First of all, thank you all for your support!

This book is finally finished. When I finished writing the last chapter, I was completely relieved.

Since the creation of this book, writing and updating it every day is like a sword hanging over my body.

The first thing I have to consider every day is how to write the next plot.

Now that the sword has finally been removed, I feel refreshed, but also a bit empty.

I have always believed that writing a book is like a long-distance race. At the beginning, I am full of energy and naturally full of passion.

But near the end, I am more and more exhausted. Every day when I write and think about the plot, it feels like a torment.

But no matter what, I think I have enough pride, that is, this book is finally finished.

At least I can express my feelings about the completion of the book here.

Instead of writing a eunuch's feelings or an apology statement halfway through.

I can persist in running the whole course, even if I run very slowly in the later stage, but no matter what, I have finally finished the race.

I don't deny that this book did collapse in the later stage.

This can be seen from the gradually declining number of readers and average subscriptions, as well as the decreasing number of chapter reviews.

To be honest, I even thought about giving up.

But after careful consideration, I decided to stick to the book.

First, there are still readers who are following this book. If I give up, I will really let down the readers who have been following it.

Second, the royalties earned from this book before, even after the royalties dropped sharply in the later period, are enough to support me to finish it.

This is very important, because people always have to eat.

If you can't even eat, then talking about persistence and dreams is a bit unreliable.

As for why the book collapsed in the later period, I have naturally thought about it carefully.

But there is no need to elaborate on these issues here, which are all due to the author's personal shortcomings.

I can only say that when writing a new book, I will take these issues into consideration and try to solve them.

Finally, let me talk about the new book. After writing this book, the author will have to rest for a long time.

First, it is because writing this book does take a lot of energy, and second, I still have a lot of things to do.

Lose weight, adjust work and rest, and treat rhinitis and paronychia.

I can't say how long it will take, especially losing weight.

So I won't make any promises yet. If I publish a new book, I will post a chapter in this book as a notice.

If you are interested in my new book, you can go and have a look.

Finally, thank you to all the readers who have followed me all the way here. Without your support, I may not be able to finish this book.

Thank you everyone!

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