He relieved himself in time, and there were not many injuries anywhere else on his body. At most, his blood flow was a little sluggish, but his arms were in poor condition.

Chen Mo carefully felt the condition of his arms. He found that there was some difficulty in the flow of energy and blood due to excessive force. The most important thing was that there were some minor injuries to the bones.

Of course, his arms were not broken, nor were they dislocated. It was just that the force was too strong, and some small cracks appeared in the arm bones.

This is not a big deal, at least not to Chen Mo. With his physical strength, this kind of injury can only be regarded as a minor injury.

It's just that in the next two or three days, I have to take a good rest.

In fact, every time he moves his arms now, he can feel obvious pain.

But that's all. As long as he can tolerate it, it won't affect his normal activities.

Apart from his own injuries, his weapon was also completely damaged this time. It seemed that he had to find a way to ask a skilled blacksmith to help him cast a steel gun that was heavy and strong enough.

It's just that I haven't heard of any good blacksmiths near Zhuniuji, so I can only think of another way.

This is not difficult at all. Just come up with a reason to write a letter to your adoptive father and ask for his help.

After taking a rough look at his injuries, Chen Mo used his breath control to clarify his condition. The Five Elements Yuanyuan Gong corresponds to the five internal organs. He is absolutely top-notch in terms of taking care of the body.

In just a short moment, except for his arms, there was no other problem with his body.

After recuperating himself, he held his breath before daring to take out the package.

Leaving the gray mist, this piece of living flesh seemed to have lost its activity, and its surface no longer continued to beat.

The color is no longer as bright and translucent as before, but has turned into dark red, but it is not as tough as red blood stone, on the contrary, it is softer.

Chen Mo squeezed it gently with his hands. Even if this piece of living flesh became like this, it was still quite elastic.

He carefully let go of his breath and fanned the piece of living flesh with his hand. It still smelled very fragrant, but it didn't have the irresistible attraction it had before.

Although it is very fragrant, it is not so much that people want to swallow it desperately.

Chen Mo thought for a while, but after all, he still didn't want to say it now.

He knew that his current condition was not very good. Even if he didn't mention the injuries to his arms, the energy in his dantian was almost exhausted, and a lot of energy and blood in his body were also consumed.

He needs time to restore himself to his best condition before trying to draw strength from this piece of living flesh.

That's when it works best and is least risky.

After combing myself, I heard the sound of gongs and drums outside. Now the sky is bright, the blood moon has faded, and it is the time when the east is whitening.

Compared with the many strange situations at night, it is undoubtedly the safest during the day.

Chen Mo sorted out his situation, carefully hid the broken spear, and prepared to destroy it later.

Then he got up and left the barracks and walked toward his home. Some soldiers smiled and saluted him and said hello. After all, since Chen Mo came, their food was still better than before.

Even if they can eat a piece of tofu every now and then, or drink a bowl of beef noodle soup and eat two slices of beef, it is considered an improvement in their diet.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded, acting as usual, except this time he did not go out on horseback for inspection after spending the night in the military camp.

Although some soldiers were curious about this, they did not dare to ask more questions and just sent Chen Mo off respectfully.

In the early morning, Zhuniuji is already bustling with activity. The owner of the soup pot gets up early and starts making soup. The hot soup with heat and aroma almost rushes into people's nostrils.

Chen Mo fought fiercely all night. Although he brought some food with him, it was not enough for him to consume. He was already hungry.

He quickened his pace and walked back to his home, knocking gently on the courtyard door.

"Who is it?" A slightly confused question came from the courtyard.

"Me." Chen Mo responded with a smile.

I could only hear the people in the courtyard rushing around and opening the courtyard door in a hurry.

"Why did you come back so early today?" Zhao Yu looked surprised, with some flour in his hand.

"I was busy with some things last night. I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat at home?" Chen Mo explained to her with a smile and walked into his small courtyard.

"I'm about to make pancakes. You go have a sip of tea and wait." Zhao Yu said and hurried back to the kitchen.

Chen Mo had not come back so early in the past few times, so now she was just preparing and not making the meal.

But this is not a big problem. She has already mixed the dough and will be able to bake the pancakes in no time.

Chen Mo walked into the dining room and sat down, took two celadon bowls, and first made himself two large bowls of tea to quench his thirst.

The aroma of eggs mixed with chopped green onions soon drifted into his nose, and Chen Mo swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva unconsciously.

"I'll bake you two egg pancakes first, and you can eat them first." Zhao Yu put a plate of freshly baked green onion egg pancakes on the table, and left in a hurry.

The hot smoke was still emanating from the cake, and Chen Mo didn't care about how hot it was, so he picked up a large piece and ate it.

These two pancakes weighed almost two kilograms in total, but for him they were just the bottom layer.

"I went to buy a few kilograms of freshly braised horse meat. You can eat some first, and roll the rest with pancakes to eat." Zhao Yu took another oil paper bag at this time and opened it. Inside was the freshly braised horse meat. Good horsemeat.

Different from the hot minced meat sandwiched directly into the sesame cakes, these five kilograms of braised horse meat are cut into large slices and eaten cold. If added with freshly baked dough cakes, it will have a unique flavor.

Although Chen Mo was still quite hungry, he was not in a hurry to eat. He could now move his arms freely without any restrictions.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't feel anything when he moves.

Even if he can't move, he still wants to try not to use his arms. When the pancakes are ready later, he can just roll them into meat and eat them. Now he will be hungry for a while.

Not long after, Zhao Yu brought over five more scallion-flavored fried cakes, each of which weighed less than a kilogram.

"Eat quickly." She smiled happily, turned and left, and brought another pot of hot and sour soup from the kitchen.

The soup contains spinach, tomatoes, and a lot of vinegar and pepper. It is sour and spicy in one bite, which is both soothing and appetizing.

"Are you feeling a little uncomfortable?" Zhao Yu put down the soup basin and looked at Chen Mo carefully for a while before asking.

She and Chen Mo get along day and night, and both of them are quite familiar with each other's living habits, movements and postures.

Others couldn't see anything wrong with Chen Mo now, but she could clearly see that Chen Mo didn't seem to want to move his arms.

"Yes. I did something yesterday and my arm was injured. It's not a big problem. It only takes two days to recover. It just hurts a little when I move."

Now that it had been seen, Chen Mo did not continue to cover up. Besides, covering up outside was enough. He had no intention of continuing to cover up his injuries at home.

"Then don't move around, I'll feed you." Zhao Yu couldn't help feeling heartbroken, but he still didn't ask why Chen Mo was injured.

She understood that it was not her place to talk about matters in the military camp.

She took the pancake from Chen Mo's hand and carefully fed it to him, making sure that his arms were placed firmly on the table and not to move any more.

After eating four more pancakes rolled with horse meat and drinking two large bowls of hot and sour soup, Chen Mo was finally full until his whole body felt warm and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Zhao Yu took a clean towel and wiped his hands and face, and then Chen Mo walked back to his room to rest.

As soon as he sat back on the bed, before he could take a few breaths, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll give you some hot water. It'll be more comfortable to soak your feet before sleeping." Zhao Yu's voice sounded outside the door.

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