"The imperial court sent a letter saying that there are unknown bandits running around here, and ordered me and the Anyang Prefecture Guard to send elite troops to carefully investigate this area."

Sun Shouren kept making circles on the map, and his tone was really doubtful.

He knew the situation in this place. Logically speaking, there were not even many people alive, so how could there be bandits running around.

Even if there are disaster victims who actually form banditry, they should flee to the Xingyuan Prefecture or Anyang Prefecture area.

Because there is really nothing to rob in that area now, so thieves can't think of anything and insist on staying there.

If you want to grab something, you have to walk a hundred or two hundred miles back and forth.

Sun Shouren really couldn't figure out why there were thieves there.

Of course, according to his estimation, the greater possibility is that there are indeed bandits running in that area, but they may have left now, and the delay in the information provided by the court is quite serious.

But even if the information given by the court was wrong, he still had to send someone to investigate and show enough attention.

Because this is an order from above, not a request.

"You guys make some preparations. Each of you will bring five soldiers and enter this place lightly to investigate. If you encounter bandits or people acting strangely, you can kill them on the spot." At this point, Sun Shouren's tone became serious.

If the intelligence is correct, there are bandits running around there, and it is very likely that they have spread into Xingyuan Prefecture.

As a guard, he had to mobilize troops to suppress the bandits immediately.

Naturally, the Xiang troops guarding various places could not count on them, and could only rely on their own soldiers and some of the elite soldiers trained during this period.

"Understood." Mo Dao nodded and obeyed the order, as did Chen Mo and others.

"I won't allocate other soldiers in the camp to you. There will be new recruits joining the camp tomorrow. You can each choose five." Sun Shouren explained.

Investigating this matter is not very useful. Maybe they went through the motions and ended up in vain.

But he had to go. This was a direct order from the court. Even if it was a useless effort, he had to show a serious enough attitude.

As a guard, loyalty to the court and your majesty are most important.

As long as you can do this, even if you are a little worse in other aspects, you can still have a successful official career.

But if you can't do this, no matter how capable you are, you will never be promoted and reused.

Letting his adopted sons and nephews go not only can train new recruits but also show that they attach great importance to this matter. More soldiers can also be used to guard against the next banditry. It is really a three-fold success.

Chen Mo and others took orders and went to prepare, but there was nothing to bring. Chen Mo prepared some extra dry food and a pair of clean clothes.

As for the new clothes Zhao Yu made for him, it would be better not to wear them during this long journey.

Don't let the newly made clothes get dirty, torn and worn into old clothes.

The next day, more than 150 recruits who passed the selection and examination were gradually added to the barracks. These recruits were previously selected from various military camps.

Among them, those with the best grades can enter the personal barracks, and those with lower grades can continue to stay in General Sun's tent for training. When the war comes, they can also be used as veteran soldiers and elite soldiers.

And the most inferior thing is to go back and forth from where you came.

"Brother Mo!" Ma Cai saw Chen Mo from a distance and waved to him happily.

"Okay, you follow me, then come back and come with me for a walk." Chen Mo directly pulled him over.

Chen Mo was not familiar with anyone else, so there happened to be an acquaintance here who naturally wanted to win over him.

Moreover, Mo Dao also roughly analyzed the situation with them yesterday. The bandits might have spread there before, but now they are more likely to have entered Xingyuan Mansion.

The reason why the adoptive father asked them to investigate was mainly to show his importance and let the court know that he valued the court's orders very much.

Therefore, rather than staying in the military camp to confront the bandits head-on, it is relatively safer to go out to explore.

Even if they did encounter thieves, they would not be able to catch up because they were small and fast.

"Okay." Ma Cai nodded and agreed without asking any more questions. It seemed that the training in the previous months was not in vain.

When faced with an order, he already knew how to execute it, rather than asking questions.

"There are other good soldiers among the soldiers who came in this time. Go and pick four more for me." Chen Mo ordered Ma Cai.

He was not familiar with these new recruits, and he had not participated in their training, but Ma Cai trained with them, so he should be more familiar with them.

"Yes." Ma Cai obeyed and quickly ordered four people to follow him.

Mo Dao and others also called out a few new recruits, but they didn't pay attention to this matter because it was important but not dangerous.

"Brother Mo, this is your money." Ma Cai followed Chen Mo and took the opportunity to hand over a few pieces of silver.

During this time, he had money on hand, but he never had the chance to see Chen Mo, so he never was able to pay it back.

Now that I finally saw him, of course I had to pay back the money quickly and settle my worries.

Chen Mo weighed the weight and stuffed it into the purse in his arms.

"Let's take a carriage and take the inn to Qingmu County first, take a short rest there to investigate the situation, and then travel lightly into this area to investigate."

Mo Dao told everyone that Chen Mo and others had no objection to this.

General Sun had already explained before that Mo Dao was in charge of everything during this outing.

They left the military camp and headed south. This time they were on official business, so they no longer had to stay in a big car shop. They could rest at stations along the way.

Arriving in Qingmu County three days later, Mo Dao went to find the local magistrate and county lieutenant to get information on whether any bandits had recently entered the country.

Chen Mo and others, under the arrangement of the local county magistrate, found a place to rest and recuperate from the fatigue of traveling and traveling.

Although riding a carriage was easier than walking, it was a bumpy ride. Chen Mo and the others were fine, but the new recruits were a little tired.

"I asked the county magistrate and the county captain. Qingmu County is very safe and there are no traces of bandits." After Mo Dao asked about the situation, he informed Chen Mo and others about the matter.

"This means that either the gang of thieves haven't come in yet, or they have gone straight to Anyang Mansion." Mo Hu said, his thoughts were also the thoughts of most people.

Chen Mo didn't say anything, but he had another guess in his mind.

That is, this group of thieves has entered Qingmu County, but they did not rob, but dispersed and hid.

However, this possibility should be unlikely. If this is the case, then this group of thieves is not only elite enough, but their intentions are definitely very big.

"No matter what the specific situation is, we have to go and take a look. When we get there, we will investigate first, and if we encounter a small number of bandits, we will kill them directly.

If you encounter a large number of bandits, avoid them for the time being and do not confront them head-on. "Mo Dao explained carefully to several people.

Chen Mo didn't say anything about his guess, because the probability was too low.

It has been 317 years since the founding of Daqian, but it has indeed begun to decline. The administration of officials is dim and corrupt officials are rampant.

Qingzhou suffered a serious disaster, and countless people starved to death.

To this day, there are indeed civil uprisings, but there are really no elites dormant and ready to raise the banner of rebellion.

Chen Mo never wanted this to happen. His life was relatively stable. As long as he waited a few months to take the imperial examination, he would be able to gain fame and leave the military status and become a soldier.

The few people then discussed the rest of the situation and then rested separately.

The next day, we officially set foot in Qingzhou.

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