In the morning, the sky is slightly bright.

Chen Mo woke up from hunger early. He was a little lucky that he could still wake up.

He couldn't remember the last time he ate, and he didn't have the energy to think about it.

After waking up their companions, the two of them walked forward silently without saying a word.

I don’t know how far I have walked, but the world is still desolate, but there are tracks left by carriages and horses on the yellow soil under my feet.

Seeing these traces, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel excited. This meant that there must be people living ahead. The animals were not eaten, which meant that there was no shortage of food there and there was a way to survive!

Chen Mo tried his best to speed up his pace, but with this body that was about to run out of oil, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move much faster.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the number of victims around them is gradually increasing, and it is no longer like before when you could walk for a whole day without seeing anyone.

Apparently they also saw the nearby ruts and knew there was a way to survive, so they all gathered here.

From time to time, some victims fell down on the road, but no one paid attention to them, they just kept their heads down and walked on.

Chen Mo found a big sunny tree and rested on it. He didn't dare to sit, let alone lie down, for fear that he wouldn't be able to get up as soon as he sat down.

Chen Mo took out a piece of dark pancake from his arms, cut it into two pieces and handed one piece to his companion.

Even the crumbs that fell when he broke the cake were collected in the palm of his hand and licked clean carefully.

This is the only food the two of them have now. If they can't reach a place where there is a way to survive after eating, then they will end up like other victims who fell on the road.

After eating the pancakes, Chen Mo didn't dare to stay any longer and continued walking along the road at his feet.

Perhaps because they ate the pancakes, or perhaps because they saw hope, the two of them walked significantly faster.

As the sun moved away from the sky, the outline of the town slowly emerged.

Chen Mo's brain, which had been numb for many days, finally had some human emotions.

Although it was still far away from the town, he seemed to smell the aroma of food.

As we get closer to the town, there are not many victims in the town, which shows that there is probably a way to survive in the town.

Even selling yourself into slavery is better than starving to death.

Chen Mo rummaged through the layers of clothes he had, and he remembered that he had money.

Once when he was taking off the clothes of a dead body, he was lucky enough to find seventeen large coins. Compared with other penniless refugees, his situation was relatively better.

Seventeen cents is not much, but it should be enough to buy some food.

Walking into the town, the residents were not surprised to see the two of them. They seemed to be used to seeing disaster victims.

At first, they would help the victims, but as the number of victims increased, they could only turn a blind eye.

After all, in this world, life is difficult for everyone.

"How much does a bowl of noodles cost?" Chen Mo asked as he walked to an open-air noodle stall.

"A bowl of noodle soup costs seven cents, and a pancake costs three cents." Although Chen Mo was a disaster victim, the boss did not show any sign of contempt and still greeted him with a smile.

"Two bowls of noodle soup and one cake." Chen Mo said with a smile.

He is in a good mood now that he can eat.

"Give me the money first." The boss said. It seemed that many victims had eaten for free before.

Chen Mo took out the copper plate, and the boss suddenly became more enthusiastic.

"Okay, sir, please take a seat first."

Chen Mo chose a seat far away from other guests.

He has been on the run for several months, and he can adapt to the smell, but others may not be able to adapt to it.

Chen Mo waved to his companions. He didn't have anything to eat and he still didn't want to talk anymore.

"I have no money." His companion moved to Chen Mo's side and spoke in a hoarse voice.

The two of them had traveled together before, and even trusted each other with their lives.

It was a desperate act when fleeing.

Now that there is a way out, the previous alliance of last resort should naturally be disbanded.

Although there is a way to survive in the town, we haven't seen it yet.

Food is precious, and one more bite means one more chance of survival.

"It's okay, let's eat first and then talk." Chen Mo forced a smile.

Both of them are now on the verge of collapse. They can only come to the town by their willpower. If they don't eat something, they won't be able to find a way to survive.

Even if he and his companions are sold into slavery, if they can be sold into the same master's home, they will definitely have contact in the future.

Even if they couldn't, the two of them had been traveling together for a long time and had saved each other's lives.

Now that he finally had a chance to live, Chen Mo couldn't possibly watch him die.

