Since the accident in Rongcheng No. 1 Middle School, the police entered the scene as soon as possible.

After arriving at the scene, the old detectives all saw that this was not an ordinary criminal case, this was an extraordinary incident.

They also saw that this dormitory was likely to be the scene of the first crime, so they protected the scene as soon as possible and immediately reported the situation to their superiors.

The higher-ups also quickly replied, asking them to do a good job of protecting the scene and doing a good job of collecting evidence!

This kind of evidence collection materials at the scene of the first crime are very important, and can provide strong support for the investigation of subsequent cases, and the evidence collection work is carried out in an orderly manner.

It didn't take long for a detailed forensic information to be placed in the hands of Captain Ma, who led the team this time.

He flipped through the information, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

The name of the deceased, Qian Hongcai, a sophomore in high school, had unsightly grades, had fights, had many demerits, and was an out-and-out problem student.

If you describe it simply, it is a so-called school bully.

Qian Hongcai has a bad personality, but he has some background in his family, which has caused a lot of trouble, and he has not been expelled.

Captain Ma rubbed his chin and said with a slurp: "If this is just a simple criminal case, then there will probably be more than twenty suspects in this case!"

Qian Hongcai was arrogant, and there were more than twenty students who had been bullied by him, and these more than twenty people had the motive to do something to him.

When the bell rang, Captain Ma answered the phone, and then immediately ordered a police officer next to him: "Someone is coming at the door, you go and pick it up personally." "


A black business car slowly drove out of Rongda, and four figures sat firmly on the car.

Jiang Wen, Xiao Binbai, Ding Yu, and Mu Wanjun!

These four people left Rongda together and rushed towards No. 1 Middle School, which was also Ji Yang's arrangement for this operation.

As for what is the pre-recruitment policy

, that is, Rong University will pre-recruit some good martial arts seedlings to the first middle school, even if these people's fist strength is not up to standard and their strength is slightly weaker, as long as the potential is determined to be sufficient after evaluation, then they can also be recruited into Rong University.

This policy can be regarded as a kind of attention and support for the first middle school of Rongda.

Of course, these are all excuses.

This is just to facilitate the three people on Rong Da's side to enter No. 1 Middle School reasonably, and to intervene in the extraordinary events of No. 1 Middle School in this way, it can seem more natural and not too abrupt, so as not to arouse the vigilance of people with intentions.

And the personnel who entered No. 1 Middle School this time were also carefully arranged.

Xiao Binbai's leader of this operation, he is the mentor of Rong University, he is experienced in handling things, familiar with the pre-recruitment policy, and he is responsible for the docking with No. 1 Middle School.

Jiang Wen needless to say, Mu Wanjun is also an old student of No. 1 Middle School, she is a very important part of this plan, and she was also arranged by Ji Yang.

The focus of Ji Yang's plan this time is to find a way to gather all the students and teachers together, first quietly find out the Blood Lord believers among them, and then find an opportunity to capture or kill them!

Let Jiang Wen or Mu Wanjun give a speech, these two special students of Rong University are open to all the younger students of No. 1 Middle School, and show up to explain how to work hard to be admitted to Wuhan University, or enthusiastically mobilize to apply for martial arts or something.

It's just a loan.

As long as he can bring people together, Jiang Wen has a great deal of confidence to find out the people behind the scenes.

If you can't find it, find another way.

The vehicle came to the gate of the first middle school, and as soon as Jiang Wen and the others got out of the car, a policeman greeted them: "May I ask who of you is Team Leader Xiao?"

"I am." Xiao Binbai stepped forward and handed his ID to the other party.

After confirming that it was correct, the policeman returned the document to Xiao Binbai: "Please come with me, Captain Ma is already waiting for you."

Under the leadership of the policeman, Jiang Wen and the others went around and around and walked towards the dormitory building of No. 1 Middle School.

They will have to go to the scene of the first crime first, and maybe there will be some important gains.

Because several of them specially chose the class time to enter Rong University, the students and teachers were almost in the office and classroom, and they entered the school almost without anyone's attention.

There was a murder in the school, because the news was blocked in time, it did not cause a large-scale panic, and the police and Rongda quickly entered the scene, so the class was still normal.

Jiang Wen walked on this familiar campus road, and felt a little emotion in his heart, he had not returned to No. 1 Middle School for many days, but he had already undergone earth-shaking changes when he came back again.

I still remember that when I left, I was still a small warrior.

Jiang Wen felt that he was too far away from the life trajectory of these middle school students, although he was the same age as them, but his future path was already full of blood and fire, and there was no going back to the peace of the past.

Turning his head slightly, Jiang Wen even saw a teacher dressed in black from a distance who was furious, standing in the corridor and sternly reprimanding a student.

The student stood there like a frosted eggplant, wilting his head, and he didn't dare to let out a breath.

Jiang Wen smiled dumbly, still remembering that at the beginning, he was also called out of the classroom by the teacher and reprimanded in the corridor.

He used to feel indignant, but now all that remains is nostalgia.

Seeing the smile on Jiang Wen's face, Mu Wanjun asked out loud, "What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Wen shook his head: "No, I thought of something, don't care about me, go to the dormitory there first." "

Oh. Mu Wanjun and the others didn't care, and continued to walk towards the dormitory building.

It wasn't until Jiang Wen and the others turned a corner that the figure disappeared, and the black-clothed teacher who was training in the corridor just now breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that had been hanging also fell.

Then the black-clothed teacher said to the students in front of him: "Forget it, I won't call the parents this time, you can go to the class first."

As soon as he heard that he didn't need to call his parents, the student's eyes lit up and he was grateful: "Thank you, Mr. Zhou, I will definitely not make a mistake next time."

"Next time I do it again, I won't be able to spare you, huh. The

student hurried back to the classroom.

No one noticed that when Teacher Zhou was just reprimanding the students in the corridor, he was actually

using the reflection of the glass of the classroom window to observe Jiang Wen and the others! As soon as Teacher Zhou found that several people from outside the school had entered the school, he immediately occupied a good angle, using a student who had just made a small mistake as a shield, and then using the window glass as a mirror to reflect and observe Jiang Wen and the others who had just entered the school!

Even if he snooped in such a covert way, he didn't dare to linger too much on Jiang Wen and the others!

He just glanced away in a hurry, making sure that Rong Da Ji Yang didn't come... His heart, which had been hanging, relaxed slightly.

"Damn, if it weren't for that bastard little ghost who made a rash move, how could he attract Rong Da's people

?" "Why did you make me so passive?"

After scolding a few words in his heart, Teacher Zhou could only suppress the injustice in his heart, and then walked into the classroom with a normal face...

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