A young man with a strong build and slightly dark skin was pushing a dung cart full of horse dung towards the outside of the barracks.

Chen Mo has eaten a lot in the past month, and with the profit from selling horse dung privately, he can buy some meat every now and then.

Therefore, his physique is obviously much stronger than when he first started shoveling manure. The wheelbarrow manure cart weighing more than 200 kilograms can move forward and backward freely in his hands without any difficulty.

"Come on, let's go faster today. Maybe we can go to Jishang to have a look." Chen Mo shouted to Ding Bao, who was pushing the manure truck with him.

Shoveling and delivering manure is hard work, so since Chen Mo was able to push the manure truck, the three of them began taking turns to rest.

The soldiers guarding the gate were already used to them, so they covered their noses and waved for them to leave quickly.

After pushing the cart for more than ten miles, an old man in sackcloth appeared beside the road, holding a scale beam in his hand and a basket on his back.

The other party was a dung collector, and all the horse dung they sold privately during this period was sold to the other party.

"Old man, hurry up." Chen Mo stopped the car and urged him when he saw the old man's slow movements.

The old man nodded in agreement, but he didn't move much faster.

"Forty-four pounds and seven taels, I'll give you forty-five pounds. How about fifty cents?" The old man raised the scale beam and looked at it carefully before speaking.

"Sure." Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction and had no objection to the price.

Although the price would be higher if they walked more than ten miles and sold these shares directly to farmers who farmed the land, the chance of them being discovered would be too high.

The purpose of trading with the other party is safety and worry-free.

It is impossible for the old man to betray them, because he has a stable source of horse manure, and he can make a lot of money from it every month.

After receiving the copper plate handed over by the old man, Chen Mo counted it in front of the other person before putting it into his wallet.

After the transaction, both parties nodded, and Chen Mo continued to push the cart along the road.

"Brother Mo, when General Sun chooses his own soldiers, can we go in?" Ding Bao took the initiative to chat with Chen Mo while pushing the cart.

Ever since Chen Mo gave them the idea a month ago and asked them to take the initiative to report the matter of selling excrement to He Maguan, although the two of them were not convinced by Chen Mo, they also respected Chen Mo and wanted to hear everything. his opinion.

As for the private soldiers, Chen Mo decided to tell him after discussing with Ma Cai.

The two of them have been hiding it from him, but they may not always be able to hide it.

If Ding Bao then finds out that the two of them kept it secret from him, it will hurt everyone's harmony.

Ma Cai has connections, but Chen Mo does not. When the time comes for him to choose his own soldiers and leave, he will still have to get along with Ding Bao.

"Who knows, there are no rules for this matter, let's feed the horses properly." Chen Mo responded casually.

The Mortal Transformation Pearl in his belly has accumulated nearly 70% of his energy and blood, and now he only hopes that the time for selecting personal soldiers will be later.

Although I don’t know the specific criteria for selecting personal soldiers, as long as they can complete their first rebirth and their strength has increased, they should be able to choose them.

The two pushed off the road, walked through a country road, and came to a military camp.

It's said to be a military camp, but it's actually more like a manor.

The three hundred acres of land in the school captain's home are cultivated by the soldiers stationed here.

Naturally, all the harvested food will be returned to the captain. It is considered good that the soldiers who cultivate the land can have enough to eat. This treatment is not much different from selling into slavery.

They dumped the two carts of horse dung next to the dung pile, then pushed the dung cart away.

After walking for another three or four miles, the two of them arrived at the market that was about to end.

After spending a penny to have someone look after the cart, the two of them started strolling around.

Chen Mo has a clear goal, which is to eat meat.

Chen Mo ate more than a kilogram of flour pancakes, wrapped in more than half a kilogram of sauced meat, in just three or five bites.

Feeding horses and shoveling manure is a physically demanding task, not to mention replenishing the Qi and blood of the Slough Man Pearl. Chen Mo's food intake is much larger than that of ordinary people.

