Chapter 62 No one will remember the dead, so live and grit your teeth!!

With a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Everyone’s eyes looked over.

This is a hard blow from Whitebeard.

And on the execution table.

There were four highest-ranking admirals of the navy, Sengoku, Ronan, Red Dog, and Yellow Ape.

Once something happens to them.

That military spirit will be completely dispersed! Right at this moment.

A fresh breeze blows by.

Smoke and dust scattered.

The view of the execution table gradually became clearer.

Both the pirates and the navy held their breath.

Waiting for the results to be revealed.

The next moment.

The execution table, shrouded in golden light, was reflected in the depths of everyone’s pupils.


It is a countless rune with obscure words.

Followed by.

This layer of golden light and talismans appeared like a cobweb-like crack.

With a ‘bang’.

The golden light exploded, turning into countless bits of light and dissipating into the air.

And Ronan and the others on the execution table also reappeared in everyone’s field of vision! Suddenly.

The air seemed to stand still.

Everyone’s eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Not only is the execution table a little broken.

Even Ronan and others.

After suffering a hard blow from Whitebeard, nothing happened.

The sailors kept swallowing their saliva, their eyes full of excitement.

As for the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the crew.

One by one, their faces were extremely ugly, as if eating a table of Ollie gave a white beard was a god-like existence for them.


Now that God’s attack was so easily crotched, it was unacceptable to them in any way.


The crisp sound of a lighter sounded.

With the cigarette lit, Ronan picked up the megaphone and said loudly: “This war is undoubtedly cruel. ”

“Every minute, every moment a colleague dies beside you.”

“Their screams surround your ears, and I see their faces, their blood, their torn bodies, every face is familiar to us, all our colleagues!”


“Take up your weapons, for the sake of civilians, for the sake of your colleagues, for the sake of justice in your heart, and crush this group of pirates completely!”

As Ronan’s voice continued to echo in Marin.

Every word is like a bomb.

Exploded in the mind of every 027 Navy soldier.


Their eyes were gradually bloodshot, and only one word lingered in their ears.

Kill this group of slaughterers!

“Leave the navy alone!”

“For peace, for justice, for civilians!”

“Kill ————!!”

Passion is ignited at the same time.

Countless seamen swung their knives and slaughtered the pirates in front of them.

Blood splattered and gushed wantonly.

Countless pirates lay on the ground whimpering in pain.

Their hands covered their stomachs pierced by buckets, as well as wounds.

Moreover, the navy’s long knife slashed at the pirate, but the knife was stuck in the ribs and could only be pulled out alive.

A sharp and piercing sound followed.

This scene is bloody and violent.

Painting Oaks Square as a blood-colored hell is terrifying.

See such momentum.

The battle in which the pirates charged was disrupted in an instant and collapsed.

“You really can stir up emotions.”

Sengoku looked at the current situation and nodded with satisfaction.

“Only then can they live and see their families again.”

“No one will remember dead things, so live and grit your teeth to live!”

Ronan let out a puff of smoke.

The whole face was shrouded in that thin smoke.


Sengoku couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “You are too conflicted. ”

“Just now he was like a demon crawling out of hell, and now he is like a compassionate monk who always accompanies the ancient Buddha of green lanterns.”

Finish talking.

Sengoku just wanted to ask Ronan what was going on with his ability just now.

Next second.

Sengoku immediately regretted saying the evaluation just now. I saw Ronan recondense a golden long knife.

Little by little, Marko’s heart was scratched.

Blood gushed.

But in the next second, he was quickly healed by the blue flames.

Followed by.

It’s the remaining kidneys, intestines…

The strong smell of blood instantly filled the entire execution table.


After feeling the pain, Marco cried out again.

The mournful voice made people feel a tremor in their hearts.

“Please… Let him go, and I am willing to atone for my bloodline! ”

Bean Da’s tears rolled down Ace’s face, constantly praying for this moment.

He gave up the so-called dignity.

Just want to keep my companions alive.

Or…… There is no need to be so painful.

Seeing Ace’s desperate look, Luffy pulled his throat and shouted, “Bastard! ”

“Have the ability to let go of us and watch me punch you away!”

Ronan smiled and spoke gently: “Don’t worry, I hope you can still say such a thing later.” ”

The voice fell.

The long knife dissipated, and a pair of hands emitting ‘red qi’ rested on Marko’s shoulder.

“I’m curious too.”

“Under this kind of pain, how long can you, as an undead bird fruit ability, last long?”

Ronan touched it and muttered with a smile.

The next moment.

Marko’s eyes were immediately stained with blood.

He could feel that his body was undergoing a great change.

A strong pain and tearing sensation hit in an instant.

Seeing this, the Warring States on the side suddenly felt a spasm in his stomach.

Off the execution stage.

Karp stared at Marko, a pair of iron fists clenched tightly: “Ronan!” ”

If you wait a while, your two grandchildren will end up like this.

So what should I do?

Come to think of it.

Karp slowly crouched down, constantly tearing the white hair on his head.


Marco’s skin was like a dry riverbed, existing and cracked.

Then came the flesh, the bones…

Under this intense pain.

Marco couldn’t even speak, his face was pale, and his mouth kept whimpering.


The scariest thing is.

Whenever flesh and skin and bones crack, the brilliant fire of healing will always burst into flames.

In a slow cure, the cycle repeats.

The body suffers twice as much! Seeing such a cruel technique.

The yellow ape couldn’t help but shiver: “It’s terrible…”

“Can’t imagine what would happen to me?”

Red Inu snorted coldly: “It’s nothing more than death.” ”


“Are you afraid of death?”

Yellow Ape: “…”

Aren’t you afraid?

