The words just fell.

Cassandra also immediately looked in the direction Hermione had just looked.

For a while.

His expression became extremely complicated.

There is shock and grievance……

"Zha Li, this thing is not that easy to refine, right?……"

Cassandra also looked at Charlie a little aggrievedly. no way.

This was a huge blow to them.

They were enthusiastic and ambitious at first.

After all, listening to Zha Li talk about it, it didn't seem that complicated.

All design processes and ideas have been streamlined by Zha Li.

They are also the best in magic learning.

Basically, the speed of learning magic-related knowledge is among the best in the grade.

According to their own understanding, at least a semi-finished product should be produced today.

After all, if they don't have certain learning ability.

Charlie won't ask them for help, right?

"Well, I just finished training and I don’t have much magic power left, so I’m here to help you."

Zha Li said disapprovingly.

After saying that, he regretted a little. He immediately felt that there was a strange emotion in the eyes of the two girls looking at him. It seemed to be resentment. Oops, I said something wrong. Zha Li said something wrong. His heart trembled. Not everyone has his understanding and hands-on ability. This time, it directly hit the two girls.

"Don't think too much, I estimate that by tomorrow, after you get started, you will be able to do it much faster."

Charlie immediately comforted him.

At the same time, he pulled Hermione and Cassandra directly with his left and right hands.

Before they could react, they walked out of the Room of Requirement.

The two girls just wanted to say a few more words, but found that they had already He was pulled by Charlie back to the stairs of Hogwarts.

His face suddenly turned red.

Even though he had all kinds of things to say, he just wanted to walk quietly with Charlie at this moment.

But there was an extra person next to him.

Let Both girls were a little uncomfortable.

It didn't take long.

Charlie sent Hermione back to Gryffindor's dormitory first.

Hermione seemed to be a little reluctant to leave. It wasn't until Charlie reminded her that she was here that she blushed and let go..

Sneaked into the dormitory without saying a word.

Then Charlie continued to send Cassandra back.

Without Hermione beside Charlie 06, Cassandra was very happy.

She was holding Charlie's hand My little hands couldn’t help but exert some strength.

"Miss Cassandra, you seem to be tightening your grip a little."

Zha Li reminded slightly

"Oh, it's late at night, I'm a little scared, it's reasonable."

Cassandra explained.

Her face was honestly red.

Finally arriving at the parting place, Cassandra quickly let go of her hand and ran into her dormitory.

She was afraid that Charlie would see her flushed face. Same face


The night passed.

There were not many classes during the day today, and soon the little wizards had a happy time to finish class.

Similarly, when it got dark, Charlie went to pick up Hermione and Cassandra as agreed.

Today's goal is to complete the first refining.

The two little girls worked extra hard today.

They all seemed to be stimulated by Zha Li yesterday.

Although they knew themselves, it was impossible to catch up with Cha Li.

But the little arrogance in their hearts still makes them not want to be too different on the surface.

Several hours passed.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

He held up a small magic gem and looked at it carefully.

Eyes full of surprise and excitement


"Charlie, I seem to have succeeded!"

Hermione was very happy and shouted directly

"Haha, I seem to have succeeded too."

Cassandra gently fiddled with the ends of her hair and said coldly.

The air was immediately filled with a slight smell of gunpowder.

Charlie stopped what he was doing and walked over.

He was finally going to succeed.

Zha Li also felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

If these two girls continue to fail, his decision will be completely overturned.

After all, the cost and time of teaching are there. If the efficiency is really slow, then there will be no profit.

Zha Li He immediately came to Hermione and Cassandra.

He picked up the magic gem made by the two and inspected it briefly.

Feeling the flow and lines of magic on it.

Charlie tried it again with his own magic.

Sure enough ,.Successful.

The magic gems they made have the ability to automatically absorb the surrounding magic.

It’s just that the speed is a bit slower.

"Congratulations, success"

"Now you are a beginner alchemist"

"But you can’t be proud. Even if you keep working hard, there will still be some flaws."

Charlie said seriously.

But Hermione and Cassandra could no longer hear what Charlie was saying.

Their eyes were full of excitement.

Alchemy was successful!

Their big eyes were full of excitement.


Hermione clenched her fists slightly and let out a long breath.

This was the most difficult time she had ever had since learning magic.

Cassandra pursed her lips. Although she didn't speak, the expression on her face showed everything.

She was also very excited..But at this moment, keep looking like a lady.

"Charlie, which one of the magic gems we made is of higher quality?"


