In this weird world, I use my body to control all things

Chapter 56 There is someone in the court who is good at being an official

"Ah, you're back." Zhao Yu was still setting up a stall on the bluestone road in the town as usual. When he saw Chen Mo, he was surprised and happy.

I was busy thinking about asking him how the imperial examination went and whether he got the honor.

However, Zhao Yu predicted in his heart that Chen Mo would probably pass the exam.

Because Chen Mo always had a smile on his face, he wouldn't be so happy if he didn't pass the exam.

"Go home first." Chen Mo smiled at her, walked to the cart and took off the coarse cloth cover.

He is taller than Zhao Yu, so it is easier for him to do this.

"Okay." Zhao Yu smiled and nodded. This was what Chen Mo did every time he took a bath before.

He closed the stall and rested for the day, then went back to help Chen Mo cook some food and boil the health-preserving soup for him to use for martial arts training. Then he asked him to wash himself and fold his clothes and take them to the military camp.

As for the dirty clothes he brought back, Zhao Yu would take the time to wash them and dry them, and wait for Chen Mo to come back to pick them up next time he takes a bath.

There were not many customers coming to the small restaurant to eat in the morning. Zhao Yu simply cleared away the dishes, tables and chairs, and served Chen Mo two stacks of pies.

"You eat to deal with it first. Yesterday I heard that a cow in Gejiazhuang broke his leg and was incurable. There may be beef in the market today. I will buy some for you later." Zhao Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth and leaned over. Chen Mo spoke softly beside him.

Cattle are important laborers for plowing the land. According to imperial law, killing cows privately is a serious crime.

The yamen may not care if a person dies, but if a cow dies for no reason, the yamen will definitely investigate if there is no suitable reason.

Therefore, there is rarely beef on the market, but some are either old cows, or cows that cannot be saved due to various accidents and can only be killed.

Chen Mo nodded, picked up a pie, folded it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The pie is filled with leek vermicelli. As the old saying goes, you can never finish all the leeks in spring.

Therefore, the filling of this pie is also more leeks and less vermicelli. It has an extremely fresh and bright aroma of leeks in the mouth.

Spring leeks are such a fresh bite.

After Chen Mo finished eating the two large stacks of pies, several other customers at the food stall also left one after another, put away the last two tables and chairs, and Chen Mo pushed the cart straight to his house.

The thatched house was still the same as before, except that Zhao Yu put a new layer of thatched grass on the roof.

It rains heavily in summer, so she can't wait until then to lay it, so she lays a new layer in advance.

"Hurry up and find me some clean clothes. I have to take a shower first." Chen Mo urged as soon as he pushed the car into the courtyard.

The journey was so dusty that he never had a chance to wash himself properly.

What's more, the weather is now hotter than before. Now he feels as if there is an extra layer of sludge shackles all over his body, making him uncomfortable everywhere.

"Okay, wait a minute." Zhao Yu ran all the way into the house and soon brought clean clothes and a wooden basin filled with towels and soap locust.

"Don't use the towels in the bathroom. It's not clean. Use our own." Zhao Yu handed the things in his hand to Chen Mo and warned carefully.

The bathhouse will provide towels to guests who go to bathe, but I don’t know how many people have used them, so it is cleaner to use your own towels.

Chen Mo took his things and went straight to the bathhouse. The owner of the bathhouse was quite familiar with him.

Firstly, because he is the adopted son of General Sun, and secondly, not many people can spend money to wash the cubicle every ten days.

Some people are not short of money, but they just don't pay attention to these things. They just deal with it in the big pool and don't know how to wash the cubicles.

After washing carefully from top to bottom, Chen Mo felt that his whole body felt comfortable and clear, and his whole body felt light.

Putting on the clean clothes that Zhao Yu had prepared for him in advance, Chen Mo exhaled a long breath and walked towards his home with long strides.

Before he even entered the house, he could already smell the aroma of beef mixed with spices.

Chen Mo loves to eat beef, mainly because it is difficult to eat on weekdays.

"I bought you twenty kilograms of beef, ten kilograms of sauce, and ten kilograms of brine. If you can't finish it, take it back to the camp and eat it slowly."

Zhao Yu heard the door open and leaned out of the kitchen, with a bright smile on his face.

The owner of the cow that fell to death wanted to sell it faster than the mutton, so she took the opportunity to buy a lot.

There is no need to worry that it will go bad if you don’t finish it. Twenty kilograms of beef will be cooked and left at most eleven or two kilograms. With Chen Mo’s appetite, he can eat it all in two days.

"I went to Xingyuan City this time and brought back a piece of cloth. You can use it to make me two sets of clothes later, and you can also make one for yourself."

While explaining the matter, Chen Mo walked to the stove to help light the fire.

"Okay, then I'll make it for you when I have time." Zhao Yu smiled and nodded in agreement. She had actually seen the piece of silk and satin that Chen Mo brought back.

Although I don't know the specific material, I understand without thinking that silk and satin must be much more expensive than linen and cotton.

The cost of using that silk satin to make a dress would probably be twenty taels of silver.

But she didn't refuse. Just like when she made clothes for Chen Mo and helped him wash and cook, he never refused politely.

Although the two are now called husband and wife, they do not have the reality of being husband and wife.

But in many ways, their relationship is no different from that of an ordinary couple.

It is even said that the relationship between most couples may not be comparable to theirs.

After all, there are several couples in this world who have gone through the test of life and death and have completely believed in each other. Even if there are, they are probably very few.

And both of them have done this.

"I went to Fucheng to take the merit examination this time, and I won the first place. I am now the leader of the military." Chen Mo told her about this with a smile on his face.

Zhao Yu looked stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled and congratulated Chen Mo, congratulating him on passing the exam.

