
Malinejoia, inside a huge council chamber.

Sengoku, Karp, and Ms. Tsuru, as well as the three generals of Red Inu, Green Pheasant, and Yellow Ape, are discussing whether to publicly execute the five old stars.

For this matter.

Sengoku, Akainu unconditionally supports.

And decided to gather 100,000 troops to guard Ace when he was executed.

Karp Yu Pheasant insisted that there was no need for a public execution.

It really came to that day.

The Whitebeard Pirates will definitely work hard to save Ace.

Marin will definitely experience an unprecedented war!


That is the strongest man in the world, and he is also known to have the power to destroy the world!

The captain of the forty-three affiliated pirate groups, and the captain of the thirteen teams.

But they are all sea thieves who shook the new world.

“Sakaski, do you know how many people will die in this battle?”

“The soldiers have families, and their families are waiting for them to come home!”

The green pheasant lost its previous laziness and looked directly at the red dog.

“If you are afraid of sacrifice, what navy is it?”

“If we dare not publicly execute because of this kind of thing, then what face does our navy have?!”

The red dog’s eyes were round, and his voice couldn’t help but rise.

And Huang Ape Yu He Staff Officer did not speak.

Sit on the sidelines and quietly eat melons in front of the masses.


One of the five old stars with white curly hair said lightly:

“We agree to a public execution.”

“If the Whitebeard Pirates come, then use all your strength to keep them in Marin to burn more.”

“This matter will be fully responsible for the Warring States and Red Inu, and the meeting will be dispersed!”

Although it is a bit too risky for the Whitebeard Pirates to start a war in Marin Burn.

The post-war impact was enough to ripple around the world.

But the world government will never give in because of the strength of Whitebeard.

When Karp heard this, his eyes couldn’t help but flash a trace of pathos.


The phone bug in the arms of the Warring States rang.

Bu Pur Bu

After turning on the phone worm, a solemn voice immediately sounded:

“Mr. Sengoku, I’m Magellan.”

After hearing this, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and their eyes unconsciously forgot the past.

According to the current time.

Ronan, Peach Rabbit has already stepped on the battleship of the returning ground.

“What happened?”

Warring States’ heart also suddenly tightened, and he hurriedly asked.

Could it be…

Something happened to the advancing city?

“Just now, Barrett rioted, crushed Hannibal’s eyebrow bone and skull, and his life was not long in coming.”

“Although he survived.”

“But something strange happened.”

Magellan’s words made Sengoku and others breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s good that people don’t die.

“Wait… What are you talking about? ”

Sengoku asked with a frown.

“Just now, when Hannibal’s life was on the line, Ronan actually removed Barrett’s arm without him noticing!”

“Barrett didn’t even leave a drop of blood.”

“Moreover, Hannibal’s shattered skull, eyebrow bone, and injured brain were actually cured by Ronan in less than a minute.”

The phone bug vividly transmitted Magellan’s expression, obviously not yet recovering from the shock just now.


The faces of the Warring States, the Five Old Stars and others were also full of surprise, and their hearts could not be calm for a long time.

The huge council chamber could not help but fall into silence.

Silently, Barrett’s arm was removed, and Hannibal was cured in less than a minute.

What kind of power does Ronan have?

Even if it is a reward of five billion Bailey’s surgical fruits, it cannot be done to this extent.


Magellan’s voice broke the silence:

“By the way, Ronan asked me to pass on to you, Barrett’s arm can be fitted to Mr. Zefa.”

“He told you to summon Mr. Zefa quickly.”

Sengoku was stunned for a moment, and his pupils were suddenly shocked:


Can this still be installed for others?

After hearing this, the five old stars and the others looked at each other in surprise.


Sengoku seemed to want to say something, and suddenly got up and shouted:

“Since such a serious injury was cured in one minute.”

“Then will Ronan be able to treat all the wounded in the headquarters in a short time?”

As soon as this word came out.

Everyone’s eyes suddenly burst out with bursts of essence.

The issue just debated is, to a large extent, the issue of war damage.

Now it seems that there is no need to worry at all.

And from the meeting to the present, a red dog with a black face showed a smile for the first time:

“I couldn’t imagine that Ronan, who takes pleasure in killing, has the ability to heal his injuries.”

As Ronan’s top boss, Akainu and Yuron.

“Since the problem is solved, the navy will go all out to meet the white-bearded pirates.”

The old man with white curly hair looked serious, and his words were full of solemnity.


Sengoku’s eyes were firm, and he was still ready for the worst.

The strongest man in the world will definitely come!

On the side, Karp’s eyes were full of heaviness.

Villains don’t deserve sympathy, but family members are different….

As for the green pheasant, he didn’t refute anything, after all, this matter had been approved by the five old stars.

As a navy, you can only obey unconditionally.

Then, after Magellan reported on his work again, he hung up the phone worm.

Sengoku and the others also immediately left Marlene Joya.

After returning to Marin, he immediately began to prepare for the public execution.



Advance City Level 6, Infinite Hell.

In a cell somewhere.

A wail like an abyss demon came from inside from time to time.


The sound changes from loud to small until it calms down.

Ten minutes later.

Ronan walked out of the cell with a comfortable face, did not say hello, and directly took Peach Rabbit to the elevator.

That way.

It’s like a twenty-year-old teenager who has just finished a fast meal from a hotel.

Looked at.

Magellan and Hannibal suddenly felt a chill.

To Ronan’s two prisoners.

One is the world breaker who has been frozen for thirty years: Bundy Waldo.

He was punched in the head by Ronan.

The scarlet blood was mixed with the brain pulp of the white flower, which was disgusting.

And the other is the king of evil government: Abaro Pizarro!

“Director Magellan, I’ll take a look…”

Hannibal boldly walked into the cell where the screams had just been heard.

Glanced at the ground.

A drop of dark red blood remained, and the source was the standing corpse covered by the Great Gun of Justice.

Hannibal took a deep breath, walked to the corpse with a solemn face, and lifted the righteous cannon.


Time seemed to freeze, and Hannibal froze directly in place.

Magellan saw that there was no movement for a long time, and immediately walked in.

“Don’t look!”

Hannibal shouted.

But it was still too late.

Magellan saw the most terrifying scene of his life!

At the bloody scene, a blood-stained skeleton stood there, and the flesh on his body had become the most delicate minced meat.

Followed by.

The minced meat was mixed with blood and water, and little by little it slipped off the skeleton.

Abaro Pizarro’s two eyeballs fell from the eye sockets and hung on his cheeks, with the flashing lights, how gloomy and eerie….

I was stunned for a long time.

Magellan’s bloodshot eyes looked at Ronan, who had already climbed the elevator, and hissed:

“Ronan, you’d better not come to advance the city.”

“Or I’ll kill you!”

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