The hot stench of fresh horse manure, mixed with the smell of fresh grass, constantly penetrated Chen Mo's nose.

Two soldiers were working together, one pushing the cart and the other holding a shovel, to shovel away the horse manure one by one.

There are more than ten war horses in the manger, fat and strong, with smooth and water-smooth fur. One look at them shows that the feeders are very attentive.

Seeing He Maguan approaching, the leading horse snorted happily and swept down two more piles of horse dung with his tail.

"Oh, okay, okay!" Upon seeing this, He Maguan stepped forward and patted the head horse's neck affectionately.

"Seeing as you can't shovel the manure like this, come with me and I'll take you to make feed." He Maguan looked at Chen Mo's skinny body and said.

The two soldiers shoveling dung looked at Chen Mo when they heard the sound, their eyes showing slight caution.

"Master, someone is here to help again." A strong soldier shoveling dung asked with a smile.

"Yes." He Maguan replied casually and led Chen Mo to a shack next to the stable.

The shack is fully equipped with firewood for the stove, making it look like a small kitchen.

"Can you make steamed buns?" He Maguan asked as he brought two bags of flour.

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded repeatedly and swallowed his saliva.

Being able to make steamed buns means that he has the opportunity to eat steamed buns secretly.

"Twenty pounds of white flour, seven pounds of cornmeal, three ounces of salt, two spoons of oil, and fifteen eggs." He Maguan told the general formula of the feed.

War horses are much more expensive than people, and their food is naturally better than people.

Chen Mo got right to work. He had sold himself before, so he could do these chores.

Mixing the noodles required a lot of strength, so He Maguan went straight to help him.

"Where did you escape from?" He Maguan skillfully made a wotou and put it on the drawer.

"Qingzhou and An County." Chen Mo reported the only place name he knew.

"That's from the north. I think I also escaped from the north back then. I was about the same age as you at that time."

Xu Shi met people in the same situation, and He Ma started talking more and talked about many things in the past.

Chen Mo responded repeatedly, mostly focusing on the steamed bun in his hand.

If He Maguan hadn't been there all the time, he would have eaten two raw ones to fill his stomach.

The five large baskets of steamed buns were quickly put on the stove. He Maguan supported his waist and slowly stood up from the stool.

"This steamed bun needs to be steamed for a while. When it's cooked, take it out and let it cool down." After explaining, he was about to walk out, but his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Don't eat too much, or you'll starve to death." He had escaped famine and knew what it was like to be hungry.

The reason why he left on purpose now was to give Chen Mo a chance to eat secretly, so that he could fill his stomach first.

But he also understood that an overly hungry person might really stretch himself to death when eating for the first time.

"Thank you, Master He. I am sensible." Chen Mo thanked him seriously and was deeply moved. He knew that the other party was taking care of him.

One bite of food may not be precious, but it is very important to me now.

He Maguan said no more and left the shack with his hands behind his back.

The smoke from the stove was steaming, sending out sheets of thick white mist.

Chen Mo waited anxiously on the side, feeling that time passed extremely slowly.

After a long time, the steamed steamed buns were finally seven or eight times ripe.

Chen Mo didn't care about anything else. He picked out two of them with chopsticks, put them in the well water in the basin to cool down, and then swallowed them whole.

The steamed buns are so delicious!

Chen Mo picked out two more and swallowed them in the same way.

After four wotou, the whole body felt warm. Chen Mo seemed to be alive again, his mind was thinking more clearly, and he could finally concentrate.

Raising two ladles of water to extinguish the fire, Chen Mo opened the cage drawers one by one and waited for the steamed buns to cool down.

While waiting, he had to eat secretly, and one steamed bun weighed two taels.

Chen Mo ate twelve or three more times in a row until his stomach was round, then he stopped.

Although he could eat again, he was afraid of stuffing himself to death and did not dare to eat anymore.

He could feel that as the food was digested by himself, strands of energy and blood were slowly flowing into the Mortal Transformation Pearl.

"When these steamed buns are cold, you come with me to feed the horses." He Maguan came over pushing a horse-feeding wheelbarrow. Seeing that Chen Mo did not continue to eat the steamed buns, he couldn't help but show a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

After being starved for a long time, he can still maintain self-control when it comes to eating. This kind of character is quite rare.

