Back to Marin Burn.

Docking the warship at String Moon Harbor, Ronan and the others were just about to disembark.

Then I saw the Warring States waiting with the three generals of Lady Crane, Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape, and Red Inu.


And the uninvited naval hero: Karp.


The figure of the strongest man in the old era is no longer as tall as before, and his eyes are a little more lonely.


As the gangway on the warship slowly descended.

Blackbeard, Badgers was pushed and shoved by soldiers and disembarked.

Seeing this, everyone showed a satisfied smile.

This mission was not only a complete success, but even left a huge amount of military spending.

He also severely damaged and killed three cadres of Blackbeard, greatly weakening his power!

“Ronan, this time is good.”

“The celebration banquet of the headquarters has been prepared for you.”

Sengoku looked at Ronan who came down and said with a relieved face.

“Now is not the time to rejoice.”

“Let’s listen to the information that me and Peach Rabbit brought back first.”

Ronan shook his head slightly and sighed softly.

Ace’s affairs were not reported through the phone bug at the first time.

After all.

There may be a risk of being monitored.

Peach Rabbit on the side immediately told in detail the before and after of the mission, as well as Blackbeard’s information on the price of one billion


When Sengoku learned that Ace was Roger’s heir, his eyes suddenly widened.

And everyone around him was also surprised.

“It’s true.”

Blackbeard, who had not yet gone far, immediately turned around and gave a positive answer to the group of naval leaders.


When Sengoku heard this, he looked at Karp with some confusion.

Ace’s relationship with Karp is known only to Ms. Yu He.


But he never thought about Roger.

“After looking for so long, I didn’t expect it to be right under our noses, Karp…”

“You’ve gone too far this time!”

Sengoku gritted his back teeth and made a harsh sound.

This matter has yet to be confirmed.

Judging from Blackbeard’s reaction, this matter can basically be qualified.

In the face of the duties of the Warring States, Karp’s face was blue and his iron fists were clenched, but he finally sighed deeply.

If Ace had chosen to join the Navy, the situation would not be where it is today.

Just when everyone was still immersed in the shock of this information.

Ace was laid on a stretcher and carried down by soldiers.

Looked at.

Karp also ignored the eyes of others and strode over to check the situation.

But when he walked in, he was directly stunned in place.

At this moment, Ace has fallen into a severe coma, and his limbs have not only been violently broken to reveal his white bones.

Various parts of the body were also severely injured to varying degrees, and the stretcher that had just stepped on was soaked in blood in a few moments.

Even so.

It was only a simple bandaging of Ace to stop the bleeding, barely surviving.

“Who did this?!”

Karp’s eyes were bloodshot, and he turned his head to scan the crowd.

This moment.

In the face of the tragic situation of his grandson, his identity is not a naval hero.

Just a grandfather who wants to protect his grandson!

Seeing this, Peach Rabbit just wanted to hold Ronan but was still a step late.

“I broke his limbs.”

“What, Mr. Karp, do you want to avenge your grandson?”

Ronan stepped forward slowly, a smile of excitement on the corner of his mouth.

The voice just fell.

A surging breath centered on Karp instantly permeated the entire String Moon Harbor.

The old man in front of him vented his strength to the fullest.

No killing intent intertwined into flames, the overlord black thunder rushed wantonly!

“Overlord color?”

Ronan smiled, and a strong overlord domineering energy rushed out of his body, and Yu Karp fought against it.

Just for a moment.

The surrounding soldiers fainted to the end, and the cumulus clouds floating in the sky were instantly dispersed and dissipated into the air.

At this moment, Ronan seems to be the master of heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth are colorless, and everything is surrendered to his feet.


Everyone’s hearts suddenly trembled.

This is….

Overlord color domineering?!

Ronan actually has this power!

“You two calm down.”

Sengoku frowned slightly and shouted loudly.

This solemn voice was like a basin of cold water, making Ronan and Karp stop at the same time.

As the two overlord colors dissipated.

Heaven and earth returned to peace.

Only the mess on the ground in String Moon Harbor and the soldiers who fell to the ground told of the horror that had just happened.

“When did you have the Overlord color?”

As Ronan’s top boss, Akainu couldn’t help but ask.

“Hmm… Just now. ”

Ronan prevaricated casually.


Everyone’s faces suddenly darkened.


Do you think we believe it or not?

Although there are many people who have the domineering spirit of overlord color.

It may reach the level of ease like Ronan just now, and the whole world can’t find a few.

That’s what you said just will?

Lie to the devil!

“Regarding the overlord color domineering, Ronan went back and reported to me alone.”

“As for Ace, I have decided to publicly execute him and announce his death to the world!”

Sengoku took a deep look at Karp Yuronan and said in a deep voice.

Publicly execute the heirs of One Piece.

This means a lot to the whole world!

It can not only end Roger’s influence to a certain extent, but also give an explanation to civilians and enhance the Navy’s credibility with civilians.

“I object!”

“Warring States, do you have to do this, if it is really publicly executed, Whitebeard will definitely stop at nothing to save Ace.”

“At that time, the Navy will definitely lose a lot!”

Karp also ignored Ronan and directly vetoed it.

He didn’t want Ace to be tried in front of everyone, in that case, it would be better to kill him now!

“Such pirates should be executed in front of civilians all over the world.”

“Let the whole world know that the majesty of the Navy is inviolable!”

In the face of this radical approach, the head of the hawkish faction, Akainu, of course, unconditionally supports it.

Ronan Yu Huang Ape did not speak, and Peach Rabbit also stood behind Ms. Crane, quietly watching the dispute between them.

Blackbeard, on the other hand, had a flash of excitement in his eyes and grinned.

“Since you all have different opinions, let the world government make a decision, and first take Ace into the sixth floor of the city!”

Sengoku did not choose to argue, and said lightly.

“Okay, then Ace will be escorted by the old man himself.”

Karp’s eyes froze and glanced at everyone.

“You crossed the line, this matter is not in your hands.”

Ronan shook his head and said softly.

In fact, it doesn’t matter who escorts Ace.

But just now Karp has lost his mind, and the devil knows if he will let Ace go.

Before Karp could refute, Sengoku immediately said:

“Since the person was captured by Ronan, then it’s up to him to take a trip.”


Karp also had no way, and after taking a deep look at Ronan, he immediately called the doctor to accompany Ace for treatment.

This is also the only thing he can do for his grandson as a grandfather.

Just as Ronan was getting ready to board the boat.

Akainu stepped forward and instructed:

“Don’t get into trouble when you go to that place.”

Ronan thought about the prisoners who advanced to the sixth floor of the city, swallowed his saliva unconsciously, and said very sadly:

“Am I so bad in your heart?”

“Actually, I’m very kind to people.”

Red Inu: “…”

Yes, you are so kind.

If you don’t agree, you will lift the heavenly spirit cover.


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