Chapter 80 Attending the Qin Family Banquet

Mu Chen contacted everyone who trusted him.

Looking at the time estimated by the system, it still jumps forward by several seconds from time to time, which is enough to show that the time will be advanced, maybe next week.

He didn't know if it was the flapping of his own wings that caused the change.

All you can do now is prepare yourself.

Based on the experience of past beast tides, every country will be hit by beast tides of varying degrees every three to five years.

Some beast tides only have nearly 10,000 strange beasts, and are rated as C-level disasters. This level of disaster can be blocked by forward positions, which is relatively common.

When the number approaches 50,000, it enters a B-level disaster. The most obvious thing is the large-scale appearance of strange beasts in the sky.

If preparation is not sufficient, all forward positions will be breached.

A-level disasters, the number exceeds 200,000, and dragon-level beasts will appear.

Even the forward positions are difficult to resist.

"Looking at history, the last A-level beast wave in Red Dragon Kingdom was eighteen years ago. If we say it was S Level sixty-eight years ago."

That S Level beast wave directly hit the boundaries of Chongyun City.

Nine forward positions fell, Sichuan Fengcheng fell, and the number of casualties exceeded 7.3 million.

The most recent S Level beast wave that appeared in Mozhou Kingdom was thirty-five years ago.

"Fifty years ago, various countries signed a rescue agreement. When a wave of S Level beasts appeared on one side, the cooperating countries went to support."

Only 2.7 million people were killed in the S Level beast wave in Mozhou, and there were six countries supporting them at that time.

According to historical data, when an A-level beast wave breaks out, panic will occur and daily necessities will be wiped out.

Chongyun is a city of defense. Almost half of the machine girls and pilots will be supported on the front line. Only those who participated last time can rest temporarily.

However, the beast tide continues, and the more than 30 million robot girls and pilots in Chongyun City are basically required to take action.

"Mu Chen, how is Shen Ling doing lately?"

"Not bad, but he almost hung me up and beat me."

"Is it about Tianjing Zhanji?"

"Just kidding, Bai Yan, are you guys coming over? We don't have time."

"I will contact a few guilds with good connections to come over. After a few days, we will gather those who are out."

"If you come, we will feel more at ease."

"Twenty or thirty people can't change anything, Mu Chen. If something happens, you must hold Shen Ling, so she will know how to move forward."

"Don't worry, I'm very selfish, Shen Ling is mine."

"This is how it should be in this era. Don't have any baggage. The power of one person and one warrior is limited. Heroes are worthy of praise, but they may be forgotten in half a month. You must fight but also preserve yourself."

Bai Yan seemed to have guessed Mu Chen's confusion, and Mu Chen relaxed a lot after chatting with her.

Contact Shen Ling.

"My beautiful teacher, I got you something good, but it may be risky."

"Huh? Use them all. I'm not afraid of anything right now. Let's see tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We don't have much time."

It's Qin Feng's birthday tomorrow, and the invitation was given by Qin Feifei directly to the cabin where he was staying.

I'm not afraid of Mu Chen's actions at all.

In her words, she was so worried that she was so scared.

Why did this scene remind Mu Chen of the Bull Demon King's wife.

The next day is the dinner party.

The Qin Family is one of the top ten big families in Chongyun, and its financial resources and influence are also among the top thirty families in the Red Dragon Kingdom. The Tu family has always been an in-law relationship, followed by the Han Family and the Zhou family.

A real big family.

Qin Feng didn’t choose to have a big birthday on his 19th birthday, but all the families who have good relations with the Qin Family came and invited many people.

Mu Chen also changed into formal clothes and got a simple hairstyle.

Come to Qin Family.

This huge private estate is bigger than a stadium.

There are many well-dressed robot girls and pilots entering, both young and old.

Mu Chen didn't recognize most of them because he came a little late.

There were four Qin Family receptionists at the door.

Hand over the invitation.

"Mr. Mu Chen! Please come in!"

Hearing the word Mu Chen, everyone around him who came at the same time looked over. Mu Chen's name has been particularly popular recently, and all the Qin Family's vassals or cooperative family consortiums know it.

Is he Mu Chen?

