In this weird world, I use my body to control all things

Chapter 86 It’s better to waste money than money.

"These two fruits cannot be left out for the time being, otherwise others may suspect that we are connected with the Dutian Dao Sect. Let's put them aside now and figure out how to deal with them later.

This fruit is of little value to warriors, but even if it can only extend the life of ordinary people, it is still of some value. "

Sun Shouren crossed his hands and thought carefully before speaking slowly.

This fruit is really useless, but it is not true. There are many ordinary people who have not practiced martial arts, and warriors do not just pop out of rocks. They also have relatives, friends and parents, so this fruit still has some value.

It's just that the Dutian Dao Sect is in trouble now, and these things from the Dutian Dao Sect cannot flow out of their hands now.

And if you go to the black market, the value will be greatly reduced.

They can only think of ways to take action after a while. If they want to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Tiandao Sect, then these things can be used as trophies and taken out openly.

"Do you need my adoptive father?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

My adoptive father couldn't use this fruit, but it didn't mean that he couldn't use it.

If his old man could use it, he wouldn't have to think about how to get rid of these fruits.

"If I can use it, I won't be polite to you." Sun Shouren shook his head slightly.

"Besides these two fruits and these things, did you get anything else from Mirage?"

He thought of something and asked again.

Not everything in the mirage is suitable for absorption. He is really worried that if Chen Mo picks up the mirage and eats it like before, problems will occur sooner or later.

It can be said that he was lucky once or twice before, but how can anyone be lucky all the time.

"Yes." Chen Mo did not hide this and opened another box.

There was only one antler left in it, and nothing else.

"There are only these things, and I ate the rest." Chen Mo picked up the antlers and said honestly.

Sun Shouren narrowed his eyes and took the antlers, fumbled them back and forth, and looked quite satisfied.

"Yes, this is a good thing, but why is there only one and the other one?" he asked with confusion on his face.

"Eat." Chen Mo looked calm and answered without hesitation.

"Ah!" Sun Shouren looked away from the antlers and stared at Chen Mo, as if he was looking at something extraordinary.

The look on his face was very strange, as if he had heard some fantastic news. He was not surprised, but completely puzzled.

After a long time, he asked with a strange look on his face, "Then how do you feel?"

"It has no taste, it's quite crispy, but a little hard. It contains quite a lot of energy and blood, which is much stronger than live meat."

Chen Mo spoke sincerely and told how he felt when eating the antlers.

Sun Shouren fell into silence when he heard this, not knowing what to say.

"The narcissism is very good!" Finally, he said, somewhat dumbfounded.

He could see that the antlers were extremely heavy and had a golden luster on the outside. Anyone who saw them would know that they were extraordinary.

It was definitely edible, but he didn't expect that Chen Mo's teeth were so good that he would chew them raw without any treatment.

"Since you can chew it, then keep it and chew it slowly." Sun Shouren threw the antlers back to Chen Mo again.

Originally, he planned to find someone to help deal with the antlers, so that Chen Mo would not swallow them hastily and let the alien energy and blood inside conflict with his own energy and blood.

But since Chen Mo can eat it, and he ate a whole one, there is no problem.

Then there is no need to bother asking for help, just let him eat slowly.

If it were him, he would definitely eat up the antlers slowly like Chen Mo.

It's better to be tough than to waste money.

The price of asking those Qi refiners to take action once is quite high, and what you have to pay is not just silver.

Moreover, if you take a pair of antlers and bring back half of them into elixirs, it would be considered good. The remaining half will naturally be consumed by fire and belong to those Qi refiners.

Since nothing happened to Chen Mo after eating the antlers, there was no need to ask those Qi refiners for help.

Just eat it yourself slowly to avoid being ripped off.

"You should have eaten this live meat. Since it's okay, you can keep it."

Sun Shouren threw the dark red live meat back to Chen Mo, but he then warned him quite seriously, "You must remember that these few times are just good luck. You can't always be lucky. Don't mess up next time." Eat mirages.

Even if you really want to eat it, just taste a little bit first. Once it conflicts with your own qi and blood, don't eat it.

Except for Blood Essence Stone and Essence Essence Stone, other mirages may conflict with your own Qi and blood, so you should try not to eat them if possible. "

He explained carefully and earnestly, just like when he told Chen Mo not to practice the Tanlang Seven Kills Fist casually.

"My child understands." Chen Mo bowed and saluted. He naturally knew that his adoptive father was worried that he would have problems eating randomly.

After all, his old man didn't know that he had the Ordinary Transformation Pearl, and even if the mirage spirit was incompatible with his own energy and blood, he could still use it for his own use.

"Then I dare to ask my adoptive father, what should I do if the child has a mirage that cannot be used? Where can I find a Qi Refiner to help me refine it into a pill?"

Chen Mo asked curiously. He did have an unusable Yuan Zhen Stone in his hand.

It would be best to find a place to replace it.

It would be better to change it to a mirage or blood stone that you can use, or even to use it as an elixir, than to have it in your hand now and not be able to use it.

"You can arrange everything when you come this time. If you don't go back in a short time, will other troubles happen?" Sun Shouren did not answer immediately, but asked instead.

"Go back to my foster father, everything has been arranged." Chen Mo answered honestly, having already guessed what would happen next.

"Two days later, I will take you to the Cave Heaven Paradise. There are many Qi practitioners gathered there. I will take you to see the world, and on the way, I will get rid of the Yuan Zhen Stone in your hand."

Sun Shouren put the Yuan Zhenshi back into the jade box and explained in a deep voice.

"I will listen to my adoptive father's orders." Chen Mo had no objection to this.

It doesn't take much thinking to guess that the Cave Heaven Blessed Land must not be visible to the outside world. If the adoptive father does not lead the way for him and just looks for it on his own, he may not be able to find it even if he searches for several years.

"Okay, then you can rest in the camp for two days, and I will take you there then.

Don't think about setting foot in the mirage for these two days, wait until you get back. "

Speaking of this, his tone was very strong. This was no longer a casual instruction, but almost an order.

"Understood." Chen Mo bowed his hands.

"If you don't want to take these two human infant fruits away, just keep them with me for now. I'll see if I have a chance to help you after a while."

He didn't need to think clearly that Chen Mo must have spent a lot of effort to bring these two human infant fruits.

There is no need for him to go back and forth to take it away. It is better to keep it in his hands now and sell it directly for him when he has the opportunity.

"Then, would you like to keep some of these other things, foster father?" Chen Mo showed the antlers, flesh, and blood essence stones one by one.

"Pull it down, how can I ask for your things? Besides, these things are of no use to me." Sun Shouren waved his hand nonchalantly.

These things that directly increase Qi and blood are really useless to him. With his talent reaching such a level, it is difficult for his physical body to make a qualitative breakthrough.

Unless there is a breakthrough in the inner Qi cultivation, and one steps from the Tongmai realm to the Houtian realm, the inner Qi nourishes the physical body, regulates the five internal organs, and increases the foundation.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for his strength to grow qualitatively.

The physical body cannot digest and absorb this qi and blood, and it will become a burden if it only supplements it.

Chen Mo did not continue to be polite to him. He smiled and put these things into a wooden box and walked back to his previous barracks with the box.

Although he was not in the military camp before, no one was living in his barracks, mainly because there were too many soldiers in the barracks.

Two days passed by in a flash. In the early morning of this day, Sun Shouren called Chen Mo early, and the two of them left the military camp together and walked south along the official road.

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