Chapter 79 Use the blood of pirates to water this place that symbolizes absolute justice! Enslave BIGMOM three homits!!

Jingle Bells

With a crisp bell ringing.

With Ronan as the center, it quickly spreads out a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye! Almost instantaneous.

BIGMOM’s huge body froze directly in place, and even his eyes became hollow.

This feeling…

Just like the brain was pierced by a sharp blade, the brain pulp instantly collapsed! The degree of pain.

It’s countless times more unbearable than the physical pain!



Rolling waves, covered with overlord colors, like a tsunami moving in all directions.


The entire battlefield was affected.

“My head hurts… Damn, is this BIGMOM?! ”

“mam…… Pressure pulsation! ”

“BIGMOM…… Damn, aaaa ”

Countless people covered their ears, gritted their teeth, and were in pain.

Looked at.

The red dog and the green pheasant also didn’t care much, and quickly raised their hands to release the armed color domineering

The strong domineering spirit formed an invisible and impregnable barrier in front of the navy.

This sound wave mixed with overlord colors is completely isolated from the soldiers in the rear.

But even so.

There were still many soldiers who were shocked by this violent overlord color, instantly erased their consciousness, and they fell to the west and fainted.

“Hurry up!”

The red dog urged in a deep voice.

The green pheasant on the side also looked extremely ugly.

On the one hand, you have to resist the noise of BIGMOM, and on the other hand, you also have to bear the aftermath of the shaking soul bell.

If not strong and strong-willed.

Change to someone else who died as early as 31!



Ronan frowned slightly, raised his palm, and aimed it at the thundercloud. Zeus, the sun.

Prometheus as well as Napoleon.


The three homiz had fainted under the impact of the shaking soul bell.

With the launch of the detained generals.

Ronan’s palm seemed to have some kind of gravity.

Zeus, Prometheus, and Napoleon’s bodies sucked uncontrollably past and probably still had consciousness.

The three homiz cried out weakly, “Mama save me!” ”

Looked at.

Kaido on the side also realized something, and the mace flashed red-black lightning and suddenly smashed towards Ronan.

“Thunder gossip!”

“Is it okay to stand honestly?”

Ronan sighed softly, and then measured his body slightly.

The left fist picked up the force of the majestic shock and smashed it fiercely.


The atmosphere in front of him was shattered, and countless cracks were speeding up… Time.

The iron rod wrapped around the overlord color collided with the force of the concussion.

No impact reaches the sky.

Tear the whole sky in half! Boom——!!

Kaido was blasted away, and countless buildings were affected along the way.

In the end, smashed on a warship.

And Ronan’s figure couldn’t stop retreating.

During this period.

He immediately stretched out his left hand: “Send general.” ”

The voice fell.

The eyes of the three homiz turned inky black, like puppets, controlled by Ronan.

Spirits will not only control the soul.

It can also control sprites.

BIGMOM’s Homiz made from soul fruit also belongs to the elf category “Not bad, it worked. ”

Ronan nodded with satisfaction, and the movements on his hands stopped.


After that crisp ringing dissipates with the air.

The sound of BIGMOM also gradually stopped.

Heaven and earth returned to calm, but the mess all over the earth was accusing of the horror that had just happened!

“Sure enough, I still use the ability to get used to fruits…”

Ronan glanced at Kaido, who was smashed into the air, and jumped on Zeus with a smile.

And there is the sun all around. Prometheus surrounds, the great sword Napoleon holds in his hand.

See this scene.

The face of the Warring States, who was supervising the battle in the distance, suddenly froze: “This is…”



BIGMOM’s combat power has basically been wasted by a third! The situation is very good!

Can be the next second.

Sengoku began to have a headache over that question again.

Ronan is too strong now.

It has far exceeded the level of the three major generals! Or……

Give Ronan the position of Marshal and tie him to death in Marin.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Warring States suddenly flashed with a burst of essence.

…… Meanwhile.

After being coerced by Ronan.

This side of the Seven Martial Seas who are fighting bravely to kill the enemy.



Doflamingo’s face was gloomy, gritting his back teeth, and said word by word.


With a ‘creak’.

A half-shattered tooth was spat out by Doflamingo.

Looked at.

The other Moria, Hawkeye, and Hancock immediately cast disdainful glances.

How much you hate Ronan!