Cassandra's voice sounded.


A proposition!

The air suddenly solidified, and Hermione's eyes came over.

Charlie was speechless for a while.

These two little girls, I don't know when they started to be like this. tit for tat

"Well, if you really want to say it……"

Charlie drew out his voice.

Cassandra and Hermione's eyes immediately focused, waiting for Charlie's next words.

"The finished product made by you two is still very flawed and is still far from me."

"I hope you will guard against arrogance and impetuosity, hone your skills, and strive to make a lot of good products as soon as possible."

Zha Li was serious again.

Without looking at the two girls' resentful eyes, he turned around and ran away. Gone away.

I went to practice my magic ability.

He left two girls with sad eyes staring at them fiercely. Looking at Zha Li's back.

Then they each snorted coldly.

They continued to work hard.

Today they must make a good product.

The two girls looked at each other accidentally, and there seemed to be a trace of competition in their eyes.


Time passed.

It passed again. In the early morning,

Charlie walked up to them and looked around. He was quite satisfied in his heart.

Not bad.

There are already several good products.

If we keep going at this rate, it won't take a few days.

Hermione and Cassandra will be there. Ability to create a batch of magic gems that can be tested and assembled by Chari

"Yes, you two are making rapid progress."

Charlie praised them without hesitation.

Hermione and Cassandra also accepted it happily, and they also felt their progress.

"That’s it for today, and we’ll continue later."

Zha Li patted them gently, indicating that they were in place today.

Then he sent them back.

But fortunately, as long as Zha Li sent them back, the tit-for-tat momentum between the two would weaken a lot, otherwise I don’t know what I will ask as a gift.


A few days later.

The room is filled with requests.

Hermione and Cassandra's refining speed has already made a qualitative leap.

Charlie also stopped his magic training plan.

Start experimenting with his ideas.

In front of him were piles of magic gems refined by Hermione and Cassandra.

It was enough for him to experiment several times.

Beside the workbench, Zha Li entered working mode.

His expression was indifferent, yet solemn.

Wave gently.

The magic gems used as materials in front of me were suspended in the air one by one.

Slowly, they were strung up like a bead curtain.

It didn't take long before it was assembled into a special shape.

Even though Zha Li had some ability in alchemy, he had to be cautious at this moment.

Cassandra and Hermione were also attracted by Charlie's operations.

They all stopped what they were doing and concentrated on watching Zha Li's operations.

Zha Li stretched out his fingers, and magic slowly surged out from his fingers.

Like a trickle of water.

Gradually, the raw materials of the magic gems in front of his body were implicated.

For a while.

Waves of faint magic power surged out of those magic gems.

Every trace of magic power is like a thread, tightly clasped together.

Charlie frowned slightly

"boom!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly there was a soft sound.

The magic gems in front of Charlie shattered.

It failed for the first time.

Both Hermione and Cassandra's hearts skipped a beat..

Not only the results, they were also immersed in Zha Li's meticulous techniques just now.

They were extremely surprised by the accurate use of magic power and strong control. They were deeply aware of the gap with Zha Li.

Zha Li did not speak.

He kept thinking. The failure just now.

It took a long time.

Zha Li took a deep breath. He had already thought of an improvement plan.

Then he stretched out his hand again, only to find that the materials in front of him were not enough.

"Two beautiful ladies, I wonder if I can get your support."

Charlie raised his head and smiled.

The meaning is very simple.

You need to speed up the progress.

Hermione and Cassandra also knew at this moment that Charlie was at a critical moment. They nodded solemnly.

Then they also sped up the movements in their hands and began to speed up the refining of magic power. Gems.

For Charlie to make the final product.


Another few days passed.

Charlie and the two girls were still working hard in the Room of Requirement.

In the past few days, Charlie had failed several times in a row.

But he was skilled. The idea of ​​speed and improvement has been improved a lot.

This time, Charlie is very confident.

Hermione and Cassandra sat not far from Charlie, carefully observing Charlie's production techniques..

The two of them did not miss this learning opportunity.

Zha Li's fingers jumped.

The magic gems in front of him jumped happily and were assembled under precise control.

Half an hour passed.

Zha Li took a deep breath.

Then he clasped his hands together.

A powerful force of magic began to squeeze the magic gem in front of him.

There was a soft sound.

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief.

"It worked."

Charlie made a sound.

Hermione and Cassandra were ecstatic in their eyes, and they immediately ran over.

They gathered around the huge"device" in front of Charlie and looked at it.

