In The World Of Machine Girls, The School Beauty Teacher Is Going To Heaven

Chapter 59 Fourteen People Were Killed By The Group

Chapter 59 Fourteen people were killed by the group


Li Shiyi flew in the air and shouted outrageously. Her light-chasing motorcycle form weighed more than three hundred kilograms.

Boom - She was thrown to the ground by Mu Chen over her shoulder.

With this strength and reaction, are you still a human being?

Mu Chen held down the car body.

There was a smirk in his eyes.

Li Shiyi understood instantly, he noticed that there were many people above, but now it was just the two of them below, and Mu Chen had a showdown and stopped acting.

"Still want to deal with me?"

Li Shiyi turned over and returned to human form. The carp rolled up and kicked Mu Chen three times in a row.

Nice action and strength.

There might be some chance against a normal person like Third Brother.

However, the opponent is Mu Chen.

He easily grabbed her leg and pulled.

The whole person flew up, hugged and spun on the spot, and then... pressed her to the ground, pressing her white jade arms with both hands.

Press to the ground.

Their faces were very close.

Completely suppressed, Li Shiyi could not move at all.

This posture is completely the action of the Overlord raising his bow forcefully.

The pulse gun battle rages on above.

The two of them were at the bottom of the hillside.

Li Shiyi's arms were rising violently, his clothes were wrinkled, lying on the ground, staring into Mu Chen's eyes.

Mu Chen looked at her again.

Li Shiyi turned her face away and said nothing.

It was impossible for humans and motorcycles to fight him. She was impulsive just now. Mu Chen had the power to crush alloy pillars.

It cannot be considered by humans at all.

He can lift cars weighing several tons.

The picture of Mu Chen pressing her down is a bit evil.

Li Shiyi said nothing or shouted anything.

Mu Chen took a deep breath.

At another time and place, something indescribable might have happened.

Now is the practical training task.

He scratched her nose and said, "Hmph, you lose, right?"

He stood up and pulled Li Shiyi up.

Her face, as calm and beautiful as the cold moon, was flushed, and she gave Mu Chen a hard look. She was not satisfied and even kicked her.

Lost his temper.

They stopped fighting, and Li Shiyi knew that he was no match for Mu Chen.

Brush all the dust off your coat.

"You took down a team when you came in?"

"You are a hostage now." Mu Chen smiled, and it was difficult to see Li Shiyi's expression: "How about I give you some energy."


Li Shiyi was instantly frightened: "We eliminated a team half an hour ago."

Wait for the two of them to return to Gaopo.

The battle above also appears to be heading into the Late Stage.

The scene can be described as tragic.

Amila and Larsen on Mu Chen's team fell to the ground, hit by the paralyzing gun.

Next to Labelle's car, Susan held up Qin Feifei and pointed at Labelle.

Han Shuangyan took care of Bernadette.

She couldn't fire, and the eldest lady was wronged and caught.

On the other side, Gui Caimeng and Zhuzhou also fell to the ground and were hit by paralysis guns. Wutana held Ji Xiangmei and Dong Manyan.

For now, Li Shiyi's team has a slight advantage.

One more flexible person.

Seeing Mu Chen coming up with Li Shiyi: "Everyone, we both have captured the captain of the other party. I have a suggestion. We both have two days of supplies. There is no need to fight. How about a temporary truce? Even if we break up and come back, it will be cheaper. Others We can also share the same team and mission location.”

Mu Chen defeated Li Shiyi.

The two sides were evenly matched.

"Ah la ah la, I stand with both hands." Qin Feifei was the quickest to express his stance.

"I don't have any objections." Han Shuangyan put her arms on her hips.

Utana also put away her weapon: "Okay, it's an equal exchange. You guys are still pretty good."

Li Shiyi rolled her eyes at Mu Chen.

Both parties stopped and pulled up their companion who was lying on the ground.

A short-term semi-aligned state was achieved.

