In Xianwu, people evolve infinitely starting from the prince

Chapter 33 People’s hearts are their strength, and the golden dragon influences the country’s destin

It turns out.

Yang An still underestimated his own strength and understanding.

Originally, he thought that if he wanted to master the twelve movements of the first level of the Dragon Muscle and Bone Forging Technique and complete the first muscle-shaping and bone-forging technique, it would take two days no matter how fast he wanted to do it.

I never thought that with the help of enough Qi and Blood Pills.

It only took him a day and a half to master the art of easing muscles and bones, and he had begun to temper the muscles, veins and bones of his whole body.

After completing the exercise of Yijingu, Yang An's physical strength has not improved much, but his physical explosive power and energy and blood explosion have been greatly enhanced.

Using the power of qi and blood to temper the muscles, veins and bones of the whole body can not only strengthen the muscles and bones, but also enhance the efficiency of the power of qi and blood in the muscles and bones, making the power of qi and blood in the body explode more rapidly and reduce the risk of consumption.

And when the power of qi and blood condenses the internal and external muscles, bones, skin, flesh, internal organs, etc., into one piece.

Copper skin, steel bones, and iron viscera, Qi and blood flow through the body and spread throughout the body.

Then even if you have not practiced any martial arts skills, you can still mobilize the power of Qi and blood in your body with every movement of your hands and feet, burst out with powerful force, and defeat hundreds of people.

Move according to your heart and no longer stick to routines.

Only when a martial artist reaches this level of cultivation can he be called a "martial master".

Yang An spent a day and a half completing the first twelve movements of the Dragon Muscle and Bone Forging Technique, roughly using the power of Qi and blood to temper the muscles and bones of his body.

Even a great master of heaven and man like Li Ruhai couldn't help but marvel at such a speed of cultivation.

However, as the person involved, Yang An was not happy at all.

On the contrary, during the subsequent practice, he appeared to be a little absent-minded, and even his spirit became quite depressed.

Such a scene.

Of course, it couldn't be hidden from Li Ruhai's eyes.

After he saw that Yang An was distracted during practice again, he couldn't help but asked: "His Royal Highness Lao Nuguan has been a little restless these past two days. Could it be that His Highness has encountered some difficulties?"

When Yang An heard Li Ruhai's question, he paused slightly while practicing the Dragon Muscle and Bone Forging Art.

He did not answer Li Ruhai's question immediately, but after thinking for a long time, he slowly said: "Eunuch Li is right, I have indeed encountered something strange in the past few days, but I don't know whether to say it or not. It’s time to say.”

"Something weird?"

When Li Ruhai heard these four words, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, please be sure to tell this matter to me."

After that, he did not forget to explain: "According to the old slave's observation, His Highness's mental power has been severely depleted in the past two days. If we don't find a way to solve it, I'm afraid it will not only affect His Highness's practice."

"In addition, I can swear to God that no matter what happens to His Highness, I will keep it secret for Your Highness. If you violate this oath, I will suffer the five extreme punishments."

As Li Ruhai spoke, he never forgot to point his finger to the sky and swear an oath.

Yang An hurriedly tried to dissuade him: "Eunuch Li, there is no need to do this. My father-in-law is my elder. How can I not trust my father-in-law."

"To be honest, my father-in-law, I was just thinking about how to ask my father-in-law for advice."

like he said.

Even if Eunuch Li didn't take the initiative to ask, Yang An would tell Eunuch Li the strange things that happened to him in the past few days.

Just like Eunuch Li said.

This incident has affected Yang An's normal life and practice. It is by no means a simple coincidence.

As Yang An spoke, he told the strange things that happened to him from beginning to end.

However, for four or five consecutive days, Yang An dreamed of similar scenes after falling asleep at night.

In other words, having similar dreams.

Transform into a dragon and travel across the sea of ​​stars and the land of China.

Start adventures one after another in the land of China and the sea of ​​stars in the universe.

Either killing giant blood-sucking insects, fighting giant birds and evil beasts, or wandering around with various monsters and monsters to avoid their pursuit and suppression, etc.

Such a bizarre, yet somehow contained dream.

If you only dream about it once, it is normal.

Dreaming twice can also be explained by "thinking about it every day and dreaming about it at night".

Even three dreams can be explained by coincidence.

But for four days or even five days in a row, I had similar scenes in my dreams.

That can't be explained by "thinking about it every day" and coincidence.

Especially in this world of immortal martial arts.

If something like this happened, it might have been a curse or a plot.

So even if Eunuch Li didn't swear, he would confess this matter to Eunuch Li.

I didn’t say it before.

One is because I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence.

