In The World Of Machine Girls, The School Beauty Teacher Is Going To Heaven

Chapter 83 Shen Ling Mutates And Explodes On The Spot

Chapter 83 Shen Ling mutates and explodes on the spot

The sixth-level commander of the Seventh District Corps, the person in charge is Luo Tong.

Tu Weilan knew that Luo Tong and the others had a very good relationship with Shen Ling, and they had faced two beast tides together.

Zhou Yang, Wang Chunfang, Zhan Minmin, and his niece Tu Lian were all comrades who lived and died with Shen Ling back then.

"Sister Tu, did you call me?"

When Qin Sanyue came in, she was in her forties or fifties, just like a girl.

Of course, a normal girl in her sixties or seventies looks similar to someone in her twenties or thirties.

"What's going on in the seventh frontline area recently?"

"You're talking about Luo Tong and the others. The people at the command center have been laughing so hard lately. They're doing training and emergency drills, and they even did a big one today."


"Luo Tongdu took out all the heavy weapons in District 7 to bask in the sun. More than 50,000 people were assembling weapons there. People in the center teased that he was going to attack Ping'an City."

Qin Sanyue said vividly: "This is just torturing my subordinates. It is installed for three days and exposed for ten days, and then dismantled for five days. The integrity of modern weapons only needs to be scanned by instruments."

"But Mr. Zhang actually praised him for his earning performance."

Many people think Luo Tong earns performance.

"Sanyue, you can go out now. Be mature and act like a little girl."

Tu Weilan calmed down and thought alone, what are the personalities of Luo Tong and his niece Tu Lian? She knew very well that this was not groundless.

"Come here, let me know. The family meeting will be held in advance until tomorrow. No one can be late. The Tu family, Zhou family, and Han family must participate."

On the other side, Mu Chen and Shen Ling went to Yehuo's warehouse.

Mu Chen borrowed it from Dina.

"My dear teacher, are you going to act tonight?"

"Almost, I'm feeling better. Come on."

I didn't even change my clothes for the dinner and came to the warehouse.

Mu Chen took a deep breath and took out the Lunar Lubricant and the Core of Taraher.

Shen Ling changed back to her human form, walked up to the console, leaned on it, and took off her coat.

"Is this thing meant to be applied all over the body?"

Actually, no need. Shen Ling did not hesitate to show her gorgeous posture. It was so beautiful. Shen Ling was like a beautiful queen, showing herself domineeringly.

"Mu Chen."

"Mu Chen?"

"Mu Chen! Go wipe your nose, seriously."

"Shen Ling, you did it on purpose. No, the transformation will be postponed for two days!"


The next day.

"Dina...I'm sorry, can I borrow the warehouse for two more days?"

"Okay, why did you fail in doing something last night?" Dina only knew what Mu Chen wanted to modify.

Mu Chen was embarrassed and slapped his face. Last night was so crazy that he turned into a hungry wolf.

"There was an accident. I might use it again in two days."

"No problem, use whatever you want"

Then contact School Wu.

"Principal Wu, Shen Ling is not feeling well. I will check her over the next two days and not let her move around. I will give her a few days off."

"Check me carefully. What's wrong with Shen Ling? I won't let you go, you brat."

"Mu Chen, you stinky guy."

Shen Ling stood up and wanted to punch him.

"Send me home first. I haven't slept all night. You are crazy and have never seen a woman!"

"It's all Shen Ling's fault."

"Huh? Is it still my fault?"

"My Shen Ling is the most beautiful in the world, there is nothing I can do about it."

Shen Ling blushed slightly and smoked a cigarette: "Go home. My mother remembered that I fell down when she saw it."

But Shen Ling underestimated the discernment of people who came over and immediately realized something was wrong.

Ling Mei is happy.

"Auntie, I went to buy daily necessities several times, and they were all stuffed in the underground warehouse."

"Ah? Xiaomu bought so much, how can we finish it? It will take us ten years to eat so much."