This thing has their contribution.

They are not just participants. , is also a witness.

At this moment, when I heard that Zha Li said that it had been successful, I was naturally extremely excited.

"Zha Li, is it completely okay?"

Hermione gently touched the items in front of her, which were assembled from many magic gems that they had personally refined.

"In theory it should be possible, but we still have to test it."

Zha Li stretched out his hand and cast a levitating spell, and the device levitated. It flew in front of Zha Li.

He gently released some magic power, and it was absorbed by the device soon.

Zha Li was quite satisfied.

"How to test it, Charlie?"

"I'm also curious about how much magic it can absorb."

The curiosity in Cassandra's eyes was no weaker than Hermione's, and her excitement was palpable.

"We definitely can't test here, we have to go outside."

Charlie responded


Hermione was a little confused.

"Not very good at Hogwarts, I feel like it will attract the attention of many professors"

"Where else to go besides Hogwarts?"

Cassandra was equally confused.

The two girls looked at Charlie expectantly and puzzledly with their big watery eyes.

The look of them crying for food made Charlie even amused.

"Forbidden forest."

Charlie whispered.

In an instant,

Hermione and Cassandra's expressions became stiff. Their long brown and blond hair were messy in the wind.

For a moment, the blush on their little faces disappeared and they became a little pale.

This It's late at night.

They are going to the Forbidden Forest.

This is a very scary thing for these two first-year Hogwarts freshmen.

Only Charlie can express his thoughts in an understatement.

For others Human.

Hermione and Cassandra will only think that this person is crazy.

"Well, there is no other intention. I just want to confirm again, are we going to the Forbidden Forest for an experiment?"

Hermione adjusted herself.Face, solemnly

"I want to ask this too."

Kassandra echoed from the side.

823 Surprisingly, this time the two people had the same opinion.

"Do you have any suggestions for a more suitable place?"

Charlie spread his hands and smiled softly.

Hermione and Cassandra thought for a while.

Then they showed a look of helplessness.

"Right? In theory, only the Forbidden Forest is the most suitable place for testing."

"The impact it can cause is minimal."

Charlie nodded.

"It's okay, I just thought that you are also contributing, and it would be meaningful to you if we could experiment and testify together."

"But if you are afraid, I will send you back first, and it will be the same if I go myself."

Charlie gave the choice to the two girls.

Hermione just thought for a while and nodded immediately.

She was relieved about Charlie.

After all, she was following Charlie to the Forbidden Forest, so there shouldn't be any problems..

Although the Forbidden Forest at night is a very scary place for her.

But Zha Li’s strength lies here.

Following Zha Li to the Forbidden Forest is even safer than following some professors.

Cassandra saw He After Min nodded, she immediately agreed.

She was still a little scared in her heart.

But she was jet lagged, and the image of Hermione and Charlie getting along alone in the Forbidden Forest flashed in her mind. She immediately put aside the little fear in her heart. Behind the head.

Okay, then you go to the Forbidden Forest, don't stay too far away from me.

Seeing that the girls had made their decision, Zha Li directly held one hand at a time. He put away the device in front of him and entered the bracelet space.

Then he took it directly with him They walked out of the Room of Requirement.

They trekked for a while. After some time, they arrived in front of the Forbidden Forest.

It was late at night. There was no light in Hagrid's hut.

Because of the invisible bracelet, the journey was smooth.

Check the moment He didn't stop.

He directly dragged Hermione and Cassandra into the Forbidden Forest.

The expressions of the two girls suddenly changed.

They couldn't help but sweat dripping from their foreheads.

The Forbidden Forest at night.

Silent and profound.

After a while, Time.

Charlie found a fairly large open space.

Then he let go of the two girls' hands.

Hermione and Cassandra let out a long breath, and their nervous expressions relaxed slightly.

"Let's do it here. Try it out early so you can go back early."

Zha Li observed the surrounding environment.

Then a space crack in front of him opened.

The device he had just assembled flew out.

With a bang, the huge device fell to the ground.

A trace of dust was raised.

Then Zha Li observed patiently. Hermione and Cassandra were also a little nervous.

At the same time, their eyes were full of expectation.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The magic around them did not seem to be affected much.

Charlie was very calm and waited patiently.

Cassandra La seemed a little anxious.

He walked around the device.

He looked at Zha Li from time to time, but found that Zha Li had not moved at all.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

The magic power in the entire open space surged instantly.

He flew towards the device they made. Come. Let

’s begin!.

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