The voice on the side interrupted her thinking.

"Of course I know that kind of thing."

Yu Xiao Miku's delicate little face, who had no idea what Miss Kuang San was thinking, was very anxious.

In the plan, she should have arrived at her home now, making tea, playing the piano, and showing her charm as a woman.

"But now there are things that concern me more."

"Hey hey hey, Su Jun is now with that girl who smiles like green tea."

Yuya Miku, who had a very bad impression of a scumbag witch whose eyes glowed when she saw a rich man, snorted, and turned her face in the direction of Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Are you happy that this happened?"

Was it because he was worried that the boy he liked would be hooked up by other women?

Women are jealous.

This guy, Mingming and Su Jun didn't say a word, but he was already jealous.

During the battle, I found that the heart of Tokisaki Kurumi, who had been in a hurry for Yu Xiao Miku, looked at someone's eyes, and there was a slight change.

Singer - Seduction Miku.

A lily-loving elf who wants to go back in time and change everything because of the actions of the person he hates the most.

Theoretically speaking, this guy should work conscientiously for Su Han's career, speed up the execution of the plan as much as possible, so as to change the mistakes he made.


This guy's performance so far seems to be a bit off the topic.

I always felt that Yu Xiao Miku was a little too clingy, especially Tokisaki Kurumi, who was too clingy to men, looked a little unhappy.

"The relationship between you and Su Jun is actually not familiar, right? Is it really good to have such an excessive relationship with him?"

Not knowing what he was feeling, Tokisaki Kurumi looked at the girl who symbolized the ninth mass point and asked.


She received a very strange look from Miss Yu Xiao.

In Tokisaki Kurumi's slightly puzzled look, the girl reached out her hand ladylike, and nodded her chin very cutely, looking at Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes, a little distressed.

"Only from the perspective of time, Su Jun and I are really unfamiliar..."

Under Tokisaki Kurumi's gaze, the girl's eyes swam around her body, and then stopped in front of Miss Kurumi's rather predictable chest.

What does this lily girl want to do?

Probably because of Yu Xiao Miku's previous hobby, the girl who had always been wary of her squinted.

But what happened next was not a joke.

The girl just "casually" folded her hands and hugged her chest, and her huge heart began to surge.

If someone dares to put that scene in front of a hero named Shenzhou Fu, and then make fun of it...

The immortal strokes my head, I look up to the immortal, and the immortal strokes my hand again, opening the heavenly spirit with inch strength.

That scene made Tokisaki Kurumi's face a little embarrassed.

Of course, she is not the flat figure of Fu Zhuangshi, whose abdominal muscles are not weaker than that of the Duo Mao Wang. It can even be said that she puts on a swimsuit and puts on a few poses to make a bunch of men spray nosebleeds.

However, after seeing the scene in front of him, he was still uneasy.

A well-developed man sees the male protagonist Huang Wen in the toilet. Even if he knows that he has no problem, he will still have an indescribable feeling of inferiority or envy.

"But, I really like Su Jun."

After achieving her goal, Yu Xiao Miku brought her hand and spoke with a calm voice.

As the words fell, Tokisaki Kurumi's face changed slightly, but the next moment was immediately covered by Yingying's smile.

The smile is cute and friendly.


Dare to say this.

The smiling girl looked at a girl who confessed directly to her partner, her red lips lightly parted.

"If I remember correctly, Miss Yu Xiao, you like girls, right? Is it really appropriate to say that you like Su Jun so suddenly?"

The voice was gentle as if he was whispering to a lover, but it was inexplicably reminiscent of invisible bullets that killed people on the battlefield.

"I hate men."

"I feel like vomiting when I see cockroaches. I can't wait to drive them directly into the trash can with a broom."

"However, when I saw Su Jun, I didn't feel bad at all."

She once had a mental breakdown to the point where she couldn't get any worse, but the girl who was pulled out of the abyss by one hand had a blush on her face.

"Although I don't know what Tokisaki-san's evaluation of liking is, I think my answer should be reasonable."

The singer, who also had a very ladylike smile on her face, tilted her head cutely and looked at her comrades who were fighting side by side not long ago.

"By the way, in what capacity is Miss Tokisaki questioning my liking for Su Jun?"

"I remember, Su Jun said that you are his best friend."

When talking, Yu Xiao Meijiu specially emphasized the pronunciation of the word friend.

Tokisaki Kurumi's face stiffened.

She really has no position to ask why others like Su Han.

After all, in terms of relationship, she and Su Han are just partners.

However, this did not affect Miss Tokisaki's reaction.

I saw that the stiffness on her face disappeared in an instant, she lowered her head slightly, and her face was a little shy.

"Did you say relationship?"

