In this weird world, I use my body to control all things

Chapter 13 When a monk strikes the clock one day

"Thank you, sir. I understand." Chen Mo thanked him and couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

My long-term efforts have finally paid off. Being selected as General Sun's personal soldier is not only a one-step success, but it is also an extremely rare opportunity.

"You don't have to call me Sir, you and I will be Pao Ze from now on. My name is Mo Hu. Just call me Fifth Brother with the other brothers." Mo Hu smiled with a kind attitude.

Chen Mo will also be a private soldier in the future, his status is not much different from his, and with such strength, he will definitely be able to make a name for himself.

I don't have to pay anything to show my kindness to him now, so why should I keep a cold face and keep people away thousands of miles away.

"Little brother Chen Mo pays homage to fifth brother." Chen Mo bowed his hands and saluted.

"The general told me before I came here that all soldiers who can directly become personal soldiers will be given five taels of silver to settle down in advance. You should keep this money."

Mo Hu took out a five-tael silver ingot from his arms and stuffed it into Chen Mo's hand.

"Don't spend this money indiscriminately. Go buy a pair of better clothes and shoes. Although the military camp issues military uniforms, you can't always wear military uniforms." Mo Hu took a look at Chen Mo's dress and explained carefully.

Clothes and shoes are not cheap. Chen Mo spent all his spare money on food, so he still wore old clothes and tattered shoes.

"Brother, I understand." Chen Mo smiled a little awkwardly. If he had a choice, he would of course want to wear better clothes, but the key to the problem is that he has no money.

Fortunately, with these five taels of silver, I can buy two pairs of clothes and shoes tomorrow. The weather is getting colder, so I really should buy some thick clothes.

"Okay, let's go and rest first." Mo Hu waved his hand.

Chen Mo walked aside to rest. When the people who had previously lifted the 200-pound stone wheel saw him approaching, they all stepped out of the way to make room for him.

Ma Cai then gave him a thumbs up gesture from a distance. He was really surprised that Chen Mo could lift a stone wheel weighing three hundred kilograms. After all, he had never known that Chen Mo had such a hand before.

But he was also happy that Chen Mo could become a personal soldier.

Firstly, the relationship between the two is not bad, and secondly, Chen Mo has also become a personal soldier. The two of them can still stick together in the personal soldier camp, which is of course a good thing.

Several more soldiers tried to lift the two hundred kilogram stone wheel, but most of them failed. One by one they left, and soon it was Ma Cai's turn.

Although he was confident that he could lift it, he could not hide his nervousness at this time, but in the end he was able to lift the two hundred kilogram stone wheel skillfully.

He had never seriously studied martial arts, but fortunately he was born with a good physique and had the strength to survive for a period of time, so this was not difficult for him.

After lifting the two-hundred-jin stone wheel, he stepped towards the three-hundred-jin stone wheel. He knew that he would probably not be able to lift it, but he still wanted to try.

He could feel that many people had focused their attention on him.

It's just that he can't lift it, even if he grits his teeth, it's useless.

He didn't dare to try it forcefully, so it was fine if he didn't lift it up. If he hurt himself with force, he would suffer a big loss.

Seeing that Ma Cai failed to lift it, everyone lost interest and stopped looking at him.

Mo Hu couldn't help but sigh softly when he saw this. He originally thought that he was so lucky this time to meet two naturally powerful people.

It seems that I am too whimsical. I am lucky to meet one. How can I meet two in a row?

"Brother Mo." Ma Cai didn't feel disappointed. He knew that it was impossible for him to lift it.

The reason why I did it was because I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to give it a try.

When the other people heard his familiar name for Chen Mo, their eyes couldn't help but reveal curiosity and envy.

Chen Mo is already General Sun's personal soldier, and they still need to go through many selection tests.

There is no doubt that knowing a soldier will definitely help them in the next selection.

It's just that they are not familiar with Chen Mo, and it's not that easy to have a relationship now.

Some people who had met Chen Mo a few times before felt regretful. If they had known that he had such ability, they should have interacted with him more before, instead of being unable to speak to him even if they wanted to please him.

The school assessment was still in progress, and in the end, except for Chen Mo, seventeen others passed the assessment.

It's hard to say how many of these people can successfully pass other tests until they actually become soldiers.

Even Ma Cai didn't dare to guarantee that he would succeed. He could only say that under the same conditions, he had a higher probability of being selected than others.

"All of you will be stationed in the military camp here. Chen Mo will lead you to assemble at the school grounds the day after tomorrow. Anyone who misses the deadline will not be waiting." Mo Hu looked at the soldiers who had passed the selection and ordered loudly with a cold face.

Everyone said yes, and they didn't dare to say anything else.

"Fifth Brother, I still have some things to do. You will rest here for a day. I will take you to the barracks the day after tomorrow."

When Mo Hu spoke to Chen Mo, his attitude seemed much kinder.

In addition to Chen Mo being a soldier like him, the most important thing is that he will be responsible for training Ma Cai and others later, so he must not give them a good look now.

"Brother, go ahead with peace of mind, I understand." Chen Mo handed over his hand and respectfully sent Mo Hu and the other two soldiers away on horseback.

"If you have anything to do, just go and deal with it on your own. Also pack the things you want to take away. We will gather here at 00:00 the day after tomorrow."

Chen Mo looked at the other soldiers. He had no intention of restraining or controlling these people.

Since these people are willing to participate in the selection, they must all want to become General Sun's personal soldiers. If they pass the selection now, they will definitely come in the future, and he does not have to worry about it.

If someone really encounters an accident and fails to come to fruition, then it is his own misfortune and no one else is to blame.

However, he still asked these people to come early for no other reason than that they could wait for Mo Hu.

And if Mo Hu arrived early, it was obviously impossible to wait for them.

"I understand." Everyone responded in twos and threes, with no objections to this.

The crowd dispersed, and Chen Mo and Ma Cai walked to the stables together.

In the stable, Ding Bao and He Maguan were busy working. Seeing them coming, their expressions seemed to be indescribably strange.

It is no longer as familiar as before, but rather unfamiliar with a touch of awkwardness.

"Let's work." Chen Mo shouted and took a shovel from the side.

"Just leave these tasks to us. You are now General Sun's subordinates, how can we ask you to do any work." He Maguan quickly stopped him.

Logically speaking, since Chen Mo lifted the three hundred kilogram stone wheel, he has been General Sun's personal soldier, and it is never his turn to do this job.

"What you always said is that when a monk strikes a clock, we haven't left yet. We can't watch you busy all the time." Chen Mo said.

Ever since he came to this military camp, Officer He Ma had been treating him well and taking good care of him.

Chen Mo didn't just get better at it, but he immediately turned against others. He was by no means the kind of person who knew kindness without repaying it.

When Ma Cai saw Chen Mo going to work, even if he wanted to go back and rest, he didn't dare to say so, so he could only walk aside and start working.

He MaGuan sighed softly, feeling increasingly satisfied with Chen Mo. Even though he was now General Sun's personal soldier, he still respected himself as an old MaGuan.

If such a person shows kindness to him, he will surely receive it in return.

It's just a pity that he understands that Chen Mo can't inherit his craftsmanship, and he has to find a way to find another disciple.

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