In The World Of Machine Girls, The School Beauty Teacher Is Going To Heaven

96. Chapter 96 Close-Range Defense Artillery And Mu Chen’S Bombardment

Chapter 96 Close-range defense artillery and Mu Chen’s bombardment

It rushed over, and the roaring roar of the alien beast resounded throughout the sky.

They made wild strange sounds, and there were almost all ferocious beasts on the ground, such as the iron-horned green bull, the triangular iron monster, the bloodthirsty giant wolf, the two-headed red leopard running extremely fast... Behind them, you can see people over 20 years old. Rice's giant ape, saber-toothed crocodile.

Many of them are Earth Level.

The insect level and ferocious level at least have the appearance of beasts, and the earth level is a mutated monster.

Berserker VI, Drylander II, Destroyer I... In the sky, there is a huge glowing turbot fish, which emits a green halo, as if forming a magnetic field.

"Mu Chen, look it's that guy."

Li Shiyi took out a scanner next to him: "What a terrifying magnetic field. It has a strong ability to block communications and interfere with long-range shooting."

That thing can even speak human language and may be a dragon-level leader monster.

The surroundings are densely packed with flying beasts.

Silver round eagles, giant moths, flying mantises, venomous wasps, these strange beasts that had mutated twice or three times swooped down like a black mass.

"500 surface-to-air pulse electromagnetic guns, fire them all!"

Cannonballs shot into the sky.

Mu Chen controlled his ninth-generation A-class Land Shield Shenguang 3000 close-in defense cannon, four of which strafed the air.



Fire suppression, almost a laser-like barrage, spraying beam energy.

Mu Chen's four close-in defense guns are more powerful than 500 surface-to-air pulse electromagnetic guns.

"Damn it, that weapon is too powerful!"

"Nima, this cannonball is so beautiful, even more beautiful than my wife."

"More handsome than my husband, he can instantly suppress the strange beasts in the sky."

The sky was filled with beams of rain, and the alien beast that had just swooped down seemed to be swept away.

"Prepare the Talon cannon on the ground and fire!"

10 Talon cannons attacked, and 3 Scorpion beam cannons fired simultaneously.

The alien beast rushed closer and reached a range of three hundred meters.

More than three thousand artillery queens and their drivers on the city wall fired wildly.

Boom boom boom boom——

There was an explosion in front of the battlefield.

For the same weapon, the power of a gunner with a linkage compatibility of more than 10 will be increased by three to five times.

"Don't let them go!"

"Indiscriminate attack!"

"Damn, these ferocious beasts are really rough-skinned and thick-flesh."

Even though there are only 50,000 in this wave, it is more difficult to deal with than the previous wave.

The power of normal human weapons began to be insufficient, such as gamma rockets and hand-held weapons. It would take a dozen or more rounds to completely kill an Earth Level.

Drylander II was not afraid of ordinary explosions and opened the way ahead.

Mu Chen and Shen Ling stood on the city wall with one foot at the same time, holding heavy artillery pulse guns in both hands.

Chug tug tug…

Luo Tong and Tu Lian almost laughed when they saw it.

They really are a family.

The two of them formed four turrets, blasting wildly at the approaching beasts.

Li Shiyi held up the pulse sniper cannon and sniped at the fish that slipped through the air.

The first wave relied on Mu Chen's close-in defense artillery, and the air pressure dropped sharply.

But some still swooped down.

Especially coming towards Mu Chen, the alien beast also found that these four cannons must be destroyed.

Or rather, it was the giant glowing turbot fish flying in the air that was giving instructions.

Spotting the Swift Winder rushing down, Li Shiyi mechanized his left hand and turned it into a black multifunctional missile launcher.

Small missiles pierce the sky.

The three-headed Swiftwinders were bombed into powder.


Behind her, the other warriors and the supporting machine girl looked at her like a monster.

This beautiful girl is also a monster.

Sniper cannons, bullets, and semi-mechanized weapons can hit completely.

"Zhan Ji team is ready to support."


"Suppressive fire, don't wait for my order. Once the weapons have cooled down, fire at the place where there are many strange beasts."


The entire position opened fire wildly.

The gunners ran out of bullets and immediately asked the drivers to hold them and retreat.

Except for the 200-pound Pao Ji...

At this time, armored vehicles equipped with weapons and tanks came up to transform and fight for the second round.

The gate was hit, but the firepower was sufficient to suppress it.

