In The World Of Machine Girls, The School Beauty Teacher Is Going To Heaven

94. Chapter 94 Mu Chen Arrives At The Forward Position

Chapter 94 Mu Chen arrives at the forward position

[Alert: A large number of newly discovered exotic beasts are found in North Molin, Nanyunlin, Qianhe Wetland, and Marco Plains, estimated at 400,000, and are approaching the Chongyun area]

Full Chongyun-wide report, just now I heard that District 7 was holding back the first wave of alien beasts.

In the past, you had to wait at least a day or two for exotic beasts.

But you didn’t expect to come right away?

The first wave of 700,000 alien beasts, most of them are insect-level, and there are only 25 Sovereign Level beasts in total.

Currently, there are still 130,000 people twenty miles away from gathering in Tonglin City, and there are 50,000 people in Chuanfeng City.

But at this moment——

The second wave comes with 400,000 strange beasts, and this time most of them are vicious and Earth Level beasts.

"here we go again?"

"It's over. Who can stop this?"

"Is our Chongyun going to be doomed?"

"What are you afraid of, you weakling? We, the Copper Scales, can definitely hold on."

"Everyone prepares for war."

Before the fight started, some timid machine girls were afraid of oil leakage, and some pilots wanted to escape and were immediately arrested.

Retreating before the formation will greatly lower morale.

There are currently five million people in Bronze Scale, and all major military headquarters are also providing support here.

Lin Dutong held the Hongguang remote detector and looked at the swamp area: "How many alien beasts will the commander of the level-destroying alien beasts accumulate before he attacks?"

"This is the Guanghong Army..."

"I am Qin Zhao of the Eighth District Corps. We are asking for cooperation..."

At the command hub, all signal sounds were interrupted one after another.

All cannot be contacted.

"What's going on? Why is there no communication signal?"

"Report, we are repairing it, we...we have experienced the sound signal being interrupted for the first time in three hundred years."

"what's the situation!"

Now, in addition to the optical map of the Eye of the Universe, Chongyun Hub also has notifications from the Dragon Heart Artificial System.

All signals leaving Chongyun City were lost.

[Chongyun Report: This is Zhang Dongyuan, the general manager of the Defense Center. The signals in all areas are being blocked one after another. All support teams that can be heard will act according to the original plan. When they cannot be contacted, all ministries, divisions and teams will make their own decisions to operate]

Trust the people they elect.

Zhang Dongyuan informed immediately, fearing that after a while, all communications would be cut off.

"what's the situation?"

"The connection between the Defense Center, the forward position, and the two cities has been severed?"

"Did a strange beast do it?"

"It's over, it's over, we are all going to die, let us escape to Maple City."

"Uuuuuu, I don't want to die yet, I'm not married yet."

"Now there is also a tide of beasts over at Hang Feng."

"It's over, it's over, our Red Dragon is gone."

Panic spread and everyone now knew that four were down at the forward position.

At the Defense Center, Zhang Dongyuan asked the deputy general manager to take control of the scene. He immediately went out and went upstairs to see the communications team constantly controlling the screen.

Even Professor Yan’s team came to help.

If there is no communication on the battlefield, there will be no eyes.

Although the Eye of the Universe and the Dragon Heart artificial intelligence are still functioning normally, the uplink and downlink are completely blocked.

"How's it going? Can it be repaired?" Zhang Dongyuan was also anxious.

"No, we can't connect at all. Mr. Zhang pointed out that we were interfered by three signals, which may be dragon-level interference beasts." The communications department was so busy that it was sweating and couldn't repair it.

"Something's not right." Professor Yan also said.

With a look from him, Zhang Dongyuan immediately followed him out.

"What's going on with Professor Yan?"

"Chen Dong also contacted me immediately just now. Look at the positions of these three signals. It's very strange."

Professor Yan took out his high-precision personal instruments.

"The first point is at the forward position. This should be a powerful interference beast. The second point is actually in Chuanfeng City, and the third one is in our Chongyun City."

"Professor Yan, what do you mean?" Zhang Dongyuan squinted his eyes.

"We can't go out publicly. The opponent's technology is very high, and we can't completely locate it in a short time. There are people in Chuanfeng City and Chongyun City who are helping the alien beasts, and they still use extremely advanced technology and equipment."

Zhang Dongyuan clenched his fist, is there a traitor among humans?

"It doesn't have to be a human being. I went to the secret meeting of the Red Dragon. Now it is suspected that aliens are lurking among us, and the judges have taken action. Please be careful. Don't be around people you don't particularly trust. "

Zhang Dongyuan nodded: "Fortunately, Lin Hua and Fan Hongwu are reliable. Professor Yan's restoration work depends on you to direct it."

Lin Hua is the president of the capital and the commander-in-chief of Copperscale City.

