"We have been guarding Xingyuan Mansion for a long time after General Sun took office. Our Wu family has always wanted to visit him, but we never had the chance." Wu Ming spoke slowly.

Hearing what he said, Xu Dabao and Sun Li's eyes gradually sobered up.

Wu Kai was the only one who drank the cup with his solid eyes. Now he was already drunk and lying on the chair unconscious.

"I wonder if Mr. Sun will have time in the future. I would like to pay him a visit." Wu Ming lowered his voice and spoke.

If they want to visit General Sun, they can't bring gifts directly to the door, as the other party will never accept them.

Even if they had submitted their names in advance and wanted to meet them, if there were no other connections, General Sun would most likely not see them.

The reason why his nephew invited Chen Mo and others to come was to take this opportunity to build bridges and find someone who could give gifts to General Sun.

"I'll go back and ask my adoptive father if he has time for this matter. I'll let Uncle Wu know when the time comes." Chen Mo agreed with a smile. He understood what the other party meant.

He was asked to be the middleman, and all the gifts and money would go through his hands, so that even if something happened, his adoptive father would not be traced.

The Wu family is worthy of having people in the family who have been officials for generations. Even if they offer bribes, they do so very carefully.

"Then I'd like to trouble my nephew. I have some tea money here, and I can invite some of my nephews to accept it for tea."

Wu Ming smiled and took out the Jinxiu purse he had prepared from his arms, and quietly handed it to Chen Mo.

After accepting the money, several people raised their glasses and drank again. The guests and hosts were enjoying themselves happily.

The meal lasted from noon to evening, and Wu Ming arranged for carriages and horses to take the three of them back home.

Chen Mo was still conscious. He must have drunk a lot of wine, but his internal organs were far stronger than ordinary people, and the wine would not make him drunk.

Xu Dabao and Sun Li's faces were red. Although they were already unconscious, they still insisted on chatting and kept mumbling drunken words.

After returning to the mansion, he handed the two of them over to the servants and walked back to his house. Only then did Chen Mo have the heart to open his previous purse.

I have to say that this wealthy family is different. The material of the brocade purse is of good quality and the embroidery is also quite exquisite.

This purse alone is probably worth a small tael of silver.

Inside the purse were three yellow gold ingots, with five or three small characters printed underneath them.

If this small piece of gold ingot were exchanged for silver, it could be exchanged for at least fifty taels, and most likely more.

The first move is one hundred and fifty taels of silver. It seems that the sincerity that the Wu family can give in the future must be quite sufficient.

First putting the ingot in his arms, Chen Mo asked his servant where his foster father was, and hurried to look for it.

"Father." Chen Mo walked into a small courtyard and bowed down.

Sun Shouren was dancing with his sword. Although many of his soldiers practiced marksmanship, what he was best at was the broadsword.

He danced the Yanyue Long Sword, which was more than seven feet long and made entirely of fine iron, with great force.

This sword weighs nearly a hundred kilograms. Looking at the entire Xingyuan Mansion, I am afraid that only Sun Shouren can use it as a weapon.

After finishing a whole set of sword skills, Sun Shouren put away his sword and stood up, slowly releasing his strength.

"What's the matter?" He put the weapon back on the weapon rack and asked.

"The Wu family in Anning County invited the three of us brothers to have a drink today. They said they wanted to visit their adoptive father the day after tomorrow. I wanted to ask if you have time."

Chen Mo spoke slowly and at the same time took out the gold ingot from his arms.

"Then Wu Ming of the Wu family also gave our three brothers fifteen taels of gold, saying it was tea money, and asked us three brothers to buy some tea."

Chen Mo was very detailed and narrated the whole thing.

Sun Shouren nodded lightly when he heard this. Although he was a military general, he had been immersed in officialdom for many years and was also an experienced person. However, he guessed what the Wu family meant in a flash.

"Where are Dabao and Xiaoli?" Sun Shouren asked.

