Thanks to the practice of eye skills.

Charlie's vision has also been greatly improved.

He was currently suspended high in the sky.

Like an eagle hunting for food.

The traces underneath are clearly visible.

Just now, he seemed to have indeed seen a small figure flashing past the tower. this point in time.

No students or even staff should be present in the tower.

After all, that tower, except for certain repair times.

No one will go up at all.

Zha Li had a thought in his mind.

The whole person passed directly through the sky.

Like a cannonball, it rushed directly towards the tower.

Almost within a few breaths.

Zha Li's figure appeared on the tower.

Zha Li's pupils instantly turned blue, and his perception also spread out at this moment.

The entire tower was covered in his magical perception. kindness? a long time.

Zha Li found no clues.

This made him"647" very confused

"I read it wrong?"


Charlie whispered.

Then he walked around again, expanding his perception.

The result was still no gain.

After a while,

"That's okay, it's probably psychological."

After that,

Zha Li walked directly down.

The tower fell into silence again.

Ten minutes later,

Zha Li's figure appeared here again.

His face was expressionless.

His perception was spread again, but there was still no gain.


Zha Li I was a little confused.

Just now, he deliberately made a show and said he was leaving.

Then after a while, he directly killed someone to turn around.

See if he could find some clues.

In the end, he didn't find any.

Then there are only two situations.

One is this person He has extremely strong concealment methods, and he is probably a fugitive hiding in Hogwarts.

The second is that he is very good at running away, and he ran away in an instant.

Charlie thought for a moment, but left this place.

He wanted to Go talk to Dumbledore about this matter.

Not long after,

Charlie appeared in Dumbledore's office.

Bessie had already left.

Only Dumbledore was left.

Seeing Charlie's arrival, there was some resentment in his eyes.

"Zha Li, can you agree to my request and don't smash up my office next time?"

"Okay, see you next time."

Zha Li didn't take it to heart at all.

"Bessie has gone back to the lounge first. He said he wanted to digest the Eastern secrets you taught him."

Dumbledore added.

It means a lot.

"Oh, that's just right."

After Charlie finished speaking, he directly added a ban to Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately understood that Charlie had something to say, and his expression became serious.

"I was just testing out this new ability to fly"

"When I was in the air, I noticed a relatively hidden figure flashing past the tower."

"I personally think that he is related to the fugitive that the Aurors were chasing before, or that he is that person"

"It's just that he has some unusual concealment methods, so he has never been found."

Charlie sat down, poured himself a glass of hot water, and expressed his thoughts.

Dumbledore frowned slightly and fell into thinking.

After a while, he slowly spoke.


"In fact, I have searched many places in Hogwarts."

"Nothing gained"

"As for this tower, I have been there once before. I felt something strange at the time, but I was not completely sure."

"This person may indeed have strong secretive skills."

Dumbledore recalled

"Can't even you fully perceive it?"

"Didn't you know that when Hermione and I went on an invisible night tour?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Charlie said calmly.

Dumbledore blushed.

"Charlie, don't worry, I have absolutely no intention of spying on you."

"You know, I just want to keep you safe, ahem……"

Charlie sneered

"Stop it, my dear Headmaster Dumbledore."

"There is no need to say such words in front of me."

"Let's get down to business. If this person has been hiding in Hogwarts, he will definitely be a security risk."

Charlie looked directly at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore nodded.

"Then advance our plan, I will go to the Ministry of Magic to report"

"After these few days, he should be able to notice that I'm not at Hogwarts."

"Let's see if there is any movement from him then."

Dumbledore pondered

"But after I leave, I have to leave everything to you, Charlie."

Dumbledore said this very seriously.

"I'll try my best, but if I find him, I won't necessarily leave you alive."

Charlie was very calm.

Dumbledore's expression changed slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

The two discussed it for a while........

Then Charlie left.

Dumbledore began to pack up and prepare to go to the Ministry of Magic.

After all, Fudge has sent more than five letters.

Above the Hogwarts tower at this time.

There was a space fluctuation.

An embarrassed figure appeared in the corner of the tower.

He was dressed in tattered black clothes with dried blood stains all over his body.


The man spat out a mouthful of blood, but before he could spit it out, he swallowed it again.

"It's so dangerous, why would there be someone who can fly?……"

"Judging from his physique and appearance, he is just a student.……"

"It's outrageous. Fortunately, I spent a lot of money and drank this potion to hide all my anger."

"After all these years, Hogwarts has such a terrifying student."

The man in black sighed.

He was very strong and very vigilant.

When Zha Li flew over, he drank a magic potion and hid all the breath.

However, this potion had great side effects. The damage to the body is irreversible.

If you drink a few more times, you will be close to death.

I have to say that this person is still very decisive.

"You have to seize the opportunity to do something"

"The master must be waiting impatiently"


Early the next morning.

After Dumbledore explained to the deans of several colleges, he went directly to the Ministry of Magic.

It didn't take long.

The news that Dumbledore went to the Ministry of Magic to report spread at Hogwarts.

With a microphone like the Weasley twins 5.7 years old, the news spread very quickly.

Charlie is currently in Snape's office

"Uncle Snape, this potion can completely hide yourself."

Charlie raised his own question.

He had already thought that it might be an ancient potion, otherwise it would not have escaped his search.

"Yes, but the process of brewing this kind of magic potion is very evil, extremely cruel, and it will also cause irreversible damage to your body."

"So it was banned a long time ago"

"And according to the information, there is no particularly good way to break the effect of this magic potion."

Snape also found the information and frowned.

Charlie came to find him in the morning and told him about what he found in the tower yesterday.

This made Snape solemn.

"There is no way."

Zha Li pondered

"If it doesn’t work out then, we’ll have no choice but to carpet bomb Hogwarts."

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