Chapter 51 The building collapsed, and the darkness in the depths of the clouds completely flooded the landscape in the heart!!

Under everyone’s gaze, Ronan slowly twisted the switch.

Just listen to the ‘click’.

Blackbeard’s skull was crushed little by little by the machine, and the howl of pain that flattened was instantly spread throughout the infinite hell:

“Ronan… I will wait for you in hell, someone will kill you! ”

This painful wail is like a ghost.

It’s also like the careerist’s last swan song… However.

Ronan ignored it.

After all.

Who would have to deal with a dead man?

At this moment, a sickly paleness appeared on Ronan’s face.

The speed of twisting the switch in the hand also accelerates…

After a series of crisp sounds.

Fragments of Blackbeard’s skull pierce the brain.

This also leads to a strong body that begins to spasm.

Next second.

Blackbeard’s facial features began to flow blood, and it looked incomparably seeping.

See this scene.

The Red Earl, the people couldn’t help but tremble.

And Magellan, who had just vomited, retched again after seeing Blackbeard at the moment.

“What kind of freak did the Navy train?”

Klokdal murmured.


Blackbeard did not say yes when he issued the invitation.


His own end will definitely not be half a point better than Blackbeard!

“Ronan, Lao Tzu wants to…”

Halfway through his words, Magellan came to an abrupt end.

He was afraid that Ronan, a pervert, killed Red Eye, and even slaughtered himself.

After all.

The surveillance phone bugs of Infinite Hell are all broken.

Even if he killed Magellan, there was no evidence.

“Wait… And what is he going to do? ”

Shen Ping’s brows suddenly furrowed.

I saw Ronan pick up an iron rod from his side, and then suddenly smashed it on the iron cap on Blackbeard’s head.


With the sound of metal clashing.

Blackbeard’s eyes suddenly became round, and an echoing pain appeared all over his body!

“Kill me, quick, kill me…”

Feeling the inhuman pain, Blackbeard roared loudly.


He still doesn’t understand why Barrett is bent on death.

Now I finally know.

This is not at all human suffering… However.

Respond to Blackbeard’s.

Only the crisp sound of metal colliding with each other, and the maniacal laughter caught in it, continued to wave down the iron rod in Ronan’s hand.

A moment later.

Just listen to the ‘poof’.

Blackbeard’s body lost his vital signs after a convulsion, and the two eyeballs popped out together.


All the experiences of my life flashed through my mind.

More than thirty years of hard work.

Now the building has collapsed, and the darkness deep in the clouds has completely flooded the landscape in my heart.

“This is dead?”

Ronan gasped a cigarette and sighed helplessly.

Everyone’s faces suddenly darkened.

Who can hold on to this?

If it’s too short time, or do you try it yourself?

“Since the mission is over, let’s go quickly, all the prisoners from the first to fourth floors have been released!”

Magellan wiped the vomit from the corner of his mouth and couldn’t help but urge.

This place is so disgusting now.

He didn’t want to stay any longer!

“No hurry.”

Ronan smiled, and then his right hand flicked lightly.

The next moment.

‘Barrett’ who received the order blasted San Juan Wolf’s head with a punch.

He walked step by step towards the only remaining Badgers.

“Nope… Don’t come over! ”

The badly injured Badgers looked terrified in his eyes and struggled back.


Behind him was the wall, which could not be avoided.

I could only watch as Barrett’s big hand grabbed his head.

Next second.

The skull was crushed alive, and blood mixed with the brain sprayed on the wall!

“Yes, worthy of being my slave, the techniques are so beautiful.”

After nodding with satisfaction, Ronan immediately raised his hand to volley the talisman.

“Maoshan Soul Gathering Charm!”

After several runes were made, they quickly floated to Blackbeard, Catherine. On the bodies of Butterfly, Xiryu and others.

A moment later.

Bursts of black gas floated out of their corpses and then converged into shape.

Ronan slowly raised his hand and whispered, “Spirit arrest!” ”

【Arrest the Spirit】

Ability to launch

A small vortex appeared in Ronan’s palm, inhaling the converging black qi.

“These guys are enough to deal with the captains of a part of the Whitebeard Pirates.”

Ronan smiled, and the ability was activated again: “Send generals!” ”


Black qi flew out of the palm of his hand, turned into a human form, and stood alive in front of everyone, especially the huge black shadow of San Juan Evil Wolf of 180 meters, which looked spectacular.

See this scene.

The pupils of Count Red, Magellan and others shook tremendously, and their mouths opened slightly unconsciously.

It’s horrible.

If these people only listen to Ronan’s dispatch.

When the execution was public, the Whitebeard Pirates only needed one captain for each death.

The strength of the side of the Navy will increase by a copy!

“Whitebeard, this old fellow, is going to be dangerous.”

Count Red murmured.

Unconsciously, I was worried about my former old opponent.

“Daddy… Ace! ”

Shen Ping was even more cold sweat, and his face was full of bitterness.


Klokdal exclaimed, “This guy… No! ”

Heard the rumors…

Everyone’s eyes subconsciously looked at Ronan again.

“The last test, please get on the spirit!”

【Please Spirit】Activate.

Blackbeard, who had just converged into a human form, re-transformed into a cloud of black qi and drilled into Ronan’s palm.

Next second.

A scene that shocked everyone appeared.

A large area of darkness actually poured out of Ronan’s body, devouring all the corpses in the infinite hell.

This is the ability of the Dark Fruit!

“It’s a good feeling.”

“No wonder Blackbeard swells so much after eating the dark fruit.”

Ronan extinguished the cigarette in his hand and said with a smile.

“This, this is Blackbeard’s ability?!”

Magellan’s eyes seemed to be about to pop out, looking at the scene in front of him incredulously.

“It’s terrible…”

Count Red said with a surprised look.

Shen Ping and Klokdal looked even more frightened, and cold sweat could not help slipping down their foreheads.

Right now.

They finally realized that the torture and killing just now was nothing.

As long as Ronan goes to hunt the able.

Then he alone will have the ability of countless devil fruits! You can also stand by yourself with any force on the sea!

This is the most terrible truth!

“By the way, I almost forgot about you.”

Ronan’s scarlet eyes glanced at Count Red and the others who were locked up in the cell.

In this instant.

An unprecedented pressure enveloped the hearts of Count Red and others.

“Forget it, for your honest sake, let’s talk about it next time.”

“If you don’t go down, all the prisoners on the fourth floor will run away.”

Ronan smiled, slowly turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Look at this departing back.

The Red Count, Klokdal, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.


No one knows when Ronan will come and kill him.

It may be tomorrow, or it may be regretted in the next second.

This feeling of waiting to be tortured and killed is really extremely depressing! It’s better to give it a hard time now.


As Ronan strode over Magellan.

The gentle voice sounded again: “Director Magellan, you won’t let the headquarters of the Navy know about what happened just now, will you?” ”

“I want to surprise them when the execution is public.”

Magellan’s body suddenly tensed, and he said word by word: “I didn’t see anything!” ”

“The Black Dragon General is invincible and sweeps the entire Infinite Hell!”

The faces of the three red earls suddenly darkened.


This face is really disgusting!

Ronan nodded with satisfaction: “Let’s go, go and see what kind of trouble is going on there.” ”

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