In The World Of Machine Girls, The School Beauty Teacher Is Going To Heaven

6.Chapter 6: Working Together With The School Beauty

Chapter 6: Linking up with school beauties

Mu Chen turned around and saw that both cars were D-level modified sports cars.

"A sixth-generation X-special chain gun is installed, and the entire vehicle is reinforced. The fourth-generation Meihong small missile on the roof of the vehicle should have been the cause of alarm. It did not fire... Are you trying to catch someone alive? Here they are..."

Mu Chen reacted quickly enough, and he turned to the right to avoid the two purple chain guns.

"Hold on tight and I'll speed up." After Li Shiyi said this, his speed increased by two hundred, but he couldn't go up.

Suddenly there are wrinkles of light and shadow on the left.

"Li Shiyi slow down."

Slow down to avoid the suddenly appearing off-road vehicle, reverse the acceleration and then pull away.

But the attack forced the two men to deviate from the main route and go to the less traveled right direction.

Mu Chen sweated coldly.

"This is a B-level talent hidden light screen. You have good eyesight."

"Are these guys bounty hunters?"

Each vehicle has a driver, a bounty hunter who does things for money, and bounty hunters love cheap fourth-generation weapons.

The speed cannot be increased and is even shrinking.

"I was careless, I'm sorry." Li Shiyi said suddenly, "I didn't expect these people would dare to do anything inside the country."

"Is it because you gave me a ride so that they who were peeping outside the school found out the reason? If you were captured and I was killed, I would still have to take the blame, right?"

"After all, they are watching you carry me. Everyone will think that I am doing it blindly."

Mu Chen analyzed that he was taking the blame.

He didn't panic and said: "At this time, shouldn't a few fighter plane bodyguards suddenly appear next to the eldest lady of the big group? Shouldn't various tanks and vehicles come to the rescue?"

"I'm not a young lady." Li Shiyi said, "I'm running out of fuel and I can't go up fast."

The other party has a driver, and the machine girl has a large increase. The situation is not good.

Mu Chen's voice was a little lower: "How about throwing two crusher missiles at me? I will suffer from intermittent amnesia."

"How do you know?" Li Shiyi's voice was shocked.

"Can't you transform even if the wing steering gear is damaged?"

The huge fluctuations on the dashboard can prove Li Shiyi's shock.

"I have some special abilities. I can see some data of the other party. I won't tell you unless it's a special situation."

Looking back at the other person, he sped up again: "I feel caught. Neither of us has a good life."

"There is no way to switch, and the crusher missile is a weapon in the form of a fighter plane. I can't switch it while running at such high speed."

"I will rush to the Yunhe area at full speed and eject you. Whether you survive or not depends on you."

"Warning energy is less than 10%"

The other party seemed to understand very well and began to save weapons.

You're running out of gas.

"I still have an idea."


"Linked, the speed of the driving state will be greatly increased, and my talent is Superpower Drive. If you throw them away and exceed the range of the shield, they will not dare to chase."

Signal communications are currently blocked, and calls for help cannot be sent out.

"What are you doing? As for your bungee E-band, not to mention the 3% compatibility for basic control, 1% is already incredible...and I don't have enough energy, and your Level 1 can't provide much."

The driver comes with a certain amount of energy, which will increase according to the level.

"It's not bad. The school beauty didn't change you because you were worried that I would change you."

"I'm not interested in that title."

"Come on, my method works. If we get rid of them, we still have half an hour to get to the training location."

"Can I tell you that you are talking nonsense?"

"Come on! Trust me."

Li Shiyi basically never thought about the possibility, but there was no other choice at the moment.

The armor's light wrapped around Mu Chen's arm at the handle of the motorcycle.

Linkage starts——

Two particles, four particles... the wave points contacted successfully.

On the screen, Mu Chen's extremely fluctuating band suddenly had thirty wave points that exactly matched Li Shiyi's wave points.

"Linkage compatibility 30%"

"How is this possible?" she exclaimed.

She could think calmly in the face of death, but at this moment her common sense was broken.

The fit needs to be adjusted slowly, and there will be a slight difference in many wave points.

If the two of them cooperate for a long time, it may increase from the initial 3% to 20%.

Even if an S Level pilot links ten thousand robot girls, the first linkage can reach 10% of at most one person.

"Get ready to accelerate. I activate my talent and you accelerate at the same time."

Under the linkage, Li Shiyi's speed increased to 300 plus Mu Chen's talent.

"Superpower Drive."

The particle crystal rocket accelerated, and the dashboard surpassed the speed of 500, immediately leaving behind the bounty hunter.

what happened?


How could it be possible to run so fast?

"Chase her, she will soon run out of gas. Even if the fifth-generation light chaser has full energy, it will soon run out of energy and cannot run far."

The other party is professional.

However, there's no way someone has Heart of the Galaxy.

"Warning oil level is low"

"No, no more energy."

"Get ready, I'm going to activate talent 2."

"What??? Talent 2?"

Control the Heart of the Galaxy Transcendent Level output ports with just one little finger.


"Ugh——" Li Shiyi's mind almost went blank.

The energy tank is instantly full of energy and is ready to explode.

She gritted her teeth and almost lost consciousness just now.

Mu Chen immediately cut off the output, hit the accelerator, and the speed continued to increase. The engine sound was pleasant.

Energy levels vary.

The car chasing behind him was dumbfounded: "It's impossible, why is there so much energy information that is wrong!"

Within ten seconds, the small radar on their vehicle lost signal.

"Damn, they're back on the main stretch."

When he returned to the main road section, there were more and more robots on the road, so Mu Chen slowed down and canceled the linkage.

Much more skilled.

Use the school beauty as an experiment.

Li Shiyi finally came to her senses. She had been so shocked that she was speechless.

"Just now, what was that, what happened to this energy?"

She ranked first in basic scores this year, but her perception was overturned by Mu Chen.

"What is your talent 2? Do you have Level 15?"

"I'm 1... Level 2."

When Mu Chen saw his panel, he actually upgraded it.

"I won't tell you anything."

Hearing Mu Chen's words, Li Shiyi snorted: "I also suffered from intermittent amnesia."

They all have their own secrets, but they know each other.

With enough energy, we rushed to the desert plain for training at full speed.

It was almost the finale when the two arrived, and many machine girls and pilots were watching.

"Oh my, this is a good combination, a cliff-jumping E-band driver and a fifth-generation motorcycle school beauty."

"Wonderful, wonderful."

"Isn't it a good match?"

Who else could be so sarcastic? Cheng Rong and Yu Qiyu's cars.

Mu Chen took off his helmet.

Li Shiyi jumped up and returned to human form, wiping the sweat from his head.

"Classmate Cheng Rong, I wonder how you can awaken an armored vehicle with your talent." Mu Chen walked over.

"Then what am I awakening to?"

"You are suitable to be a forklift, a green forklift!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Cheng Rong said you are tea, green tea!"

"Ha ha ha ha."


Some pilots and machine girls heard around couldn't help but laugh.

"What did you say? You're a useless E-band driver."

Mu Chen shrugged.

Shen Ling came over: "What are you making?"

When Cheng Rong saw the teacher coming, she almost burst out of anger.

Zhang Chunjiao is counting people.

Shen Ling put her hands on her hips and looked at Mu Chen and Li Shiyi who was sweating profusely: "Did you encounter anything on the road?"

"No." Li Shiyi answered quickly.


Li Shiyi nodded.

Shen Ling made a tut sound, took a puff of cigarette and walked away.

Clearly she had discovered something.

Mu Chen whispered: "I asked you to turn off the distress signal early. She probably received it once."

(End of chapter)

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