mu Chen! You guy." Shen Ling grabbed his face: "Are you lawless? I don't care if you still want to go to the black forbidden land?"

The behavior of the two people made people think that they were flirting.

Shen Ling suddenly felt something was wrong. Looking around, many girls were snickering.

There are a lot of familiar guys.

She was still here at the beginning of last year and knew too many people.

"I'm going to be exhausted. I'm going to take a nap in the car first." Mu Chen was exhausted.

When Mu Chen woke up, it was the dusk sun outside.

Chongyun's city wall can be seen in the distance.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?"

Mu Chen is in good spirits now, except for being a little hungry, and full of energy.

Compared with last time, the physical improvement has changed significantly.

Shen Ling turned her head and looked at him angrily. She learned what happened and their major discovery from Luo Tong.

"Can transform into an iron-blooded goddess ten times."

"You stinky the beast tide thing true?"

"Our relationship, if you don't believe me, it's over, it's hopeless."

Mu Chen looked at the system. Their actions delayed the estimated time of the beast tide by 2 days?

The general trend will not change, and the Youjian Great Rift Valley may be just a laboratory for the other party.

"Luo Tong will report it, but this number is too incredible to be effective."

"Human beings always judge based on their own experience. This is not a good habit. I hope the cost will be smaller."

Mu Chen rolled over to the passenger seat.

"Who is the machine girl?"

"I'll live in the second bedroom from now on."

"Second bedroom?"

"Don't worry, I'll leave the master bedroom to you."


Shen Ling clenched her fists. Mu Chen was getting more and more presumptuous. How could she not understand what he meant.

"Hand over here."

Hold Mu Chen's hand.

"Linkage compatibility 30%"

"Your waveband has not changed, and after the fusion transformation with me, Professor Qing and the others still examined me at the initial waveband."

It is for this reason that everyone firmly believes that Shen Ling transformed herself.

why is that?

"My bands have no levels and will cater to changes based on different people's bands."

"Do you know Dina from Yehuo?"

"I have seen."

"Yesterday I asked her to do an experiment with me. Our starting linkage was 25, and I didn't fully cater to it."

"Your situation cannot be made public."

"I'm sure, I only told you the details."

Mu Chen leaned back on the chair, not treating Shen Ling as an outsider, or even as an insider.

Her personality and decisiveness in doing things...every aspect of Shen Ling belongs to the type that Mu Chen likes very much.

After high integration and linkage, emotional trust will be established.

It was quiet all the way, and Shen Ling threw away the cigarette she had finished smoking.

"Let's try it the night after tomorrow."

(End of chapter)

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