Chen Mo looked at the gray fog that was gradually filling his eyes. He didn't rush to sound the gongs and drums in his hands. He put his feet on the ground and kept retreating.

As he moved away from the military camp, the gray fog in his eyes completely disappeared, and when he looked back at the military camp, it was still the same scene.

No matter how he looked at it, whether he used his eyes of blood or not, the military camp seemed to look like that.

It seems that there should be some differences between the gray mist and the blood moon. At least one can be seen directly, while the other can only be discovered when being pulled in.

Chen Mo looked at the military camp in front of him and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The gray fog seems to only exist in certain specific areas. As long as you leave that area, you will not be dragged into the gray fog.

With this thought in his mind, he immediately rushed to Zhu Niuji with all his strength.

The market at night is extremely quiet, both people and other creatures have gone to bed early.

At first glance, there were only a few watchmen, still working hard.

Chen Mo slowed down and stepped slowly into the market. As expected, a faint gray mist slowly filled his eyes.

Chen Mo immediately left Zhu Niuji again. He really planned to go back into the gray mist to explore, but he shouldn't be in such a hurry.

As he moved away from Zhu Niu Ji, the fog that had gathered around him slowly began to dissipate until it returned to nothingness again.

Chen Mo looked at the military camp in the distance, and then at Zhu Niuji in front of him. He fled all the way before joining him, but he had never encountered the gray fog.

A vague guess gradually emerged in his mind, that is, the gray fog may only appear in places with people at night. At least a certain number of people need to gather within a certain range before the gray fog will be attracted.

This can explain why he only fell into gray fog when he was close to Zhuniuji and the military camp. However, he had never encountered gray fog when he fled in the wilderness for so long.

In addition, there is another point, that is, under what circumstances will it fall into gray fog.

At least one thing can be concluded, that is, it should not happen in a deep sleep state. If so, even if there are gongs and drums to drive away the gray fog, there should still be people lost in the gray fog every now and then.

Because the dispersal of gongs and drums cannot be said to be absolutely safe, it can only be said to maintain relative safety.

The sound of the gong can open up a safe area at night, but the gray fog or red moon will continue to erode this area.

If people can be dragged into the gray fog in any situation, then even if there are gongs and drums, people will often disappear due to various accidents.

But this situation rarely occurs, so it only means that the erosion of gray fog only targets those who are conscious.

But if that was the case, why were these watchmen beating gongs and drums not dragged into the gray fog? It was not that I had never broken through at night before, and my consciousness was absolutely awake at that time, so why was I not dragged into the gray fog.

Chen Mo thought carefully, and at the same time, he was wondering about the situation when he first entered the gray fog.

He stepped into Zhu Niu Ji again, but this time he deliberately walked to the center.

Different from the previous fringe area, the street where he is now located belongs to the residential area where most people live. Many watchmen on patrol will pass by beating gongs and drums.

Finding a place to hide in an alley, Chen Mo was still carefully observing his surroundings. The gray fog did not come as he imagined. His bloody eyes swept across the surrounding streets, and the bright moonlight fell, making him look extremely lonely.

And looking outside, there was only the earth shrouded in red moonlight.

From the current situation, combined with the situation he suffered when he first entered the gray fog.

Chen Mo has been able to roughly summarize how to enter the gray fog at night.

First, many people need to gather within a certain range, and the number must be at least 40 people.

The second is to keep your mind clear at night, at least not in a deep sleep.

Moreover, there was no sound of gongs and drums in the area in a short period of time, giving the gray fog enough time to envelope itself.

Only by meeting the above points will you be dragged into the gray fog.

Of the above three situations, one is likely to occur, but the probability of three occurring at the same time is not high.

For example, markets like Zhuniuji are bustling during the day, but almost no one is there at night.

Although the watchman goes there, he doesn't go there often. He mainly stays in the residential area to do the watch.

If he were conscious there, he would be dragged into the gray fog, but in other places where gongs and drums often sounded, he would still be safe no matter how long he was conscious.

Presumably this is why the gray fog doesn't often drag people into it.

Of course, Chen Mo cannot say whether this is the specific situation. These situations are just what he has deduced and he is not sure whether they are true.

And the situation I have deduced now only applies to the present. The gray fog is very likely to be a kind of ruin realm. Every time more people know about it, it may undergo unpredictable changes.

However, based on what he has figured out now, he has been able to explore the gray fog in a targeted manner.

