As of 12 noon today, the first order for this book is 3560.

The author himself is quite satisfied with this result.

Thank you to the friends who placed the first order for me. Thank you all.

The reason why I said before that I wanted to get 5,000 first subscriptions is because it’s pretty good to collect and read this book before it goes on the shelves.

The second reason is because my good brother, Tianyu Feishuang, a top-notch author at the starting point level five, made a bet with me.

Bet on whether I can get 5,000 for my first order. If I can, I will give him a leader, but if I can’t, he will give it to me.

Now that I have won, Shuangzi has given me the alliance leader!

Thank you Sister Shuang for giving me the alliance leader!

It’s not in vain that I climbed to the top of Huangshan Mountain to pull up banners and arrange for him.

I would also like to recommend Sister Shuang's new book "Let you practice martial arts, and your body will crush the planet?" 》

The pictures I used to put up banners for him are in his book review area. If you are interested, you can check them out.

In addition, let’s talk about the rules for adding more updates. For rewards, the leader will receive one more update, silver will receive ten more updates, and gold will receive one hundred more updates.

In addition, one update will be added for every five hundred monthly tickets. If the monthly ticket is less than five hundred, it will be calculated as five hundred.

For example, if there are 1117 monthly tickets now, then three updates will be added.

Please vote for it! ! !

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