The driver of the E-band SS Level hidden talent?

He's a bit more handsome than in the live broadcast.

I heard that he has a very good relationship with Qin Feifei.

Miss Qin Feifei is an S Level machine girl. That transformation was a special situation. With the Qin Family's financial resources and Qin Feifei's talent, she could choose an S Level driver.

There were voices of discussion everywhere.

Mu Chen only blames his hearing for being so good that he can hear the sound of mosquitoes clearly even if he blocks his hand with his hand.

He nodded politely and entered the banquet hall.

The huge banquet hall is mainly golden and red, a combination of Chinese and Western styles. Many foreign partners of Qin Family will come.

Qin Feng was chatting with many elders on the second floor, wearing formal clothes.

"It's so tiring." Mu Chen smiled, it was really hard for the next generation of a big family to be the head of the family.

In addition to the eight dinner tables prepared in the middle, there are also fruit and red wine tables on the left and right sides. For the Qin Family, this is an internal gathering.

Mu Chen knows many people in the Qin Family.

Qin Feifei is a mature woman with long lavender hair and the charm of a mature woman. Qin Feifei's mother is Tu Weilan, the SS Level warrior goddess Cang Feng. Her father, Qin Dahong, is a low-key person. He is an S Level driver, but his management ability is very average.

Standing next to him are Qin Feng’s parents, the famous Earth Warrior S Level Peak King Goddess from Chongyun.

Qin Sangu, Sanyue is from the Defense Center Tactical Department. Mu Chen has met her three times but has never spoken to her.

Fourth Uncle Qin, Sizhou is the person in charge of Qin Family’s Vast Heaven Consortium.

The fifth eldest child in the Qin family, Wuhai is responsible for the housekeeping support at home.

"who is he?"

"I recognize Mu Chen, who was in the news yesterday."

"He is Mu Chen."

The elders are chatting among themselves, and the younger ones are also chatting among themselves.

You can see Zhou Jilei and Tu Ronghang, Qin Qin and the others are on the right, and Qin Feng's little sister is not in Chongyun.

Three more people approached Mu Chen, two men and one woman.

"Hi, classmate Mu Chen, right?" The young man stretched out his hand: "Hello, I am Han Haotian, the eldest son of the Han Family, an A-level driver. I occasionally heard my little sister mention you."

Han Family is the most reliable partner who has cooperated with Qin Family for hundreds of years.

"Hello." The two shook hands.

Han Haotian suddenly exerted his strength, with a slight chuckle on his expression.

But he found himself pinching a diamond.

"I heard Han Shuangyan mention his brother. Sure enough, it's extraordinary."

Mu Chen didn't exert any force, fearing to crush the opponent's hand.

Mu Chen didn't move at all, Han Haotian immediately retracted his hand and found that it was not the same level.

"Yongqing, nice to meet you. Brother Mu Chen, don't give him any general knowledge. Tell you quietly that he likes Qin Feifei, but Feifei has never dumped him."

The young man with glasses next to him stretched out his hand.

The Yong family was also considered a family ranked high in Chongyun, but it was a level lower than Qin Tu Han, Zhao Murong and others.

"Nice to meet you."

The girl with short brown hair next to her.

"Yongmei, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you."

Han Haotian has regarded Mu Chen as a competitor, and he has not even interacted with Qin Feifei.

There were other young people watching and talking quietly.


Suddenly Mu Chen heard something strange.

Looking up, there was a cracking sound.

The alloy composite ceiling on the ceiling suddenly cracked, and the multi-layered steel plates suddenly threatened to fall.

There are three women below serving food.

Directly below are dining tables.

Ka--the fifty-meter alloy plate fell off and fell directly, weighing at least a thousand kilograms.


Those who looked up screamed.

"Squat down!"

With a gust of wind, the three people directly below heard a voice and squatted down reflexively.

A thud was heard.

The alloy steel plate of the ceiling stops at a height of more than one meter above the dining table.

Dozens of people at the scene were quiet when they saw this scene.

Mu Chen was seen holding the alloy plate with one hand, and the floor beneath his feet was cracked.

"Are you three okay?"

(End of chapter)

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