Chen Mo did not rush directly into the gray fog in Zhu Niu Ji. He was not sure whether the number of people gathered in a certain range would affect the strength of the strange creatures in the gray fog.

The most important thing is that he arranges the patrols and gong-ringing in the military camp. He can roughly determine the time for the gong-ringing, and then use the eyes of blood to observe carefully to see where the edge zone is.

This can ensure that even if you enter the gray fog, you can safely escape within a certain period of time, ensuring that you will not be trapped in it for a long time.

He also has this gong and drum, but he is not yet sure that beating the gong and drum in the gray fog can help him escape.

Therefore, someone outside the gray fog also needs to help beat the gong.

All the way to the military camp, Chen Mo made some observations and at the same time prepared himself to recover his inner energy quickly.

His Qi and blood were much stronger than ordinary people, and the wounds left by his palms healed in just over an hour, without even leaving scars.

After observing outside the military camp for more than an hour, Chen Mo walked into the military camp again until he figured out the specific circumstances and time intervals of the gong beating, and when his internal energy had almost recovered.

Gray mist kept emerging, floating throughout his life, like one smoke mass after another.

Not long after, Chen Mo completely entered the gray fog, and the military camp in front of him disappeared.

The gray fog seemed extremely silent, no sound came from it, and at a glance, there was only floating fog.

Chen Mo didn't dare to be careless. He had already tied the gong and drum in front of his heart in advance. This not only ensured that it would never be thrown away and lost when he was fighting, but it could also be used as a protective armor.

He had previously tested that the most important thing was to sound the gongs and drums, and it didn't matter whether or not the gongs and hammers were used.

Even if you knock it with your hands, it can have a similar effect, except that the sound is duller and the range of the blood moon dispersed is smaller, but for me alone, there is not much difference.

Chen Mo looked at the boundless gray fog in front of him and turned on his ear consciousness. The field of vision in the gray fog was too limited, so he could hear farther and clearer. If a strange creature appeared, he could prepare in advance.

However, he was also ready to beat the gongs and drums at any time and leave on his own if there was even the slightest surprise.

"Yo... hoo..." Several extremely long and high-pitched shouts rang in my ears, and the sounds could never be heard by humans.

Chen Mo could roughly judge the direction of the sound. It was in front of him on his left, and the distance was probably no more than fifty feet.

Moreover, the other party is still shouting, and the long and spooky voice is like opening an iron door that has not been opened for a long time. It keeps creaking and making people who listen are extremely bored.

The strange creature that appeared seemed to have heard his movements and was leaping towards him. There was no doubt that it also regarded him as its prey.

The only thing Chen Mo could determine from the voice was that the strange creature should have four hooves.

Since that thing took the initiative to look for me, I could just sit back and wait for work.

He first took off the bow and arrow from his waist. Although his vision was restricted in the gray mist, he could still clearly see everything within ten feet after opening the eyes of blood.

This distance is enough to shoot two or three arrows.

After a moment, a creature jumped into Chen Mo's eyes.

It was an extremely cute little sika deer with bright-colored fur and white plum blossom markings. The two eyes looked at everything in front of them with innocence and ignorance.

No matter how you look at it, it is not as evil as the blood monkey we saw before.

Chen Mo didn't hesitate at all, he drew his bow and shot. Although the deer looked extremely docile, he didn't dare to be careless.

If this little deer is not a strange creature, then I will eat venison tomorrow.

If so, then let's see what this little deer will leave behind.

What's more, if this little deer is not a strange creature, why did it suddenly appear here.

"Ah!" Chen Mo hit the target accurately with two arrows in a row, and the arrow pierced the deer's abdomen directly.

This caused it to emit an extremely miserable howl, but not even a drop of blood flowed out.

Chen Mo's eyes were not surprised by this. This little deer was a strange creature, and its strength was not bad. After all, his two arrows only penetrated into its body, but did not pass through it directly.

But it was far from the blood monkey he saw before.

Chen Mo picked up the spear and wanted to kill the deer.

However, the two feather arrows that pierced the deer's belly were being assimilated by it, and in an instant they turned into two flesh-red tentacles hanging on the deer's body.

The deer stopped wailing, its eyes revealed a ferocious bloody light, revealing a mouth of fangs that definitely did not belong to a sika deer, and rushed towards Chen Mo with a fishy wind.

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