Chapter 91 Frontline Commander Shen Ling

"How is it possible? There are also beast tides in Hangfeng and Nansha!"

The hub centers in Nansha and Hangfeng immediately sounded the alarm.

Zhang Dongyuan's deep voice said: "The leader of this alien beast did this on purpose so that the Hongye Legion and the Amphibious Legion would not be able to support our Chongyun side."

"Here are the V81, V82, and V83 regiments of the Red Leaf Army. We have encountered tens of thousands of strange beasts head-on. We are counterattacking and retreating to nearby towns to fight."

"This is the advance group of the Amphibious Corps. We have been attacked by a large number of strange beasts on the sea. We are counterattacking and requesting reinforcements from the Nanjia Corps."

Support from the north and south of the map is temporarily blocked.

Mu Chen and Li Shiyi were able to see the small screen, showing Zhou Yang pointing the camera at the main screen.

"Shen Ling's analysis is good. It is estimated that Lord Chihuo and the people lurking on our side are taking command." Li Shiyi whispered: "Obviously divide the troops to block our support from the south and north. The air power and others They think they are stronger, but they lack numbers and weapons power.”

Mu Chen is thinking: "The hundred thousand alien beasts in Copper Scale City are not a threat. The highest intensity is three Sovereign Level. The current exchange of fire is a good thing for Copper Scale City. I am afraid that the opponent can still retreat and wait for the second and third waves." A gathering of strange beasts.”

"Report, the first wave of alien beasts on the Copperscale City defense line suddenly retreated to a direction five kilometers away. Commander Lin Tong applied to leave the city to pursue."

Most people in the command hub disagreed. Zhang Dongyuan knew this was an opportunity, but it was obvious that the other party had a leader of high-level destructive alien beasts. It was probably a trap. There were many kinds of alien beasts, some of which could not be scanned, or some were hidden on the ground.

"Deny the application and let Lin Dutong speed up preparations for defense."

It was Shen Ling who rushed out with others.

On the college side, Li Shiyi rolled her eyes at Mu Chen.

Mu Chen was embarrassed. It wasn't me who directed him, he just guessed it right.

"This is the forward position of the second area. Our Mayang Corps, we estimate that there are still 10,000 people guarding the last gate."

"This is the forward position of the third area. Our deputy commander, Jiang Wu, has nearly 20,000 of us, guarding the third gate. Commander Jiang Kangsheng just died with... a Sovereign Level beast."

"This is the forward position of the fourth area. I am the Bingyou Corps. We were attacked by a large area of ​​fire kun and alien beasts in the sky. We are guarding the last gate... Some alien beasts may have been let go in the sky."

"This is the fifth forward position. The Gongxi Changmao Corps has died, and the deputy team Wei Ran has also sacrificed. I am the communications captain Kong Yutang. We still have 10,000 people guarding the last gate."

There are generally five gates in forward positions.

The middle gate is the third gate, and after the fifth gate there is a flat plain.

It's so tragic.

In fact, Mu Chen is not the only one peeking on the playground.

For example, Zhao Pengfei and some people from the family and group can now hear the sound, but not the picture.

"Forward Position 2345 can hardly hold on anymore."

"It's only been a little over two hours."

At the gate of the college, Yan Pei arrived immediately with people from the crisis department, and all the college teachers were recruited.

Except for the injured machine girls like Principal Wu, all other teachers will immediately go to the front line and follow the transport plane to Sichuan Fengcheng.

The current deployment is for the idle forces of various forces to go to Sichuan to seal the city, and all the core forces of the military to go to Tonglin.

The second, fourth, and fifth forward positions suffered heavy sacrifices, and only the final gate remained.

There were a large number of corpses of alien beasts at the frontier, and the heroic robot girls started to self-destruct, using their last lives to take away the alien beasts.

The third forward position is at the central gate.

"This is the forward position of the Sixth District. I am Cai Botao's team. We are holding the fourth gate. There are still 30,000 people fighting."

"This is the forward position of the Eighth District. I am Qin Zhao. We have just retreated to the second gate. We have sacrificed an estimated three thousand people."

