Chen Mo was hidden in a sparse and low jungle, surrounded by only countless low shrubs and many small trees no more than a foot tall.

“This is the only road that can bypass the inspection of the Tax Department. Other places either have a card set up by the Tax Department, or you have to go over the mountains.

As long as nothing unexpected happens, Dutiandao disciples will definitely pass by. "

Mo Hu leaned next to Chen Mo and spoke in a low voice.

"Will other traveling merchants leave from here? Let's not accidentally kill the wrong person and alert others." Chen Mo asked calmly.

"No, those traveling merchants transport a lot of goods, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the trip. They can't get through here with their carriages and horses, so they have to arrange it at the tax department in advance." Mo Hu explained.

Traveling merchants smuggle goods to make money, so they can smuggle as much as they can at one time.

If the number is small, even if the smuggling of commercial goods is quite profitable, you may still be compensated if you dig out the people and eat the horses' chews.

After all, even if you can bypass the tax department for them by walking here, you still have to take care of the goods if you want to sell them openly.

So if you pull less, you will definitely lose money.

There is no way for carriages and horses to walk through this wilderness. Not only is it expensive and expensive, but the speed is extremely slow.

If you are unlucky and encounter a rainy day, the carriages and horses will immediately have to lie down.

Therefore, those traveling merchants basically prepare everything in advance and then take the main road to transport the goods.

Only Dutiandao Sect would take this route if they wanted to transport certain goods that could not see the light of day and were not trying to make money.

"It seems that Du Tiandao's fortune probably doesn't have many things. Of course, it's also possible that they used strong men as porters." Chen Mo spoke softly to make a judgment.

The strength of the warriors of Dutian Dao Sect is not small. If they are used as porters, even if the goods being transported are heavy, they can still pass through.

"If there is such a possibility, we must be prepared to use warrior energy and blood to break the evil spells of those demons." Mo Hu's eyes were deep.

Those demons from the Tiandao Sect seem to be invulnerable, but once the evil spell is broken, their true strength is far inferior to them.

"Use my blood, the effect should be better." Chen Mo skillfully cut open his palm and took out a towel soaked in blood.

Mo Hu did not refuse this. He knew that in terms of strength, Chen Mo was even better than him.

Not everyone can lift a stone wheel weighing 1,200 kilograms.

Using his blood would definitely be more effective than using your own blood.

Several people smeared blood on the feather arrow weapons that would be used later, and Mo Hu ordered the other two soldiers, "Look back and see the Dutiandao disciples, you guys shoot a few rounds first, and after shooting the arrows, you two leave immediately. Return to the mountain col a hundred feet away and prepare to meet my thirteenth brother and me."

The strength of these two soldiers is not bad, but it also depends on who they compare with.

If there was a fight later, the two of them would not be able to play much of a role. He and Chen Mo might find time to look after them.

Mo Hu called them here mainly so that they could have two more people to shoot arrows during a sneak attack, and someone to help them if something went wrong.

In terms of true combat, he still didn't plan to take these two people with him.

Mo Hu had explained these things before he came, and they naturally understood it now.

"Try to keep someone alive when you go back. If you really can't, then you can only kill him first." He told Chen Mo again.

Although he wanted to stay alive and track down the traces of the Taoist in purple, compared to this matter, several lives were more important.

It would be nice to be able to leave someone alive, but if not, then that’s not possible.

Revenge is revenge, and he is never willing to risk the lives of other brothers for revenge.

Chen Mo nodded lightly and didn't answer further.

Time passes minute by minute, it is now July, and the weather is hot and dry.

Although several people were hiding in the shade, they still felt hot.

Even Chen Mo is the same. He has achieved some success in his inner martial arts practice, but he has not yet reached the point where he is not afraid of the cold and heat.

To get to this point, the warrior's inner energy must circulate throughout the body's meridians, and he has to practice for a while before he can do it.

"Here comes someone." Chen Mo suddenly spoke.

He had just activated his ear awareness for a period of time and heard footsteps approaching in the distance, about a hundred feet away from them.

Hearing this, several people quickly became alert even though they hadn't seen anyone coming yet.

Just wait for someone to show up.

Not long after, a group of five people came slowly from a distance.

Four strong warriors with short fighting skills, naked bodies and naked eyes, were carrying two large wooden boxes in pairs.

It can be seen from the footprints under their feet that the box is extremely heavy, weighing at least seven or eight hundred kilograms.

It is impossible for ordinary porters to carry such a heavy thing. Only the warriors of the Dutian Dao Sect can do this long journey into the wilderness.

In front of these four warriors, there was a skinny old man in a robe walking ahead with a map in his hand. Under his broad sleeves, a whisk can be clearly seen.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The arrows made a sound as they broke through the air. Mo Hu shot the first arrow first, followed closely by Chen Mo and others.