Then why don’t you try it! Lao Tzu is definitely waving the flag for you in the back!

…… At the forefront of the harbor.

Doflamingo opened his arms and said with an excited face: “Cluck…”


“That’s it, kill him and make him feel pain he has never felt before!”

Looked at.

Moonlight Moria touched his head and muttered incomprehensibly: “Eat my brain, you won’t eat stupid, right?” ”

Although the sound is small.

But Doflamingo still heard it, and the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

In its place, there was a haze on his face.

Later, Lao Tzu will definitely stab you!

Hawkeye frowned, although he did not speak, a trace of murderous aura flashed in his eyes!


“Lord Ronan was too gentle with me at that time.”

“It’s really like arguing with you now, letting you hit the concubine hard.”

Hancock’s face is full of spring light, constantly shaking his graceful posture.

The palace on Nine Snakes Island at that time.

Ronan also only hit himself a few times, although it hurt.

But compared to Marko.

That’s so gentle, it’s just love education!……

On the execution table.

Under this intense pain.

Marco is already in a half-dead state.

He muttered intermittently: “Kill… Kill me…”

Ronan stepped on the cigarette that was about to be extinguished and asked gently, “Can’t stand it?” ”


“Not bad, it lasted five minutes.”

Although five minutes doesn’t seem like long.

But for Marko.

Every second is incomparably long, which is simply not human suffering!

“Give him a break.”

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

“Also, it’s no fun to go on.”

Ronan smiled and then stepped down.

Just listen to the ‘poof’.

Marko’s head was like a watermelon, and it was directly stomped on by Ronan.

The blood mixed with brain pulp directly splashed Ace, and Luffy looked at the whole face.

“Horses… Marco!!! ”

Feeling the wetness coming from his face, Ace’s voice was hoarse, and tears couldn’t stop flowing.

The heart is full of strong self-blame…

Countless pirates looked at this scene blankly.

Whitebeard’s face became even more gloomy, and his heart suddenly tightened.

Marko has not only followed himself since childhood.

It has witnessed the countless history of the Whitebeard Pirates…

Countless memories turned into fragments and kept flashing through the old man’s mind.

Next second.

An angry roar suddenly sounded: “Little ones, avenge Marco and save Ace!!! ”

As Whitebeard’s voice continued to echo in Marin.

“Damn, absolutely let the navy double its service!”

“Shoot and kill that black dragon general!”

“Captain Marko, we will definitely avenge you!!!”

A group of pirates turned their grief and anger into strength.

Their eyes were bloodshot, and they were desperate to attack the navy.

The cannon even adjusted its angle, rushed at the navy, and even launched a volley at Ronan! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang……

Raining shells, smashing into Oaks Square.


Right at this moment.

The five Seven Martial Seas who were at the forefront moved.

Bursts of lasers were fired from the pacifists’ palms, and more than a dozen bombs exploded in mid-air.

Using the shadow, Doflamingo pulled out the silk thread and stopped dozens of cannonballs in the air.

Hawkeye pulls out the black knife. At night, he pulled out a beautiful knife flower and saluted the cannonball back.

Hancock kissed the second finger of his right hand lightly and pulled out a huge pink heart.

After bending the bow and setting up the arrow.

Countless captive arrows turned the shells, as well as the pirates and mariners below, into stone.

“Female emperor, what are you doing?”

“Even the seamen fight?!”

A naval admiral, covering the wound on his left arm, gritted his teeth for a while.

The other wounded sailors also stole resentful glances.


Pirates are pirates after all, and they can’t be trusted at all!

“Although you fight with Whitebeard together, it does not mean that the concubine and you are companions.”


Han Cook took a charming pose and said with a weak face: “However, for the sake of the concubine’s beautiful body…”


The hearts of the navies were moved, and they turned into licking dogs one after another, and shut up and did not talk about what had just happened.

“This woman’s fault is again.”

Ronan frowned slightly, and then looked at Sengoku: “Give me five minutes.” ”

The voice just fell.

The sleeve-length figure instantly dissipated with the execution table.


Seeing that the navy did not react, Hancook was just about to prepare to kick the petrified pirates, mariners.

A gentle voice sounded in her ears: “What were you doing just now?” ”


Han Cook suddenly froze in place, and responded stunned: “Lord Ronan…”


She immediately untied the petrification of all the soldiers.


Hancock could still feel a burning gaze looking at him somewhere.

That feeling.

It’s as if you can pierce yourself in the next moment!

Hancock knew that wasn’t the answer Ronan wanted.

“Lord… Master! ”

This beautiful woman murmured in a low voice, “I’m sorry…”

This is not Nine Snake Island.

Now his every move is seen by the world.

Although the heart has surrendered.

But she still wants to show her previous image in front of the world, so her voice is inaudible.


As a figure flashed.

Ronan suddenly appeared in front of Hancock, his palm gently rubbing this beautiful face.

“Master, sorry!!!”

With a coquettish shout, Hancock threw himself directly into Ronan’s arms.


Many people’s eyes suddenly widened and looked surprised.

“Pirates do whatever they want, but you can’t hurt the navy.”


Ronan lit a cigarette and said softly.

Although the tone is still gentle.

But in Hancock’s ears is the supreme command.

At the same time, she had a burst of rejoicing.

Fortunately, there was no kick to the navy just now.

Otherwise…… Lord Ronan would definitely not spare himself.

“Yes, Lord Ronan…”

Hancock responded with a choked snort.

And right at this moment.

On the sea in the distance, a huge shadow is slowly coming.

Ronan seemed to sense something too, and said with a smile: “Oz…”

“I don’t know if he can beat San Juan Evil Wolf.”

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