Fan Hongwu was the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief of Sichuan Fengcheng.

But are the two completely credible as Zhang Dongyuan said?

In the most secret meeting room of Chuanfeng City, there was something like a monster, emitting interference signals.

Professor Yan nodded: "I'll try my best, and there's that young man named Mu Chen. He might be helpful to us."

Mu Chen?

"I will contact you immediately." Zhang Dongyuan immediately sent a message to Yan Pei: "Yan Pei, where is Mu Chen now? The transport plane from the academy to support Sichuan Fengcheng has not taken off yet? Have him come to the headquarters immediately to help."

Yan Pei: "Huh?"

"What? Huh?"

Yan Pei was embarrassed: "Mr. Zhang pointed out that... he... he... is probably going to the seventh forward position now."

"What did you say?"

"You... know that Shen Ling is temporarily taking command at the seventh forward position. That guy is also a temperamental person and may not let Shen Ling die there."

Zhang Dongyuan was speechless, he couldn't be contacted.

In the forward position of the Seventh District.

Luo Tong flipped it up and checked the communicator: "Hub? Hub! Zhang Dongyuan is always pointing!"

"The signal is blocked."

"If the signal exceeds five kilometers, we can't contact you."

"This has never happened."

"The second wave of strange beasts is coming soon."

"Reporting to Team Luo, Team Shen... Team Shen, the Hongguang remote detector found that the alien beasts are still half an hour away from us. They found a large number of ferocious alien beasts and Earth Level. They were stronger than the first wave. The number was at least 40,000. .”

Shen Ling smoked a cigarette: "When Luo Tong wakes up, you don't need to report to me. I'm just temporary."

Shen Ling is now respected and even worshiped by all Human Venerables.

She was so handsome, rushing at the front, holding heavy weapons in both hands and charging wildly, like a female goddess of war.

"Everyone prepares their weapons and prepares for battle."

"Yes, Captain Luo!"

It is estimated that there are 400,000 strange beasts, more than 200,000 will rush directly to the copper scale, more than 100,000 will go to Sichuan to seal the city, and there will be more than 40,000 in the seventh district.

"Shen Ling, we still have a plane, please leave quickly, you don't belong here." Tu Lian and Luo Tong said almost at the same time.

"What did you say?" Shen Ling took a puff of cigarette.

"Standing here is the task of the Seventh District's forward position. We must stay here today to buy time for Sichuan to seal the city. Everyone is very grateful for your help, but you are not from the Seventh District. Please leave now." Luo Tong was determined. said.

The other warriors also listened. Although it was a little ruthless, everyone knew it. Captain Luo hopes Shen Ling leaves, she shouldn't fall here.

"Sister Shen Ling, let's go. Mu Chen is still waiting for you to come back. You can still fight in Sichuan Fengcheng." The twin-tailed Zhong Qingqing is still better at speaking.

"Damn it-" Shen Ling threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out.

Tu Lian smiled: "Before, no one could pull you away. Now that Mu Chen is useful, go back. You are a group by yourself. I believe that with you here, the chance of ending this beast tide will definitely increase."


Swish Swish Swish Everyone around saluted Shen Ling.

Shen Ling flew her own plane to support them single-handedly, and also killed two flying beasts on the way.

The battlefield commander rushes to the front. Her pulse watch shows the value of 571. This is the merit system of this time. If they survive, everyone who fights bravely will be awarded medals or rewards based on this value.

She killed 571 beast-level monsters by herself.


"Let's go. Your man is waiting for you in Chuanfeng City. Leave it to us." Tu Lian went up to hug her.

Shen Ling was very unwilling to leave like this.

The communicator rang.

"I'm Qin Zhao, Luo Tong, Shen Ling, can you hear me? We, 16,000 people in District 8, are only three kilometers away."

"I am Cai Botao. There are only 3,500 people left here. We will arrive in three kilometers."

what's the situation?

Why are all the people from District 6 and District 8 here?

The plane swooped down.

Return to human form.

Mu Chen fell from sixty to seventy meters in the air.


The floor shattered.

Li Shiyi is a semi-mechanized thruster for the arm, which can cushion the landing lightly.

"It hurts, it hurts... Fly lower and change back again, you are trying to murder your parents..." Everyone looked at Mu Chen dumbfounded.

Li Shiyi was wearing a mask and a beret. She deliberately tricked Mu Chen, knowing that he would be fine even if he fell from such a high position.

But it was too domineering for him to just jump off the plane.

"Mu Chen? Why are you here?" Luo Tong, Tu Lian, Zhong Qingqing, and even Shen Ling were shocked.

"Aren't you worried about our Shen Ling? If we return to Sichuan Fengcheng now, she will definitely be very, very, very unwilling, so I took the initiative to come here."

(End of chapter)

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