In the kitchen, several banquet tables have been set up, and various cold dishes, stir-fried chicken, duck and fish are being brought to the table one after another.

Already sitting at the main table was a middle-aged military general with a big waist, round waist, broad eyebrows and wide eyes, exuding a fierce and courageous spirit. This man was General Sun Shouren, the guard of Xingyuan Prefecture!

"General!" Many soldiers walked into the kitchen, all of them bowed and saluted.

General Sun smiled and nodded in response. He had just been transferred back to Xingyuan Mansion. There were too many people in the officialdom and at home who wanted to visit him, and he also needed to visit some people.

So in the past two months, I spent most of my time socializing or on the way to socializing, and I didn't spend much time in the military camp.

Many of the soldiers recruited were not even very familiar with him, which was a taboo on the battlefield.

If a war really breaks out, he can only rely on his own soldiers, and if the soldiers don't know the generals, then the battle will be impossible to fight.

When he came back this time, he also made up his mind to train hard in the next time. After all, he was still young, only forty-five years old.

As long as you train well as a soldier, you can go on military expeditions and perform meritorious service in the future.

"General." Chen Mo walked into the kitchen, bowed to General Sun first, and then prepared to find a place to sit.

He was not going to sit at General Sun's table because eating with him would inevitably make him a little nervous.

However, he did not expect that General Sun, who looked fierce and brave, would greet him with a pleasant smile.

"Chen Mo, sit down."

Sun Shouren still remembered that this young man had only been in the personal barracks for two months, but he received A-level scores in both assessments, which was indeed quite rare.

Moreover, Chen Mo was not like other people who had martial arts passed down from their families, or had already practiced martial arts as apprentices of martial arts masters at home.

He has never practiced martial arts, and his ability to obtain an A-level rating was entirely due to his own talent and hard work.

It was also because of this that Sun Shouren could remember him, otherwise there would be fifty or sixty soldiers joining the military camp this time.

Many of them were his own clansmen. If Chen Moruo didn't have any skills, how could he remember them.

"Ah!" Chen Mo was stunned, but he had to listen to the general's orders, so he had to find a seat at the main table to sit down.

Mo Hu was quite relaxed and natural. He sat down directly next to General Sun and even grabbed a handful of peanuts to eat first.

"I told you to be damn careful. The banquet hasn't even started yet, and you've almost finished eating it!" Sun Shouren scolded with a frown, feigning anger.

"Oh!" Mo Hu agreed loudly and stretched out his hand to grab a handful.

As other recruits who passed the examination arrived one after another, Sun Shouren stood up and briefly praised the performance of many soldiers during this period, and then announced the opening of the banquet.

Several fire-headed soldiers brought one large wine jar after another, and many soldiers raised their coarse porcelain bowls and drank happily.

Chen Mo was not very interested in wine and only focused on the meat on the table. He only drank from it when everyone clinked glasses.

This wine is actually not very strong. It is the rice wine brewed by the kitchen. But because it is not very strong, you may drink too much without realizing it.

Everyone was changing cups for a while, the atmosphere was very lively, and the number of chicken and duck bones in front of Chen Mo quickly increased.

Sitting at the same table with General Sun, not only was he nervous, but other recruits like him at their table, except Mo Hu and the veterans, were also a little nervous.

It was a bit overwhelming at first, but as we drank several bowls of rice wine, the atmosphere gradually became more lively.

Only then did Chen Mo dare to let go and untie his belt to enjoy this once-a-month feast.

After eating pieces of meat, strands of blood power are constantly being transformed.

"Why don't you give me a toast!" General Sun blushed and looked at Chen Modao with slightly blurred eyes.

"I respect you, General!" Chen Mo picked up the wine bowl and drank it all.

General Sun then laughed happily. He clearly wanted to get closer to these murderers. He danced and drank tea and recited poems. This was just playing the piano to others.

Drinking wine twice together and getting drunk twice will have the best effect.

As for wanting them to contribute to their service on the battlefield, they are willing to be the vanguard to defend against the enemy.

In addition to making them convinced of themselves as the general on weekdays, they also have to promise benefits when going into battle so that they are willing to fight with all their strength.

As for getting them to die for him, that's extremely difficult. Even he doesn't have many such confidants.

As the banquet came to an end, soldiers collapsed on the table and on the floor. Some people were drunk, but they were still mumbling something.

Chen Mo took this opportunity to take action. The dishes on his table were already in a mess, but some dishes were still relatively well preserved.

Take some home as a midnight snack as soon as possible, and the progress of Qi and blood accumulation will be faster.

Besides, it's not like he can only take what's on his own table, he can also take it from the tables next to him.

Chen Mo is now doing whatever he can to increase the speed of his blood accumulation as much as possible.

Firstly, it was to reborn faster and have stronger strength. Only in this way could he rescue Zhao Yu.

Secondly, he didn't know whether he would bump into the gray fog again. Although the sound of the gong might have the effect of dispersing the gray fog, he still fell into it in the military camp last time.

This shows that gongs and drums have the effect of dispersing gray fog, but they cannot be said to be absolutely safe.

So now, no matter where he is, he feels a vague sense of insecurity in his heart.

What can counter this uneasiness is to improve your strength and improve your strength faster.

As long as you are strong enough, you can still ensure your own safety even if you are caught in the gray fog.

So now he will seize any opportunity as much as possible to speed up the accumulation of Qi and blood, just to improve himself faster.

In fact, he also wanted to inquire about Gray Fog during this period, but in the military camp, no one he could come into contact with due to his status knew about it.

And if you want to read the classics and check them out, it is even more impossible. Books are absolutely precious things in this era, and it is impossible to show them to others easily.

Chen Mo secretly learned a few words when he was a bookboy, and he was pretty good among many soldiers.

Even in this guard camp, most of the guards are illiterate.

So until now, Chen Mo knew little about gray fog, and the unknown meant danger, so he had to use all means to improve himself.

Taking out the sea bowl that was usually used to serve rice, Chen Mo easily took away an elbow and a half, a large bowl of braised lamb, a large bowl of braised pork, half a braised goose and half a roast chicken.

These are considered to be the best-looking meats on the table. Chen Mo took them away one by one. Not only can he eat them tonight, he can also have another meal tomorrow.

After putting these huge bowls of meat back into his barracks one after another, Chen Mo walked back to the fire room and picked up Mo Hu.

Mo Dao also came over at this time. He and some of his soldiers did not attend today's banquet, but were responsible for patrolling and guarding.

In fact, these soldiers who are responsible for patrolling and guarding today are the best among the soldiers, and they belong to the elite among the elite.

Of course they will also be rewarded, but the banquet to reward them will have to wait until someone takes over their patrol duties tomorrow.

"You send Xiaohu back, and I'll send back my adoptive father." Mo Dao's tone remained calm, and it was rare for him to say a long sentence.

Chen Mo has long been used to this. Mo Hu is right, Mo Dao is indeed a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

My bow-drawing posture has received a lot of guidance from him on weekdays. If not for this, I may not have been able to improve so quickly.

Mo Dao just doesn't talk much on weekdays and is not willing to communicate with others. He is never vague when doing things.

After sending Mo Hu back to the room, Chen Mo went to wash up again before lying back in the room to rest.

The next day, Chen Mo was preparing to train as usual, when a messenger sent news that General Sun wanted to see him in person.

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