The back molar teeth are all crushed?


“Smelly man, Lord Ronan is a peak that you can’t climb in your life!”

Han Cook snorted coldly, but his eyes were full of yearning.

What to do with the days after the end of the war? Is Lord Ronan going with the flow?

Or is the concubine straining with the chicken? Forget it.

Lord Ronan is still young, so you must bury your head and work hard! Come to think of it.

Hancock immediately fired several captive arrows, turning a large number of pirates into stone sculptures…….

This way.

Ronan was just about to step Zeus back into the battlefield.


A thick body influenced: “Return Homiz to Mama!” ”

As the voice fell.

A heat wave hit.

The air can’t help but become sticky and hot.

Follow the sound.

I saw BIGMOM’s fourth son, Charlotte. Owen rushed over with an angry face.

And it was too late for Katakuri next to him to try to block it.

He wanted to predict his brother’s future in a few seconds.

But…… It simply can’t be done.


A strong sense of crisis instantly arose in Katakuri’s heart.

“Little white rabbit, white and white…”

“It’s cute to be motionless after cutting the artery and vein.”

Seeing this, Ronan couldn’t help but have a sickly smile on his face.

The voice just fell.

Charlotte. Irving’s fist had already struck.

The attack that heats the hot fruit, turns the surrounding air into hot wind, and then wraps it around the fist, as if to incinerate everything in the world.

“Messy Golden Watchman!”

Ronan immediately pinched it with one hand.


Charlotte. Owen’s time seemed to be slowed down countless times, and his movements became extremely slow.

And at the moment.

He could only see Ronan slowly come behind him.

The next moment.

The effect of the chaotic gold watchman stops.

A pair of big hands wrapped around the domineering cherry blossoms have also passed through Charlotte. Owen’s chest!

Followed by.

A gentle voice in Charlotte. Owen’s ears rang: “Usually you torture people with high temperatures, right?” ”

“It’s not as good as…”

“You try it today?”


Charlotte. A hint of panic flashed across Owen’s face.

Inexplicable fear instantly burst out in my heart.

He just wanted to ignore the sharp pain in his abdomen and turn to resist.

Can be the next second.

An incomparably strong burning sensation suddenly came.

【Off-word firefly streamer! 】 】

I saw countless clusters of flames in Charlotte. Owen’s body burned.

Even if there is blood in the body, it cannot be extinguished at all!


The intense pain made Charlotte. Owen let out a howl of pain.

“Can’t you bear it?”

Ronan smiled and jerked his hands from the bottom up.

With the sound of bones breaking.

Charlotte. Owen’s ribs have been broken! Immediately.

Ronan withdrew his hands and healed the belly that would be pierced by the barrel.

Then the terrible scene 153 was born.

Charlotte. Owen’s mouth actually grew dead together! Can’t even call for help and gasp.

The next moment.

A smell of meat mixed with the smell of burnt meat spread wildly all around.

Wisps of blue smoke drifted slowly down his eyes, ears and nostrils.

“Bastard, what did you do!”

Katakuri roared.

He wanted to rush over and fight with Ronan.

But Barrett and Joz stopped in front, making it impossible for Katakuri to get out.

“Want to know?”

“Actually, it’s nothing, it’s just a fire in his body.”

“Hmm… It should be almost ripe. ”

Ronan grinned and snapped his fingers lightly.


Under this crisp sound.

Charlotte. Owen’s body exploded directly.

Cooked minced meat, internal organs scattered all over the place.

His head was well preserved, and only deep fear remained in his pupils.


Charlotte. Owen tortures people like this.

But now it’s your turn.

In his mind, he couldn’t help but recall the expressions of the civilians who had been burned alive before.

And that’s exactly why it is.

Charlotte. Owen’s fear before death was infinitely magnified!

“This is the end of the invasion of Marin Burner.”

“Let these pirates live in fear!”

Ronan brought up Charlotte. Owen’s head drank loudly.


Countless soldiers raised their knives in response, and then fell fiercely, chopping off the heads of pirates!

Marin burned more.

A place of solemnity.

Since there are pirates invading.

Then this place will become a battlefield of blood.

With the blood of pirates, water this place that symbolizes absolute justice! Suddenly.

A middle-aged aunt’s voice sounded: “Ronan! ”

“Give me back my homiz!!”

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