In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 201 199. Escape and Resistance

"Eat something, Tomo."

Sarah, who looked haggard, placed a portion of fried eggs and grilled sausages in front of her husband.

Tomo was reading the newspaper, but in the newspaper he only saw the man who was hated and feared by countless French hemp wizards, smiling coldly in the photo on the front page.

[Seventy percent of the Mudbloods have had their wands confiscated, and Mr. Minister announced the establishment of a temporary correctional facility]

Looking at the two lines of news headlines that were bolded and enlarged, Tomo's hands holding the newspaper unconsciously clenched tightly.

Sarah took his hand, her face pained and pale.

"How about we go, my dear, escape from here and go anywhere else."

"When those British hemp breeders fled to our land, they thought the same way." Tomo's voice was excited, "Where can we escape now? To the north to Belgium or the Netherlands? To the south to Spain or Portugal ? Britain and France have fallen into his hands. Do you think the Ministry of Magic in these countries can stop him? Where can we escape then!"

Sarah shed tears silently. She held her husband's hand tightly, full of fear and uneasiness about the earth-shaking changes that had occurred in less than a month.

They were a wonderful wizarding family.

The couple are both marrow wizards who graduated from Beauxbatons. Tomo was recruited into the French Ministry of Magic right after graduation due to his excellent grades. With his outstanding ability and without any political background, Tomo was just over thirty years old. He has already served as an office manager.

His wife, Sarah, works as a tailor in a magic robe shop. Her work is relatively easy and it is convenient for her to take care of her children who are not yet old enough to go to school.

However, this life was shattered just three weeks ago.

No one knew what happened at that extraordinary meeting of parliamentarians, but overnight, the Dark Lord who ruled Britain and was notorious among muck wizards all over the world suddenly became the Minister of Magic in France. .

From top to bottom, the Ministry of Magic became his loyal supporters, and all the original Mug employees were arrested and imprisoned.

Fortunately, on the night of the meeting, Tomo felt that the atmosphere in the department was not right, and escaped from inside in time, thus escaping the disaster.

Now he has taken his wife and daughter to hide in his hometown in the countryside in Rouen, avoiding the search by the Aurors who confiscated the wand.

Having been involved in the political arena for more than ten years, Tomo knows very well what will happen to the marrow wizards under the bloodline policy after the magic wand is taken away. They will all become prey and become victims of the Dark Lord's government. slave!

But just away from Paris, the Tomo family's current situation is still extremely dangerous.

The Aurors, whose staff had more than doubled, were hunting down hemp wizards throughout France. As long as they didn't escape, they would be discovered sooner or later.

"Julie hasn't gotten up yet?" Tomo put down the newspaper in his hand and wiped his wife's tears.

Sara sniffed and collected her emotions.

"When I went to see her, she wasn't awake yet, so I didn't call her."

"Then let her sleep a little longer, she's scared too these days."

Just as they were talking and about to start eating breakfast, Tomo suddenly raised his head keenly.

Outside the window, several black shadows suddenly flashed past!

His whole body's nerves suddenly became tense, but the movement of his hand was extremely slight as he put down the knife and fork, and then grabbed Sara's arm.

Sara looked at him. Neither of them spoke, but the tacit understanding they had cultivated over the years of getting along had long ago allowed them to know what was going on just by looking at each other's eyes.

With a look of horror on her face, she stood up from the chair in a panic, turned around and walked quickly towards the stairs leading to the bedroom on the second floor.

Tomo restrained his trembling hands, took out the wand that was always in his pocket, and then approached the wall where the main entrance was with extreme caution.

He clung to the wall, chanted a spell in a very soft voice and waved the wand over himself.

"Iron armor protection."

An invisible layer of protection formed on the surface of his body, and the closer he got to the door, the more he could hear the movement outside the door, and even vaguely heard a burst of intermittent communication.

".He is hiding here."

"That's right. I used Legilimency on that Muggle woman right here."

Tomo's palms holding the wand were sweating, but at this time his trembling hands calmed down.

He turned to look at Sara, who had already called his daughter and was holding her daughter's hand and looking at him from the stairs on the second floor with fear and worry on her face.

Open your mouth and shout in a suppressed voice.

"Leave immediately!"

Julie, who had just been woken up from bed, seemed to have guessed her father's next fate. When she was about to cry with red eyes, Sara covered her mouth.

Both mother and daughter were in tears, and Sarah raised her wand.

The knock on the door and the sound of her chanting a curse sounded almost at the same time!


She took Julie with her, and their bodies twisted together for a moment. However, in the next second, with a sound like a whip lashing the air, the two of them suddenly appeared on the spot again!

Disapparation is blocked!

Sara and Tomo's faces were completely filled with despair, and such violent movements naturally made people outside the house aware that something was wrong.

"Damn it! They found us and want to escape!"

Tomo pointed at the door with determination and raised his wand, but before he could recite the spell, a deafening explosion hit him!


The main entrance was instantly blown to pieces, and a large area of ​​the surrounding walls also collapsed.

Sarah and Julie on the second floor let out a piercing scream, but Tomo did not hesitate to cast a spell on the burst of smoke in front of him!


The red light flashed and pierced the smoke, but it seemed to be swallowed up without causing any waves.

In the next second, three voices chanting mantras sounded simultaneously from behind the smoke.

"Avada Kedavra!"*3

The miserable green light, which was countless times more dazzling than the red light, completely dispelled the haze. Sarah, who was protecting her daughter on the second floor and looking for the broomstick, screamed!

She gave up the idea of ​​​​escape and ran down the stairs like a madman.

Fortunately, the long office life did not weaken Tomo's vigilance and reaction. The moment he heard the spell, he turned over and hid behind the sofa.

The three death curses landed on the pillow of the sofa, blowing it to pieces and sending countless downs flying all over the sky.

Sara rushed to her husband's side. She grabbed Tomo's arm with one hand. She was accompanied by her daughter, who ran over with her and was crying. She raised her wand with anger and despair on her face.

If you can't escape, you can only resist!

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