"Be prepared and listen to us."

The Qin Family also has some actions. Every huge event has a huge impact on the family and the group.

If the beast wave really comes, if she Tu Weilan dies in battle.

As the eldest sister of four families, she must think further about how to arrange the Qin Family's future.

Mu Chen's side.

Mu Chen also knew about the craziness of the night two days ago. Shen Ling was grateful and loved her now. She gave everything to her man before the war.

As a large master bedroom, how could it possibly lose the limelight?

This is her style.

Come back to the warehouse in two days.

This time it was a real move. The Luna lubricant had been applied last time, otherwise who could stand a figure like Shen Ling's.

"Shen Ling, this is the first of its kind on the planet."

"Come all, if you are here, I will be more fearless."

Shen Ling jumped on the console and asked the eight auxiliary brackets to construct the three-dimensional platform. Mu Chen told her two days ago that he had got something incredible for her - the dual-change core.

Can it also be upgraded to a double-transforming machine girl?

Many countries are researching this, but none of them have succeeded.

Mu Chen took out the double transformation core, and then took out the core of Taraher. This golden diamond-shaped energy core was about the size of a mango.

"How to absorb this?"

The double-variable core is a golden light particle. Because it is a system reward, it is very safe, but the core of Talahel is somewhat dangerous.

But the scanner girl can absorb it, and Shen Ling's body should be able to do it.

"Crush it and swallow the liquid inside."

Shen Ling nodded.

Swallow the dual-change core first.

[High-energy reaction: The body of the machine girl receives a strange high-energy increase]

[Fission detected, the body is doubling in replication, body temperature and height]

The body lay on the console, moaning slightly, feeling hot and about to split.

"Shen Ling, how do you feel?"

"It's...weird,'s totally fine."

The workbench shows that the body temperature has increased, but the body itself is not damaged, and the parameters of the reference machine are mutating.

Originally, Shen Ling's parameters were more than 7,000, but now they have risen to nearly 20,000.

This is not combat power, but the energy valuation of the Ji body.

Scanning instruments kept going.

Shen Ling picked up the core of Talaher, bit it into pieces and swallowed it.

"Wait a minute, the first item is not stable yet."

"No, I'm very conscious now. If we come together, as you thought, will there be a chemical reaction - ah!"

Shen Ling suddenly screamed in severe pain.

[High energy reaction: extremely high value]

[Danger, danger, danger, a special situation occurs in the body of the machine girl]

The cold source of light is splitting and merging.

"Shen Ling!"

[Danger, danger, please slow down the mid-section transformation]

"It doesn't matter... I feel the surging... power, no need to interrupt."

[Special warning: The machine is short of energy, please recharge or rest in time]

"How is that possible? Shen Ling's energy is full."

When they came, they checked Shen Ling's six energy tanks. Although only five were full, it was good to have remaining space.

Only now——

Thirty energy box signals appeared, and Shen Ling only had one box of energy left.

"What's going on?"

Mu Chen went up immediately. The console now has a strong field. It is very dangerous for ordinary people to go up because of the electromagnetic wave shock.

But Mu Chen's physical condition is fine.

Immediately pressed Shen Ling's hand: "Shen Ling."

Shen Ling gritted her teeth and felt Mu Chen's Heart of the Galaxy charging her.

"It's okay, I can hold on."

Mu Chen had just recharged half of her energy and jumped down.

"Ah -" Shen Ling screamed, her whole body emitting silver and green light.

"Shen Ling."

[Super reaction: Warning please flee, please flee]

The indices of all instruments were off the charts, reaching 100%.

Mu Chen just wanted to jump up.

With Shen Ling as the center, a bright silver light broke through the sky, and the entire warehouse exploded.

I have to go out of town to do errands during the day tomorrow, so I updated 2 chapters in the early morning, and there should be another chapter at 8 or 9 p.m.

(End of chapter)

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