"This is the forward position of the seventh area. Our Meta Force Field still has 11%, and our Gamma Force Field still has 13%. The sacrifice is estimated to be 400, and we are doing our best to stop the alien beasts."

The main gate of District 7 is still there.

"Luo Tong, guard the seventh district! Buy time for Sichuan to seal the city." Zhang Dongyuan spoke. Luo Tong's news was exciting.

Areas 5, 6, 7 and 8 faced about the same number of alien beasts.

This is the effect of having full firepower and all weapons and spare equipment being able to be used immediately.

This cannot be blamed on other districts.

First, none of the centers predicted that, except for a few individuals, the arrival of the Maharaja would be the first in hundreds of years.

Secondly, equipment and charging require a lot of resources, and each forward position has a fixed allocation. In fact, every commander hopes to use good steel on the blade.

Luo Tong reported his thoughts.

It was treated as a joke because there was insufficient evidence.

Everything must be based on logic and evidence.

Not even Luo Tong, let alone Mu Chen's current identity, would report it, and he might even be arrested.

"Understood! The seventh district will definitely complete its mission. Cai Botao will blow up the intersection north of you and release some over here."

"You kid, I owe you a favor, so be careful!"

Cai Botao immediately blew up the mountain, so that some of the strange beasts behind would rush towards the seventh area, relieving some of the pressure.

If the sixth area is gone, the seventh area will also be attacked from the side. This is the barrel effect.

The commander of the alien beast commander can only direct the attack, retreat, stay, and specify the direction.

After all, the alien beasts below the Sovereign Level do not have much intelligence.

Except for a few apes and strange beasts.

The alien beasts in areas 5678 are currently being ordered to destroy human positions and assemble in the swamp forests of Chuanfeng City.

"Captain Luo, you and Deputy Tu Lian should retreat to the second gate. Leave this place to us."

"What did you say!"

"You and Deputy Tu have transformed three times and rushed out to kill the enemy. It's difficult for you to walk. To put it bluntly, you are incompetent in your current state. Please retreat to the second gate to command. I'll leave it to you here. Let's!"

Luo Tong's men also dared to say so. The second-class team pointed at the nose of the sixth-class commander and said.

These sounds can also be heard in the command center.

Not only Luo Tong and Tu Lian, but also the entire corps of the eight districts and their machine girls transformed into warriors and rushed out to kill, trying their best to reduce the impact.

Several divisional corps held on to the middle, but their second transformations lacked energy and they died.

Zhan Ji's transformation consumes a lot of energy and time is limited. Luo Tong's legs are actually weak and he has no strength.

"I am the main team, how can I retreat? I am here to command."

"Luo Tong! You retreat to the second gate." Zhang Dongyuan spoke.

"No, I will not accept military orders abroad!"

Luo Tong is also a tough guy. Not to mention the frontier positions, this is the first wave of strange beasts... Sichuan Feng City and Copper Scale City may not be able to hold on in the subsequent waves.

"Luo Tong! Go to the back and rest. You are going to guard the central station gate. I will take command."

A woman's scolding came from the communicator.

Who dares to call Luo Tonggun in District 7?

"Who told me to get out? I... Hehehe, hehehe, hehe, it's Shen Ling, Shen Ling, why are you here?"

Shen Ling?

Shen Ling?

Mu Chen and Li Shiyi covered their faces, Shen Ling had already arrived.

Luo Tong was acting like a tiger just now, but when he saw Shen Ling, he immediately acted like a turtle.

"Shen Ling?" The person commanding the hub was dumbfounded.

Did Shen Ling's body go to the front line?

"Luo Tong, I'll give you two hours to rest. Go and guard the central part. Get the communicator. I'm the commander of the seventh area now."

"Shen Ling, watch your back!"

Behind him, a Swift Wind III passed through the anti-aircraft gun and rushed towards Shen Ling.

She turned around domineeringly and punched with a sound that broke the air.

Bang——! ! !

The strange beast was beaten into blood mist by Shen Ling.

All the nearby soldiers in District 7 were stunned.

Shen Ling held a cigarette in her mouth: "Luo Tong, why don't you get out! Someone, take this Luo Tong away for me!"

"Yes! Deputy Shen Ling's temporary team!"

(End of chapter)

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