Chen Mo grabbed the red blood stone. The stone was very translucent, like a gem.

However, it only took a moment, and the whole stone quickly became dim and gloomy, no longer the same color as before.

Chen Mo couldn't figure out what had happened to the stone, but he still put it away for the time being.

"Dang!" A clear gong sounded from near to far, followed by two more knocks.

Chen Mo remembered clearly that the watchman in the military camp was beating the gong to tell the time.

The gong sounds three times, which means it is the third watch.

Although Chen Mo had never understood why people in the military camp had to arrange for people to ring gongs to tell the time, hearing the sound of the gongs now made him feel extremely at ease.

But then he realized something was wrong. If he could be in the military camp, then what happened just now would definitely wake up many people. Why didn't anyone come out to check the situation?

Just as the gong sounded, the gray fog in front of him quickly dissipated, and in just two or three blinks, the entire military camp appeared in front of him again.

And he was in the haystack, the same haystack where he had just escaped and hid.

Looking at everything in front of him, he was really in a daze. If it weren't for the wounds on his body and the red blood stone in his arms, he would still be there.

Chen Mo would even suspect that what he had just experienced did not exist and that everything was just his illusion.

But whether it was the bloody wounds on his body that were still transmitting pain, or the dim red blood stone, they all proved that what just happened was indeed real.

Chen Mo looked outside through the gaps between the haystacks. The gray fog disappeared completely, and the entire military camp was still there quietly.

After roughly scanning the broken clothes on his body, Chen Mo took them off directly and temporarily bandaged the wounds on his body to stop the bleeding.

Except for the thumb, the other four fingers on his left hand had different injuries, but he could roughly feel that they were all flesh injuries, not bones.

As for the legs, they had been clawed a lot by the blood monkey. There was no bleeding due to the clothes barrier, but dozens of purple palm prints were left behind. It will take time to heal.

Not only has his strength improved after being reborn, but it seems that his ability to withstand attacks has also improved a lot.

These injuries look quite serious, but they only involve flesh and blood and can be healed in ten days and a half at most.

It's just that the sudden injury may affect the subsequent soldier assessment.

There is certainly a shortage of doctors and medicines in the military camp, but that is for ordinary soldiers. There is no shortage of good medicine for the horses. If you secretly use some tomorrow, your injuries will heal faster.

It's just that I have to find a way to cover it up, otherwise I can't explain the origin of the wound.

After briefly bandaging the wound, Chen Mo gritted his teeth and stood up from the haystack, taking advantage of the night to carefully move towards the barracks.

Originally, he planned to spend the night in the haystack after being reborn, so as not to be discovered by the sentry.

Now even if he was discovered by the sentry, he would not dare to make do in the haystack.

Being discovered by the sentinel may not necessarily kill you, but if you fall into the gray fog again and encounter other strange creatures, you may really die.

After carefully returning to his barracks, Ma Cai snored loudly and slept soundly.

Chen Mo had long been used to this, and he stretched himself back on his bed before he dared to relax.

I finally had the energy to think about everything I had experienced before.

From the fact that he heard the gong, it was certain that he had never left the military camp, and he might even have stayed in the haystack.

But everything he encountered in the gray fog could never be faked.

He might have been swallowed up or taken away by the gray mist for some reason, and the haystack was also taken away because it was closer to him.

During this process, he was not completely swallowed or carried away by the gray mist, but only part of it entered the gray mist.

As the gong sounded again, the gray fog that wanted to take him away was dispelled, and he appeared in the real world again.

The reason why gongs must be beaten in the military camp is because some people know that the fog will appear, so people must be arranged to beat the gongs every day to prevent anyone from being swallowed by the fog.

Of course, this is just his guess, and he doesn't know the specific situation.

Is the gray fog a natural phenomenon that appears in this world, or is it because of its own rebirth that it led to it being swallowed up by the gray fog?

And beating the gong could not dispel the fog. It was just a coincidence that when the fog was about to fade away, I heard the sound of the gong.

He couldn't be sure whether this was the case, everything was just based on his guesses, and he lacked too much information.

But one thing is certain, that is, when I lie in the house with others during the day or at night, I will never fall into the gray fog.

Otherwise, when he got up at night, he should have entered the gray fog long ago, and he would never have entered it for the first time so long after arriving in this world.

But even though he was sure of this, he still took the only weapon he owned, a dagger no more than five inches long, and kept it in his arms, so that he dared to sleep peacefully.

After a peaceful night, it was dark and bright the next day, and Chen Mo woke up early as usual.

Reborn, it really has a miraculous effect. The wounds on my hands scabbed over in just one night.

At this rate, I am afraid that my wounds will be healed before the selection of personal soldiers.

Chen Mo took advantage of the darkness to find clothes with longer cuffs and put them on to cover the wounds on his hands.

Although this may look a bit weird, it is better than letting people see the wound directly.

They grooms don't usually get much attention from people, as long as they can hide it from a few people around them.

Anyway, according to the speed of this wound healing, it is estimated that the scab will be shed in the next two days.

As for the bruises on my legs, most of them disappeared overnight, and they will be gone by tomorrow at most. I don’t have to worry about being seen when I put on my pants.

"You said that our military camp is not in the county. No thief would dare to steal from us. In the morning, the captain arranged for someone to beat the gong to wake us up. Why did he arrange for someone to tell the time at night? He didn't even let us sleep peacefully. .”

Chen Mo seemed to complain casually. If gray fog was a normal phenomenon in this world, then Ma Cai, an aborigine, might know more.

"Who knows, this is a long-standing rule, no one dares to touch it." Ma Cai shook his head.

In fact, he didn't understand why gongs were sounded in the military camp at night to tell the time when there were both light and dark sentries.

The main purpose of arranging watchmen to sound gongs in towns is to prevent and deter bandits.

It also reminds the people to be careful with candles. If there is a sudden fire somewhere at night, the watchman will also ring the gong to remind the sleeping people to wake up.

There are light and dark sentries guarding the military camp, so it is normal to arrange for someone to tell the time in the morning and evening, but it seems a bit redundant to have to arrange for someone to call the clock at night.

It's just that this rule has been around for a long time and is very rigid, so no one dares to change it.

Chen Mo nodded lightly and said nothing, but he had a guess in his heart that the sound of the gong was probably a means of dispersing the gray fog.

Otherwise, this matter would not have been executed so well.

They are not frontier troops, and their military discipline is a mess. Apart from drinking soldiers' blood and eating empty pay, the captain obviously doesn't have much enthusiasm for managing the military camp and training soldiers.

In this case, this rule is still implemented very well, which means that this rule is necessary. If it is not implemented, problems may occur.

It seems that gray fog may be a relatively common situation in this world, and the sound of gongs and drums can indeed dispel the gray fog.

Of course, these are just his guesses. With his current status, it is impossible for him to have access to more detailed information.

All he could do was stay quietly for the next few days, waiting for the selection of his own soldiers.

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