The second reason is because ‘dragon’, ‘giant dragon’, ‘shenzhou’, ‘star sea’, ‘giant insects and beasts’, etc. are all too sensitive.

What I know is that I know that Yang An is really troubled by such a dream.

For those who didn’t know, they thought Yang An was trying to flatter himself and deceive people with stories about ghosts and gods.

The most important thing is that the Daqian Dynasty is now prosperous and peaceful, and the seas, rivers and rivers are clear.

You are a giant blood-sucking insect, a raptor and a ferocious beast, a monster, a star beast and an evil god. What are your intentions?

And you also said that you are the only dragon in the dream.

Where does this leave the other princes?

Where will the many princes, county kings, dragon sons and grandsons of the Daqian royal family be placed?

Therefore, Yang An's strange dream is really not suitable to tell anyone.

If it weren't for the fact that this thing was so bizarre, it also caused great trouble to Yang An, causing him to not have a good rest for two or three days in a row, seriously affecting his sleep quality and daytime practice efficiency.

I'm afraid he never thought of telling Li Ruhai this.

As a powerful master of heavenly beings.

Li Ruhai is naturally well-informed.

After hearing Yang An's story, he just pondered for a moment before making his own judgment and said with a smile: "Your Highness, there is no need to worry."

"The reason why Your Highness dreamed of transforming into a dragon for several days in a row was because he was influenced by the luck-lucky Golden Dragon of our Daqian Dynasty."

After Li Ruhai finished speaking, he did not forget to continue explaining: "His Highness has condensed the true meaning of Dragon Whale Martial Arts. You can know it even if you think about it, the human will is also a kind of power."

"I, Dagan, have been in the country for nearly a thousand years, and have ruled one hundred and eight continents in China. There are hundreds of thousands of households under my rule. It is at its peak, and the rule of the dynasty has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"Your Highness can imagine what a terrifying and powerful force it will be when the minds and thoughts of tens of billions of creatures come together."

"This force is the national destiny of our Daqian Dynasty."

"National luck gives birth to spiritual wisdom, which turns into the golden dragon of dynasty luck."

"The spiritual power of His Highness's soul is too strong, and the true meaning of his martial arts has just been condensed, so it is a little weak. That's why he was unable to restrain his spiritual power from escaping outside in his sleep."

"And because His Highness himself is the prince of our Daqian Dynasty, he is naturally close to the Golden Dragon of National Fortune of our Daqian Dynasty, and is favored by the Golden Dragon of National Fortune."

"That's why His Highness was unconsciously influenced by the Golden Dragon of National Fortune and transformed into a dragon in his dream to travel across the sea of ​​stars in China."

Li Ruhai explained with a smile and told the reason why Yang An was disturbed by strange dreams.

At the end, he did not forget to add and give a solution: "If Your Highness wants to solve the problem, it is easy. You only need to practice the Dragon Whale Body Tempering Art more and enhance your understanding of the true meaning of the Dragon Whale."

"With the true meaning of one's martial arts, controlling the spiritual power of the soul, and having the protection of the physical body, one can naturally protect one's soul from the influence of the Golden Dragon of National Fortune."

After Yang An listened to Li Ruhai's explanation, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Think about it.

It seemed that he started having such strange dreams only five days ago after his physical body evolved three times in a row, his biological level exceeded the ordinary sixth level, and he was able to release his mental power and interfere with reality mentally.

During the day, because his consciousness is always awake, he can naturally restrain his powerful mental power from leaking out.

But once it's nighttime.

After consciousness falls into sleep.

Under the activity of the cerebral cortex, mental thinking continues to diverge, but it is just like a wild horse that has taken off the reins and is difficult to restrain.

In this way, it is not strange that after he falls asleep, his mental thoughts continue to spread, and he will be affected by the golden dragon of national luck.

However, although Yang An accepted this explanation, another question couldn't help but arise in his heart.

"Are there many cases like this?"

What Yang An was thinking was that since he would encounter such a problem because of his strong mental power and suffer the influence of the Golden Dragon of National Fortune in his sleep, would other princes, princes, emperors, etc., also encounter such things.

Li Ruhai shook his head and said: "I'm afraid I will disappoint His Highness. In fact, situations like what His Highness encountered rarely happen."

"Because there are very few people like His Highness who are born with extremely powerful souls."

"Ordinary warriors who want to strengthen their souls and spirits can only comprehend the true meaning of martial arts, practice contemplation, and other means."

"This method of strengthening the soul and spirit is to condense all spiritual thoughts together from the beginning. Unless you practice to the level of a divine transformation master, it will be difficult to separate your spiritual thoughts from the body."