"Thank you." His companion smiled and thanked him, and then he dared to sit down opposite Chen Mo.

Two bowls of hot noodle soup were served quickly.

The noodles are the simplest boiled noodles without any seasoning except salt.

Chen Mo couldn't describe its taste. To him, it was the most delicious thing in the world.

After a bowl of hot noodle soup, Chen Mo finally felt like a living person.

Chen Mo asked for another bowl of noodle soup from the boss and took the freshly baked pancake. Chen Mo broke off a piece and gave it to his companion, but he didn't want to take it.

Chen Mo was not polite to him, so he ate half of the cake with the noodle soup and hid the remaining half with him.

"Brother, is there any way to survive in this town? Just give me food." Chen Mo handed the noodle bowl back to the boss and asked with a smile.

"To the east of the town, there are several large households in Beihe County that accept slaves. You can try it. Walk sixty miles east to Qingmuji. The imperial court is recruiting troops there. If it doesn't work, you can go." The boss thought for a while and said He spoke.

Chen Mo and the others arrived too late, and any better way of living and livelihood would have been snatched away by the victims who came first.

The only two options left were selling oneself into slavery and joining the army, which one would only choose if they had no choice but to do so.

"Thank you, brother!" Chen Mo thanked him seriously.

The people under the rule of Daqian were divided into countless places of origin according to their industry status, and the most noble ones were none other than scholars.

Being a slave is the lowest place of origin. As for military households, although their place of origin is not the lowest.

But the treatment he received was probably even worse than that of a slave.

Not only could they not get a penny of salary, but they had to plow the land for their superiors, endure beatings and scoldings from veterans, and would even be used as cannon fodder in a real war.

As the saying goes, it is better to be a slave than a soldier.

If you become someone else's slave, at least you won't be forced into the battlefield.

What's more, you have to walk another sixty miles to join the army, and you may not be able to get there alive.

"There is a big family in the east end of the town that accepts slaves. Let's go and have a look." Chen Mo spoke to his companions in a low voice without mentioning joining the army at all.

"Okay." The companion smiled bitterly, and after eating the food, he finally felt alive.

Given the choice, no one wants to be someone else’s slave. But they had no choice. It didn't matter if they were slaves or maids, they could survive at least.

The two of them moved slowly to the east of the town.

Someone built several thatched shacks here, and a dozen refugees squatted in them to rest.

"Are you here to sell yourself?" A short, fat middle-aged man came over and looked at the two of them with the eyes of inspecting goods.

"Yes." Chen Mo said in a deep voice, trying to make his voice as loud as possible.

"Male or female?" the short, fat man asked coldly.

The victims who were able to escape here, both men and women, were unkempt, skinny, and had weak and hoarse voices.

Don't say you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference even if you look carefully.

"Male." Chen Mo spit out one word.

"Men don't want it." The short, fat man waved his hand in disgust.

Upon seeing this, his companion hurriedly stepped forward and shouted softly, "I am a woman."

"Grandma Sun, come and inspect the goods!" the short, fat man shouted to a carriage next to the shack.

A tall and thin middle-aged woman wearing a gray floral robe with dark skin jumped out of the carriage.

"Which one is the woman?" Mrs. Sun walked up to the two of them and asked in a thin voice.

"Me." The companion slowly moved forward.

Grandma Sun looked her up and down with a look of disgust, stretched out her hand and touched her carefully, then nodded and said, "Okay, come with me."

Looking at his companion beside him, Chen Mo didn't know what to say. He wanted to congratulate him, but he didn't know how to say it.

What a world! Selling yourself into slavery has become a good thing!

"I'm not selling myself, I'm selling him!" the companion said weakly.

"Are you selling her?" Mrs. Sun glanced at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was silent. After traveling to this world for so long, he might not be clear about other things, but he knew the difference between self-selling and side-selling.

Selling yourself means selling yourself, with no chance to redeem yourself. You will be a slave to others for the rest of your life. Even if you have children, your life is still a slave.

There is not much difference between selling him and selling himself. The only difference is that he can be redeemed and has the opportunity to escape from slavery.

He knows this because he sold himself.

At the beginning of time travel, in order to survive, he followed several disaster victims and sold himself to a landlord.