"Uh. They both had a few more drinks and should be resting now." Chen Mo answered honestly.

Hearing this, Sun Shouren frowned slightly, but when he looked at Chen Mo, his frown relaxed.

"Okay, go and tell the Wu family that I will have time to meet them the next day and ask them to submit their greeting cards in advance."

Sun Shouren thought for a while and replied, "What matters when you are an official is money. If someone wants to give him money, there is no reason not to accept it."

Of course, it also depends on how much the other party can give and whether it is worth what you have to do for them.

This time I was finally transferred from the frontier army to the rear. Of course I had to take advantage of the opportunity to make more money so that I could train my troops and make meritorious deeds on the battlefield.

"It's up to you to resolve this matter. There is no need for others to interfere." Sun Shouren warned.

Originally, he had no intention of leaving this matter to Chen Mo. Although Chen Mo was his adopted son, he had good character and excellent talent.

But the time to recognize him as his adopted father was still too short after all, and Sun Shouren was still not completely reassured about many things.

But Xu Dabao and Sun Li were really unreliable. They knew this but were still drunk.

If Chen Molai hadn't told him, he might not know about it tomorrow. After all, if he drinks too much, he might not remember what happened the day before the next day.

So this matter can only be left to Chen Mo and Xu Dabao and the others, and Sun Shouren is even more worried.

"My child understands." Chen Mo bowed his hands and slowly withdrew.

The next morning, Chen Mo called Xu Dabao and Sun Li first, and decided to take care of this matter himself. However, the part of the money given first was given to the three of them for tea, so they naturally had a share.

The two of them were hungover last night, and now they are a little confused. Sun Li still barely remembered this incident. Xu Dabao was completely confused, but after listening to Chen Mo's talk, he recalled that this incident seemed to have happened.

Three ingots of gold ingots were given to each person, and Chen Mo kept the beautiful purse for his own use.

After dividing the gold, Chen Mo left the mansion and headed towards the Wu family.

It's not difficult to find. Wu Ming mentioned yesterday that the Wu family also has a house in Xingyuan specifically for the children of the clan who want to take the exams.

Only children from poor families would stay in an inn when they came to the city to take exams. Any small and powerful family would buy a house in the city, even if they didn't live there on weekdays.

Walking to the front of the mansion, Chen Mo gave his name to the concierge, and was then invited to the relatively secluded backyard, where a maid served tea.

Not long after, Wu Ming stepped over and saw Chen Mo, with a smile written all over his middle-aged and prosperous face.

"Haha, I didn't know that my nephew came to visit unexpectedly and the reception was not good. Please forgive me for the bad reception." Wu Ming's attitude was quite enthusiastic.

The two of them chatted some useless words at first. When Wu Ming waved his hand and dismissed the maid who was waiting aside, Chen Mo spoke.

"My foster father will be free tomorrow. If Uncle Wu wants to visit, please go there in time. Also, before you go, don't forget to prepare a greeting card in advance."

Chen Mo spoke, deliberately emphasizing the words "Blessings".

The so-called worship is to see how much sincerity the Wu family has to prepare and what they want to do with this sincerity.

If you are sincere enough, you will accept it; if you are not sincere enough, you will disappear and the invitation will be returned.

"Don't worry, my Wu family has been an official for generations and I understand these rules. When I come back, my nephew will take this greeting card away and show it to General Sun."

Wu Ming smiled knowingly. Although he was not qualified to become an official, he was only responsible for family affairs.

But there was someone in his family who was an official, and he knew all about the officialdom.

After talking about the most important things, the two discussed some unimportant ideas. Wu Ming left Chen Mo to have a light meal, and then asked people to prepare carriages and horses to take Chen Mo back home.

As for the greeting cards, they were placed in the carriage early in the morning.

In addition to a letter, there is also a half-foot-square mahogany box with exquisite workmanship.

Chen Mo did not check the contents of the letters and boxes, but took them directly to his adoptive father and presented them all.

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