"Once a warrior reaches the level of the Divine Transformation Little Grandmaster, his spiritual power will be condensed to the extreme. Unless he is attacked head-on by the National Luck Golden Dragon, it will be difficult to be affected by the National Luck Golden Dragon."

"The most important thing is that the Golden Dragon of National Fortune has a spirit. Unless you are a member of the royal family, it is difficult to be accepted by the Golden Dragon of National Fortune."

"If His Highness is not the prince of our Daqian Dynasty, then he is not favored by the Golden Dragon of National Fortune, but directly assimilated by the Golden Dragon of National Fortune, or directly destroyed by the attack of the Golden Dragon of National Fortune."

"However, even so, the old slave still advises His Highness to increase the intensity of his true meaning of martial arts as soon as possible. It is best to transform all his soul and spiritual thoughts into his true meaning of martial arts."

"Because people's hearts are complicated, the Golden Dragon of National Fortune is formed by the spiritual thoughts of all people in the world. Even if His Highness has the status of Daqian royal family, once he has been in contact with the Golden Dragon of National Fortune for a long time, he will be easily affected by the Golden Dragon of National Fortune."

"The most intuitive manifestation of this influence is that people will become more eager for the throne."

When Li Ruhai said this, he was also afraid that Yang An would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained: "Of course, I am not saying that I don't want His Highness to inherit the throne, but I hope that His Highness can maintain his true intentions."

"Because only by maintaining one's own heart can one aspire to the highest level of martial arts, instead of becoming a puppet of the Golden Dragon of National Fortune."

Look through the history books.

After many people ascended to the throne, their personalities changed drastically and they became ruthless emperors of the dynasty.

Although there are reasons for intrigues here and there, it also has the influence of the Golden Dragon of National Fortune.

In particular, the reason why the emperor of every dynasty becomes the best in the world, even if he has just entered the realm of the great master of heaven and human beings, can still exert strength that is not weaker than the martial arts immortals and gods, is also related to the golden dragon of national luck.

After all, people's hearts are their power.

When the spiritual thoughts of hundreds of millions of people come together, this force is enough to destroy the world.

In fact.

If the power of the Golden Dragon of National Fortune had not been dispersed to every inch of land in the entire Daqian Dynasty's 108 continents, I am afraid that only one ten thousandth of its power would have been able to kill the martial arts immortals and make the dynasty's leader a true gods.

Therefore, the horror of the National Fortune Golden Dragon is no lie.

Even if Yang An was only affected by one billionth of it in his sleep.

For Yang An himself, it is also fatal and needs to be treated with caution.

Even this is because Yang An has the status of a prince of Daqian and is naturally favored by the golden dragon of the Daqian dynasty.

If you were another person, I am afraid that on the first day you dreamed about the Golden Dragon of National Fortune, you would have been assimilated by the Golden Dragon of National Fortune, and unknowingly, you would have become a puppet of the Golden Dragon of National Fortune.

"Thank you, father-in-law, for reminding me. Yang An understands."

Yang An said with a grateful look on his face, and was frightened into a cold sweat.

Because he recalled the changes in himself over the past few days.

In the end, I am afraid I will find that I seem to value the position of Emperor Daqian more and more.

The avoidance of past life memories just after awakening.

Later, he wanted to become the emperor of Daqian, and he used his status as emperor to collect resources from all over the world to complete his own evolution.

In the past few days, I have begun to think about how to change the Daqian Dynasty and solve various problems in the Daqian Dynasty after I become the Emperor of Daqian.

This step-by-step change has obviously changed from his original idea, and is even completely different.

"Have you been influenced by the golden dragon of the Daqian Dynasty's national destiny?"

Yang An kept reflecting, but felt that these changes were normal.

After all, people's hearts are complicated and their desires are hard to satisfy. It is also human nature to want to go to Long and look at Shu.

If you want to complete physical evolution as much as possible and improve your biological level, you must obtain more resources.

And what identity can make it easier to collect the world's resources than the identity of Emperor Daqian?

So it seems normal that he wants to become the Emperor of Daqian.

And after becoming the Emperor of Daqian, isn't it normal for him to govern the country and solve the problems of the Daqian Dynasty?

"Normal ghost!"

Yang An thought of this and suddenly realized something was wrong.

What the hell.

In this extraordinary world of immortal martial arts, where one person's force can suppress the entire world, he actually thought about how to solve the problems of the Daqian Dynasty and govern the country from the political and political aspects.

Don't use the good golden finger advantages.

He even thought of playing tricks with the old fox in the court.

Isn't this just being kicked in the head by a donkey?

If this is not affected by the golden dragon of the Daqian National Games.

Yang An felt like he could eat the sun above his head.

That's right.

Put the sun above your head.

Eat it in one bite.

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