For the common people in Shengdou, this can definitely be said to be a comeback from the mud. From then on, they no longer have a civilian status, but become a scholar.

The light and dark privileges that scholars can enjoy as nobles are really not too many.

Apart from anything else, when a scholar goes to report to an official, he should not be beaten with a killing stick first, but when an ordinary person goes to report to an official, no matter whether it is right or wrong or justified, he must be hit with twenty killing sticks first.

"Here, here are the red envelopes for you." Chen Mo took out two red envelopes from his arms and stuffed them into her palms.

"I only give red envelopes to outsiders when I say congratulations. How can I give red envelopes to my own family?" Zhao Yu was angry and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said.

As the stew on the stove began to boil, Chen Mo added a few more firewood and then stopped pulling the bellows.

There is no need to worry about it next, all you need to do is simmer it slowly over low heat so that the beef taste will be revealed.

Seeing this, Zhao Yu made the air outlet of the stove smaller. She was good at using fire, otherwise she would not be able to cook well.

In addition to beef, she also bought a lot of ribs and a large piece of fresh fish, which she planned to cook for lunch.

As for the elbow? It takes time to make it well, so there is no need to buy beef if you already have it.

"Just let me take care of you here. You just finished taking a shower. Go and have a rest to avoid sweating again."

Seeing that he could easily work alone next time, Zhao Yu smiled and drove Chen Mo out of the kitchen.

Walking back to the living room, Chen Mo picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of tea. As expected, the pot contained brewed tea and sprinkled some extra sugar.

The reason why extra sugar is sprinkled is to make the tea more moist in the mouth.

People who do not work as coolies can drink clear tea, but soldiers like Chen Mo who have to train every day, or laborers who pull carts, carry big bags, and build houses for people, prefer tea with some sugar. .

After drinking half a pot of tea alone, Chen Mo got up and walked aside to practice step by step.

Now, the Qi in his Dantian has accumulated nearly 20%, and the Qi and blood accumulated by the Transformation Pearl is about to reach perfection.

According to his estimation, it would take just three to five days for him to undergo his next transformation.

"Let's eat whatever you want for lunch today. I'll cut the beef and fry some good vegetables for you in the evening."

Chen Mo hadn't been practicing for long when Zhao Yu was bringing out the prepared vegetables from the kitchen.

A large pot of braised pork ribs, a small pot of fresh fish and tofu soup, and several kilograms of freshly baked scallion pancakes. When making the noodles, she also put a few more eggs into the noodles, so the pancakes were very chewy.

Served with a plate of vegetarian fried bean sprouts, it is a vegetarian dish that can clear your mouth.

"Okay." Chen Mo slowly stopped practicing after hearing this, took two steps to sit on the chair, picked up chopsticks and started to devour.

There are no restrictions when eating at home. There is no need to pay attention to any manners and etiquette. You can do whatever feels comfortable.

She rested at home until the afternoon, helping Zhao Yu with some tasks that were difficult for her to do on weekdays.

Chen Mo had to leave before the curfew again. The military camp was closed at all times of the year. The soldiers did not need to train. They still had to return to the military camp to report before the curfew, otherwise they would be beaten with military sticks.

With Chen Mo's identity, even if he doesn't go back, someone will help cover it up.

It's just that he didn't want to break this rule easily.

He is now in charge of the defense of the military camp, and this matter is also within his jurisdiction. If he himself does not abide by this rule, how can he have the dignity to let others abide by it.

Since he would be closed for bathing tomorrow, he didn't bring much of the beef that Zhao Yu had prepared, but only two kilograms of braised beef and soy sauce beef.

He doesn't plan to eat the meat himself, but mainly wants to give it to his adoptive father so that he can have a taste, as a tooth sacrifice.

Beef is rare, and the adoptive father’s family doesn’t often kill cows.

When he rushed back to the military camp, it was just dusk. Chen Mo asked other soldiers where his adoptive father was, then picked up the beef and went straight to the study.

"Father, I am sleeping today. I never thought that a cow fell to death in Gejiazhuang yesterday. There was beef for sale in the vegetable market, so my foolish wife bought a lot for me to eat.

Beef is rare, but my stupid wife’s cooking skills are quite good, so I thought of bringing some for you, my adoptive father, to try. "

Chen Mo bowed his hands and handed over the oil paper containing four kilograms of beef.

He didn't really have any other ideas when doing this. His adoptive father was usually very kind to him, and the beef tasted pretty good, so he took some for him to try.

"Oh!" Sun Shouren was slightly surprised when he heard this, but he couldn't help but smile.

Four pounds of beef was nothing to him, but Chen Mo was still very happy to deliver it in person.

Chen Mo can think of giving him beef, which shows that he has himself as his adoptive father in his heart, and at least treats him as a relatively close person, so he doesn't waste his kindness to him.

Immediately, he ordered the people around to bring good wine and took Chen Mo to drink together. The four kilograms of beef were served as a side dish.


Two days later, the documents of Chen Mo and others were finally issued, and Sun Shouren also wrote down the appointment of the three of them.

As a fifth-rank guard general, he could be dismissed from military posts below seventh-rank in the Xingyuan Prefecture Xiang Army without having to report to the court.

For military positions of seventh rank and above, he only has the right to recommend them and cannot appoint or remove them at will.

Of course, as long as he recommends someone, the court will agree to it in most cases.

Chen Mo was the first person in Jinke's martial arts examination, and because of his previous achievements in beheading gangsters, unlike the other two, he was awarded a ninth-grade official position.

This one has 3,000 words, so I posted it a little late. Originally, I wanted to save 1,000 words for the next chapter, but I thought it would be smoother to read them all in one go, so I posted them all.

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