After all, we are all familiar with each other, and the relationship between several of them is unusual.

Except, of course, that Bernadette was unwilling to be caught.

But soon Bernadette also recovered with full health.

"What's going on? Why do you have black tea and milk tea energy drinks?"

Hearing the surprised voices of Dong Manyan and Gui Caimeng, Bernadette put her hands on her hips: "Hahahaha, common people, do you know the difference between you and me?"

"Beradette is so awesome, can you give us a pack?"

"Take it, take it, we have plenty."

Li Shiyi rolled her eyes at Mu Chen: "Are you using your privileges?"

"Just a little drink, and you like jasmine tea."

"No, I don't like it now." Li Shiyi was still venting his anger after losing.

The two walked behind both teams.

Qin Feifei looked over from time to time, covering his mouth and smiling evilly.

"Arrived at mission destination!"

The two teams chose different heights and took out environmental probes and plunged them into the ground.

Click, click, click—the probes spread across the earth, a blue light screen appeared, and slowly rotating scanners opened on the left and right.

"Is this scanning the original beast?"

"What it is?"

"Captain Orangutan Transformed."

Li Shiyi and Bernadette looked at Mu Chen strangely.

"I know, I know, damn Mu Chen, do you even know this? It's an ancient image from more than a thousand years ago."

The environmental detector takes 10 hours to cover the surrounding kilometers.

"Everyone, it's six o'clock in the evening. It's going to be dark soon. The detectors will not alarm. Safety is the most important thing when sleeping outdoors. I have a suggestion." Utana took the lead: "Our two teams will join forces and the three vehicles will be arranged in a row. Bu, we have sufficient numbers for three periods plus one person, a group of three, and a night watch of nine."

"Hmph, our two teams are united, and everyone who comes will be sending supplies."

"Yes, yes, no one expected us to temporarily unite so soon."

"This is a tactic."

No one was serious. After all, they were all young people who rarely camped overnight in the wild.

Utana's sense of crisis is higher among these people.

Of course, both captains agreed to her proposal.

A bonfire was lit. There were so many people that we were less afraid at night, and everyone chatted.

Gui Caimeng glanced at the dark forest: "This is my first time to spend the night in the wild."

Ji Xiangmei took a sip of hot milk tea and said, "The fluorescent mushrooms in the distance might have been mutated wolves if I didn't pay attention."

Her boyfriend Zhuzhou patted his chest: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you will never be harmed."

"Wow, you guys are acting like a bitch."

"We have them here too."

"Larson knows nothing. He's a gorilla."

Larson: "???"

Amila smiled: "You don't want it? Then leave it to me. I think Larsen is reliable."

"Who said I don't want it?" Labelle blushed instantly.

"Hahaha, both Labelle and Larson are blushing."

"Larsen is more reliable than Zhao Pengfei."

"That's right, I also hate that Zhao Pengfei, who acts arrogant all day long, as if someone owes him something."

"He is the eldest son of the Zhao Family, and he is also an A-level driver. His initial S-level talent is incredible."

"I don't like it. I would rather find a C-level driver."

Mu Chen was sitting on the roof of the car. Li Shiyi passed by and threw a bottle of drink up because Mu Chen glanced at her just now.

You knew what he wanted without saying a word.

These people who have no sense of precaution don't have to be so tight with Mu Chen around.

"weird smell."

"Mu Chen, are you talking about drinking?" Han Shuangyan and Susan were in the opposite car.

"No, did you smell it? Is someone burning something?" Mu Chen became alert.

"Everyone, get your weapons." Li Shiyi shouted.

"Huh?" The others were a little confused, Utana's weapon was nearby.

"There is a strange smell...not good..."

When Mu Chen felt that something was really wrong, he heard the sound of falling to the ground, and the mechanical girls under his feet turned back to their human form and fell to the ground.

He persisted for several seconds before falling to the ground.

All fourteen people fell to the ground...

(End of chapter)

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