Only ten minutes into the fight, the performance number on Shen Ling's watch reached 485.

"These Earth Level beasts were shot dozens of times without dying. They are so capable."

"This wave is too much, we can't let them hit the gate."

Shen Ling threw away her cigarette butt and shouted: "Everyone who is close to the wall, turn your head for three seconds and squat down."

Someone heard it and immediately turned around and squatted down.

Of course some people didn't hear it.

Flare EX——! ! !

Mu Chen made a move.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Mu Chen's record is 617 points.

Shen Ling happened to refill her cigarette.

Look at the explosion and a sea of ​​fire.

Hundreds of people were thrown away and smashed to the ground. Fortunately, it didn't hurt very much.


Everyone who turned around saw Mu Chen stretching out his hand. What weapon did he use?

"Isn't this power comparable to the ultimate move of SS War Princess's main weapon?"

"Brother Mu Chen is awesome!"

"Keep firing!" Luo Tong was surprised and immediately ordered.

[Alert: The sixth forward position has fallen, the sixth forward position has fallen]

The sirens could be heard throughout Chongyun, and all major Red Dragon organizations and even Plaza News knew about it.

Now only the seventh and eighth forward formations remain...

[Alert: The eighth forward position has fallen, the eighth forward position has fallen]

Only five seconds passed before the second alarm came.

The person in command hub was stunned.

"The forward position in Area 8 only held on for three more seconds?"

"It's over, it's over, all the strange beasts rushed towards Chuan Feng and Tong Lin."

"The tide of SS Level beasts has just begun and is it so fierce?"

"It's over."

The people at the command center could only look at the big screen anxiously.

Not to mention the forward positions, communications are now intermittent even at the boundary of Chongyun. There is no transmission between the two cities, and there is no signal with the Red Dragon Center.

Now there are only reports from the Eye of the Universe and Dragon Heart artificial intelligence.

The latter was invented by Transcendent Level scientist Hei Mo three hundred years ago. It is the only one that ignores magnetic fields and waveband interference, but it only has the ability to scan and cannot inject instructions.

"The Eighth District fell too quickly..."

"Will it be destroyed like the first area?"

"That's very possible."

The command center is discussing.

Even Xuanqing and Chen Dong at the center of the Red Dragon are thinking about it.

The last report from District 8 showed that no matter how brutal it was, there were still more than 10,000 people to deal with it.

thirty minutes.

"There are now 300,000 strange beasts gathered in the direction of Copper Scale City, and they may launch an attack at any time."

[Alert, alert: A large number of alien beasts are attacking Bronze Scale, please prepare for the battle at the highest level in Bronze Scale City]

Countless people in the main city and Red Dragon Kingdom prayed that Bronze Scale must hold on.

"Where is Sichuan Fengcheng?"

"Mr. Zhang pointed out that within an hour, 150,000 strange beasts have gathered in Sichuan Fengcheng, and no action has been taken yet."

The Bronze Scales have started fighting, and dragon-level beasts have joined in. The battlefield is extremely tragic and terrifying.

The battlefield with millions of people was densely bombarded by artillery shells, but the death ray spewed out by the dragon-level beast directly penetrated a force field wall.

Running through a thousand meters, all life on the path was reduced to powder.

Some people screamed, and some people stood up.

In District 7.

After fighting for more than an hour, the weapon was basically smoking.

The gate is more than 70% damaged.

The Zhan Ji team has joined the battle.

"Huo Kun is coming, be careful!"

"Mu Chen, be careful of your position, the beast is targeting you and the close-range defense cannon." Tu Lian shouted.

At this time, the four fire kuns spurted out fireballs, all of which roared into Mu Chen.

As soon as Shen Ling came back from fighting the alien beast in the south, she saw four giant fireballs coming down.

"Mu Chen!"

"Mu Chen!"

"Mu Chen is in danger!"

Anti-aircraft guns hitting it only weaken the power.

"ABS force field opens!"

Boom boom boom.

The city walls collapsed. Shen Ling and Li Shiyi who were supporting from the rear were stunned.

The explosion blew many people away and shattered large areas of the city wall.

But the flying sand dispersed, and Mu Chen stood there, the blue force field around his body almost shattering.


"Portable force field? What kind of scary prop?"

“Where did Mu Chen伱 come from so much high technology?”

Shen Ling rushed up and said, "You stinky guy scared me to death."

(End of chapter)

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