"I was hugged by the energetic Su Jun, and then, he was poured into a steady stream of warm—"

Having said that, Tokisaki Kurumi stopped and stroked his belly lightly, with a bit of motherhood in his expression.

The time elf, who made some language modifications to the magic infusion, chuckled lightly under the petrified expression of Yui Miku.

"That kind of private thing... do you really want to hear it?"

"Do not make jokes."

Yu Xiao Miku, who was broken for a moment, slapped the table, and the tone that used to be calm in the past became hurried.

From Su Han's initiative to borrow two rooms from herself instead of asking for the bed in the guest room to be replaced by a queen bed, she can be sure that the actions that Tokisaki Kurumi is doing now are all fake.

At this time, she should ask a few questions and ridicule.


Clearly, her sanity wasn't at that level.

"You don't just have the guts to talk about this in front of me, but don't you dare to confess to Su Jun at all?"

Facing a girl in front of Su Han, who was a little afraid to speak because of her excessive admiration, Tokisaki Kusan blinked, her smile cute and... sarcastic.

"Longing is the farthest distance from people's hearts. Miss King of the Strong Mouth."

As if the battleship had been sunk, Yu Xiao Miku became depressed, holding the coffee and looking depressed.

She is indeed a strong mouth king.

She, who has always been honored as the elder sister in school, is basically an idiot who can only know Aba Aba in front of Su Han.

Really guilty.

Su Jun.

In the dispute initiated by Miss Yu Xiao, the girl who won the final involuntarily took out her mobile phone and clicked on someone's page.

Even though he devotes himself to fighting, he can still attract girls.

It seemed that there was some kind of induction, and the moment Tokisaki Kuang turned on his phone at three o'clock, a text message popped up.

"Tobiichi Origami sent a message that Ai-Lian has already appeared, so be alert."

Mission-focused as always.

He spoke straight like a steel bar.

In fact, I want to see that the girl who greeted her with good afternoon looks a little distressed.

Then, she laughed again, her half-squinted eyes like crescent moons.

However, this is also good.

At the very least, it won't be too attractive to a girl like Xiao Meijiu, who is out-of-the-box.

Thinking of this, Tokisaki-san showed a slight smile on her face.

As long as you get rid of Yui Miku, you will be the heroine of the new world, right?

Chapter 16 Danger Love Lian Danger

Ailian, one of the three founders of DEM.

Westcott's secretary and right-hand man, the second executive director of the DEM agency, the world's strongest wizard, one of the reasons for the appearance of the original elves.

At this moment, the most powerful magician is sitting in the hospital, peeling apples.

This is often the case in many novels.

A strong and reliable elder, smiling and talking to his students or juniors, narrating his glorious or unfortunate past in a calm tone, and expounding some truth.

When the story is told, a sliced ​​apple will be sent to the hands of the younger generation, and in the process of thinking, they will leave.

This is a tricky mod.

However, in this world, in addition to routines, there is another kind of stuff.

That's the anti-routine.

Ryoko Hibuka, who was wearing a lot of bandages, was looking forward with a polite but embarrassed expression.

It was a blond beauty with a cold expression.

With purple pupils, her figure is wrapped in an ol outfit, and her graceful curves are outlined, interpreting the charm of women.

That is the strongest magician in the world.

He was also the ace and principal who was sent to investigate the so-called elf union incident. After receiving Westcott's mission, he quickly arrived in Tiangong City to express his condolences to some of the guys who took the initiative to contact him.

At this moment, this woman who can be called the strongest woman in the world is clumsily waving a knife, cutting a plump and round apple into pits.

As a battle magician, Ellen is undoubtedly excellent.

As a magician, he was only injured by two people, the first was the original magician, Elliot, and the second was the amazingly talented Tobiichi Origami.

The latter is a surprise, and the former is described as "a person who can stably exert the power of 100 people, but was caught off guard by the person who can exert the power of 101 for only a moment."

Only limited to the world of Dating Battle, no matter who she fights, she is harmless, including Honjo Erya, who has the power of omniscience.

However, this guy with a very brilliant record is almost no different from ordinary people when there is no display device.

No, that's not true.

According to the regulations of a certain country in the extreme east and west, the 50-meter sprint score standard for junior high school boys is that the time for a full score is 7.5 seconds or less, and the full score for junior high school girls is a time less than or equal to 8.0 seconds.

50 meters took 21.5 seconds.

Ordinary people don't twist their feet during running, and they really can't run this kind of data.

After repeated peeling, a pitted apple was handed to the AST captain.

"Eat it, this is a condolence."

Can I not eat it?

Looking at the apple, which looked a little appalling, the expression on the captain's face was very subtle.

However, she still took the appalling apple.

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