He took out a copper coin from his pocket and paid it to the stall owner. After eating the remaining half of the burrito, he went to buy a pound of sugar and half a pound of pig head meat for He Maguan.

This was something he had already promised when he came here, and he had already given the money to himself.

After buying these things and getting the wheelbarrow back, Ding Bao came back with a blushing face after a while.

"Let's go." Chen Mo was not surprised by this, knowing that the other party went to the wine stall again.

By the time the two returned to camp, the sun was already setting to the west.

Walking to the shack where the steamed buns were steamed, Chen Mo lifted the pot and found thirteen or four steaming buns inside.

He wasn't the only one who ate the horse food secretly. In fact, everyone ate it, but others didn't eat as much as he did.

Chen Mo ate two of them first, and was going to save the rest for a midnight snack.

There will be food in the kitchen later, but it is not good to eat too much now.

They, the horsemen, had five coarse-grain steamed buns and a large bowl of vegetarian vegetables for each meal, and there were only three other soldiers.

As for the captain's personal soldiers, not only can they eat fine food every day, they don't have to do menial chores in the military camp, their clothes are even washed, and they can get paid every month.

And every ten days, he will be given half a catty of wine and one catty of meat for bathing.

This is only the treatment of the captain's personal soldiers. It is conceivable that the treatment of General Sun's personal soldiers must be better.

"Brother Mo." Ma Cai came back from the kitchen with food and greeted him loudly when he saw him.

"What's wrong?" Chen Mo asked as he wiped the table.

"Did you see the notice posted in the camp? In one month, General Sun will be recruiting soldiers in our camp." Ma Cai's rough face was filled with happiness.

The reason why he entered the military camp was to wait for this opportunity, and now he finally got it.

"Did you tell me how to choose?" Chen Mo asked.

There is still one month left, and as long as nothing unexpected happens, I will definitely be able to accumulate enough energy and blood to reborn for the first time.

"I didn't say that, but I guess it's probably a matter of lifting a rock to compare strength." Ma Cai said firmly.

To select personal soldiers from a group of large soldiers who have only done chores and have received little training, it is absolutely impossible to test military skills such as riding and archery.

It should be a test of strength to see the physical foundation. As long as the physical foundation is good enough, everything else can be trained slowly.

"We'll see then. I don't know if our brothers can choose one." Chen Mo replied.

What will happen in a month, whether it is far or not, whether it is close or not, the most important thing is to have enough food and accumulate more energy and blood.

"I feel like I can do it." Ma Cai smiled confidently. The reason why he dared to join the army was that he was definitely physically strong and he was the strongest among the three.

Chen Mo smiled and said nothing more. He used chopsticks to tie up four steamed buns and brought the purchased sugar and pig head meat to He Maguan.

"Master He." Chen Mo opened the door and walked into the barracks.

He Maguan is packing up the brushes used to brush the horses. The horses have to be brushed every now and then or after the seven emotions have passed.

Most do not use water, just use a brush to remove dust and mud.

Brushing horses is also a labor-intensive job that requires experience. War horses are fierce and only Master He among the grooms can brush them.

"Here's meat and sugar. I've also brought you the steamed buns for dinner."

Chen Mo put the things he wanted to buy on the table one by one, and took out three pennies from his pocket.

"The pig head meat was sold at the end, the price was a little cheaper, and there was only three cents left."

After explaining the origin of the money, he took out another twenty-six cents and put it on the table.

"The dung was sold for fifty cents, and this is yours."

He Maguan scanned the coins on the table and couldn't help but smile.

It's not like he hasn't asked others to help him buy things before, but he either made mistakes or forgot to buy things occasionally, or he was short of something.

Only Chen Mo has not only never been short of money, but he has never been greedy for money even when the price of goods has changed.

"Do you know that General Sun is recruiting soldiers?" He slowly put away the coins on the table and asked.

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