Chen Mo is meticulous in controlling his physical body, and spent a lot of money practicing archery during this period. Today's shooting skills are greatly improved compared to a few months ago.

He can't even hit a target with a hundred steps, but he can hit nine out of ten shots within a hundred steps without any problem.

When the warriors and old Taoists from Dutian Dao Sect heard this sound, they couldn't help but look stunned. They never thought that someone would set up an ambush here.

The old Taoist reacted very quickly, and in an instant he made a secret, and a set of mixed yellow light curtains enveloped him.

As for the other warriors, they didn't react until the arrows flew towards them.

But it was already too late. Dozens of feather arrows turned the four of them into hedgehogs almost instantly.

Especially those few arrows shot by Chen Mo, with a thousand pounds of force, they can directly hit people through.

Several warriors did not understand until their death why these arrows could hurt them when they were clearly invulnerable.

These warriors are strong, but as long as they can break the invulnerable evil spell and fight against each other, most of them are not as good as General Sun's personal soldiers.

"Let's go!" Mo Hu finished his words and the figure rushed out.

The other two soldiers did not hesitate and retreated in an orderly manner according to the previously prepared plan.

The Taoist in green came back to his senses, made a hand with his hands and chanted a mantra, then took off his ears and threw them away like flying knives.

Chen Mo is faster. He has no intention of hiding his strength now. It depends on the situation if he pretends to be a pig or eats the tiger.

It's a life-and-death fight. If you mess up, you won't have a chance to regret it.

When the old Taoist saw Chen Mo attacking him quickly, he ignored Mo Hu and controlled his ears to rotate and attack Chen Mo on the back of his neck.

Unfortunately it's too late!

"Boom." The spear weighing dozens of kilograms hit the gray-robed old man with boundless power.

The khaki light screen on his body collapsed after receiving only one blow. The old man vomited blood, retreated continuously, and broke several short trees as thick as his wrist before stopping.

Mo Hu looked stunned. He knew that Chen Molun must be stronger than him, but he never thought that he was so much stronger.

Could it be that he gained something from his practice during this period?

The old Taoist turned his hands, which were as dry as chicken feet, and took out several talismans from his arms, which he needed to use immediately.

Chen Mo flew in front of him, shot his arms in one shot, and then trampled on his legs, trying to ensure that the other party could not resist.

This old Taoist is not very strong, not even comparable to the Qingyi Taoist Chen Mo met in Qingzhou.

"Tell me where you want to transport these things and who you want to give them to!"

Although he was curious about why Chen Mo's strength improved so quickly, Mo Hu also knew that now was not the time to ponder this. He walked quickly to the old Taoist and asked sternly.

The gray-clothed old Taoist had contemptuous eyes and a sarcastic smile on his lips, "The court dog, you guys, still want to stop our Taoist sect."

Apparently, he guessed from the weapons and arrows used by Chen Mo and others that they were from the military.

This is normal, not just anyone can get a strong bow.

"Kill me! Kill one of me, and there will be thousands of me. As long as my Taoism fails, there will be no end to those who burn their lives."

The old man showed no fear and seemed to have accepted his own life and death calmly.

"As long as you tell me, you can actually live without dying, so why should you die?" Mo Hu persuaded softly with a slightly gentle tone.

The old man was silent, but after a while his expression and attitude suddenly changed, "You are right, it is better to die than to live. I still want to live."

"Ah?" Mo Hu was stunned. He didn't expect that this veteran's attitude would change so quickly. Could it be that he was born to persuade others to surrender?

Or maybe he has other back-up plans secretly!

Chen Mo frowned and quietly opened his ears. The old man's attitude changed so much that it was really suspicious.

"Someone is coming from the east, very fast." Chen Mo said.

Mo Hu didn't hesitate. He shot the old man through the chest and stabbed him to death. He then hit his head several times until his brains splattered all over, and then he stopped.

Although he didn't know exactly who came, judging from the sudden change in the old man's attitude, it seemed that the person who came was probably a fellow Dutiandao disciple.

He was deliberately stalling for time, hoping to find a way out for himself.

Then we must not leave the other party alive, otherwise when his fellow disciples come, he and Chen Mo may have to deal with them both at the same time, which will be even more difficult and dangerous.

Until his death, the old Taoist couldn't figure out why Chen Mo knew someone was coming.

"Hide and prepare to fire hidden arrows." Chen Mo greeted and hid behind a short tree, ready to fire two cold arrows at any time.

Mo Hu did the same, hiding behind a short tree and waiting for someone to come.

Chen Mo opened his Qi and Blood Eyes and looked far away in the direction where he heard the sound.

After about half the time of burning incense, a purple-robed Taoist with a figure like a ghost came through the air.

If you look closely, you can see that the purple-robed Taoist can fly in the air mainly because there are a pair of human hands under his feet, supporting him as he flies all the way.

According to the Dutian Dao Sect, this man in purple is currently flying with a sword.

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