"Okay." Chen Mo responded, taking advantage of the time to dry the shack to clean it up.

He Maguan lit the dry smoke leisurely and looked at Chen Mo with a satisfied expression. He saw a hard-working person in his eyes who would not be annoying no matter where he went.

After the shack was cleaned and the buns were left to cool down, they were poured into the wheelbarrow one after another. Chen Mo took the initiative to push the wheelbarrow and walked towards the stable.

"You need to feed such refined food twice a day, and you will be responsible for it from now on." Entering the stable, He Maguan explained carefully, and then ordered Chen Mo to pour the cornstarch into the trough.

"When pouring, don't make too much difference in quantity, otherwise they will get impatient." He Maguan smiled and patted the head of one of the horses.

After feeding the horse, He Maguan arranged a place for Chen Mo to stay.

Sharing a barracks on the left side of the stable with another groom. Although the smell was a bit unpleasant, it was better than sharing a large bunk with dozens of other soldiers.

The beds and bedding are all ready-made. Although I don't know who left them, they are still clean after being washed.

Chen Mo had nothing with him except a few clothes. He Maguan gave him a towel for washing, two hair towels and a coarse porcelain bowl for eating and drinking.

He settled down for the time being.



Half a month passed, and Chen Mo finally gained some flesh on his body, and his complexion gradually became rosy.

"We'll do it later, let's eat first." Ma Cai shouted, holding a pot of mixed vegetables and twenty mixed noodles.

Chen Mo heard the sound and was busy rinsing his hands in the manger.

"What are you going to eat today?" he asked, looking at Ma Cai.

During this time, the two lived in the same house and their relationship was pretty good.

"Turn the radish into the cabbage." Ma Cai looked helpless.

"Why the hell is this happening again? I've been eating it for four or five days!" Another groom, Ding Bao, couldn't help complaining.

"Master Xiaowei grew a lot of vegetables in his family's vegetable plot, so he sold them to the kitchen." Ma Cai lowered his voice.

"When can our captain do some personnel work!" Ding Bao yelled angrily.

Drinking soldiers' blood has long been commonplace, and they, the big soldiers, can only complain in private.

"Stop talking and let others listen." Chen Mo reminded carefully with a cautious look on his face.

There was no intrigue between the three of them, mainly because there was nothing to fight over.

Ma Cai is physically strong and has some connections in the military. He is here to raise horses for a temporary period and he will be transferred away sooner or later.

Chen Mo only cares about eating. As long as he can eat enough, he can say anything.

Ding Bao has a straightforward temper and cannot speak wisely, but he is not a bad person.

In addition, the age difference between the three of them is not big, so Chen Mo has been getting along well with them during this period of time.

The food was put on the table and served separately, and the three of them waited for He Maguan to arrive.

"Eat all of them." He Maguan held a bowl of tea made with eggs, added a lot of sugar to it, and then sat on the table to greet the three of them to eat.

This is his habit. He must eat a bowl of egg and sugar water every day. Even many small landowners may not be able to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Chen Moze had already started eating. To be honest, the food and steamed buns didn't taste as good as horse grain.

But with every extra mouthful of food he eats, he can accumulate more qi and blood. As his physical condition improves, he can accumulate more qi and blood every day.

I don’t know whether it’s because he has been hungry for too long and his body needs nutrients, or because of the transformation of the mortal pearl, but he can eat more now than before the time travel.

"You are relatively strong now. Tomorrow you will go shoveling horse manure with Ding Bao and the others." He Maguan ordered.

The most arduous task of feeding horses is to shovel horse manure. A horse has to pull twenty to thirty kilograms of horse manure every day. For a dozen horses, that is nearly four hundred kilograms of horse manure.

It is not an easy task to scoop them up one by one and transport them away.

Chen Mo was too thin when he first arrived and couldn't do it.

Now that I have raised it for half a month, it is no longer appropriate to continue working on it.

"Okay." Chen Mo said, swallowing his throat.

Ding Bao and Ma Cai looked at each other, obviously there was something on their minds, but it was hard to speak now.

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