Later, as the number of victims increased and all the landowners were robbed, he began to flee.

"You come with me." His companion stretched out his hand and tugged on his sleeve. Chen Mo saw this and followed closely.

After moving to a dead tree not far away, my companion stopped.

"I don't want to sell myself into slavery. How about selling me and giving you the money." The companion whispered.

Chen Mo was not in a hurry to speak. Although he and the other party were close friends of life and death, it was out of necessity.

He didn't think that the other party would give him the money for selling himself for no reason.

People will use money as long as they live, even if they are sold into slavery. Having money is better than having nothing at all.

"But you have to promise me something when you take the money. You have to find a way to redeem me in the future." She didn't want to be someone else's slave all her life.

In fact, no one would want to be a slave if given a choice.

She knew that even if she gave all her money to Chen Mo, it would be difficult for him to redeem her in the future.

It's not that she doesn't believe Chen Mo, it's because she knows that it's difficult for the victims to survive, let alone save enough money to redeem themselves.

But she is still willing to do this. Having something to think about is better than nothing.

After she finished speaking, she stopped talking and just looked at Chen Mo quietly.

Even if Chen Mo didn't agree to this, she decided to give him some money later. If the other party was willing to treat her to a meal so that she could survive, she would also help him.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as I don't die in the future, I will find a way to help you redeem yourself!" Chen Mo thought for a long time and promised.

He rarely makes promises, but when he does, he will try his best to fulfill them.

Seeing Chen Mo agree, his companion tried his best to put on a not-so-good-looking smile.

The fact that the other party has thought about it for so long shows that the other party has really considered the issue carefully and did not just agree without hesitation for money.

Redemption may no longer be an illusory hope.

"My name is Zhao Yu, what's yours?" said the companion.

"Chen Mo."

The two have known each other for a long time, and they only exchanged names now.

The two discussed in a low voice, and then went to find Mrs. Sun to sell themselves.

Not long after, Chen Mo got a document of selling himself, and Mrs. Sun was the middleman. As Zhao Yu's husband, he sold Zhao Yu to the Liu family in Beihe County as a slave, and received five coins of silver.

This was something the two of them had discussed before. If he didn't have anything to do with Zhao Yu, he wouldn't be able to sell her.

"Take it." Mrs. Sun counted out five hundred coins and threw it to Chen Mo.

He took the money and counted them one by one.

A living person can only be sold for five coins in a disaster year.

"Don't worry, I won't miss you a penny." Mrs. Sun smiled brightly. The money for selling on the side was much lower than the money for selling on her own, so she could make a lot of money from it.

As for redemption?

Chen Mo would make money if he didn't redeem her, but if he redeemed her, she would make even more!

"Put this document away. If you can really collect twenty taels of silver to redeem your life, go to Dong City, Beihe County and find me." After finishing speaking, Granny Sun dragged Zhao Yu to leave.

"Please wait a moment and let us talk again." Chen Mo asked with a smile.

"Okay, but I'll be watching from the side, so you two can't run away." Grandma Sun was quite easy to talk to.

Although he was not worried that two victims who were almost unable to walk could outrun him, he was still used to threatening them.

"Take some of this money." Chen Mo divided the five strings of money into three and handed them to Zhao Yu. He had sold himself before and knew that even if he was selling himself, it was best to have some money with him.

"I can't use this much, please take more." Zhao Yu only withdrew a bunch of money.

Although she sold herself into slavery, at least she wouldn't starve to death. Having no money would be the worst.

But if Chen Mo had no money, he might really starve to death.

"Sure." Chen Mo didn't refuse any more and divided the remaining money into three parts and hid them closely.

"I won't need this anymore, just take it." Zhao Yu took the water bag she carried with her and handed it to Chen Mo. It was the only valuable thing on her body.

"Okay." Chen Mo did not refuse.

After taking the water bag, the two looked at each other in silence.

"Let's go." Zhao Yu grinned at him, slowly turned around and walked towards Granny Sun.

Chen Mo also forced out a smile,

Whether he lives or finds a way to redeem Zhao Yu, he has only one way left now.

Join the army!

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