After greeting Nicoléme, Charlie took the brooch with him.

The location of Feng Cave is not far away.

In just an instant, Zha Li arrived in front of the Feng Cave.

This is a river.

There is a small tornado-like entrance on the river bank.

It exudes strong magic power fluctuations.

Charlie held out his hand.

The palm of his hand was gently placed on the wind acupoint.

The magic wave immediately condensed towards Zha Li's palm.

Charlie closed his eyes slightly.

An ancient and mysterious aura appeared in Zha Li's perception.

But if I want to explore deeper, there is no chance

"Isn't it time yet?"

The Feng Cave, the entrance to this ancient ruins, has not yet opened. I estimate it will take a day or two.

Zha Li did not hesitate and directly transformed a stool from the bracelet space.

He waited here..

Inside Nicoléme's castle.

His wife took out a crystal ball from somewhere.

Nicoléme and his wife were on the balcony, gathered in front of the crystal ball.

The two looked at each other and smiled. A rare trace of interest appeared on his face. 21

Nicoléme waved his palm slightly.

A burst of fog and halo flashed above the crystal ball.

Soon the scene in front of Charlie appeared

"Well, isn't it time yet?"

Mrs. Nicoléme was a little disappointed.

"Well, I guess we have to wait a while. The last thing we have is time, so be patient."

Nicolas Flamel said with relief.

His wife nodded and closed her eyes again.

It seemed that she could no longer arouse her interest.

Time passed slowly.

Charlie was too lazy to go back to the castle to rest.

He just stayed here. In front of the entrance to the ancient ruins.

In his perception, the magic power fluctuations in front of the wind cave have become more and more stable.

Time is slowly approaching.

As long as the magic power fluctuations in front of him become more stable, the entrance to the ruins should be It can be turned on


Inside Hogwarts.

Charlie's departure had no impact.

After all, Zha Li was always elusive. This school year, he basically didn't attend classes.

Luna always had a trace of disappointment on her face when she suddenly couldn't find Zha Li.

She asked Charlie's brother Harry, but to no avail.

Ask Hermione and others again.

Hermione said that she didn't even know, so how could she tell Luna.

Luna had been sullen.

But recently, something strange has happened at Hogwarts.

Mrs. Norris.

That is the cat kept by the caretaker Filch.

One night, he was suddenly petrified and hung on the wall.

This made Mr. Filch very painful.

After losing Mrs. Norris, he was always howling and crying alone in the corridor.

Even patrolling has lost interest.

And then.

Some students began to be petrified.

This matter is no small matter.

Fortunately, this student was not seriously hurt.

Petrification is not irreversible.

As long as you take some time and effort, it can still be cured.

But the entire Hogwarts was in panic again.

The curfew has been tightened again.

Because there is no Charlie at Hogwarts.

Many students who relied on Zha Li before and now no longer dare to come out. this day.

Luna ran out alone at night, not knowing what to do. the next day.

Luna was petrified... but fortunately, Luna's degree of petrification was not serious.

Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey settled Luna properly, and the security at Hogwarts became tight again.

An episode worth mentioning is.

Lockhart had more material for his class.

Every time in class, Lockhart said that he was looking for the murderer who petrified everyone.

There has been great progress.

Those students who didn't know what happened after listening to Lockhart's speech.

Some are convinced.

Lockhart was stunned for a moment. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Harry's patience has reached its upper limit.

I immediately started skipping classes.

He couldn't stay in Lockhart's class for a moment longer.

Lockhart almost kept bragging about himself throughout the entire lesson.

Harry was afraid that if he continued to take this kind of course, he would be tempted to hang Lockhart directly from the chandelier in the auditorium.


Next to Nicoléme's castle.

River embankment.

Charlie stood up at this moment and opened his eyes.

Time is up.

The fluctuation of magic power in this wind cave has been completely stable.

Charlie stepped forward.

Stretched out his hand. at the same time. inside the castle[]

Nicoléme, who was still dozing and basking in the sun, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked out at the balcony thoughtfully.

After a while, he patted his wife again

"Here we go, ma'am."

Nicholame's wife also raised her eyes slightly and looked at the crystal ball.

In the crystal ball, Charlie was already standing in front of the wind cave.

He stretched out his hand.

When his palm touched the wind cave, the wind cave The fluctuations directly dissipated between heaven and earth.

Zha Li's figure also disappeared at this moment.

Beside the entire river embankment, it was as if nothing had happened.

Zha Li entered the ancient ruins.

In Zha Li's field of vision, there was a There was endless darkness and nothingness.

Zha Li could only feel his body shape, as if traveling through time and space.

He didn't know how long it had been.

The nothingness in front of Zha Li slowly disappeared.

What caught his eye was , is an ancient secret room


Zha Li stood up.

There was only a faint light in this secret room.

Zha Li snapped his fingers.

A small hanging lamp, blessed by the lighting spell, appeared in the sky above Zha Li.

It just made Zha Li's figure and a few meters around him The scene inside was reflected in it.

Next to the crystal ball.

After Nicoléme saw this small hanging lamp, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"My dear, take a look, I would say he would be a good successor to me, right?"

"The idea of ​​​​this gadget was something I did when I was young."

"It is simply a weapon for walking at night. Only those idiots would hold up their wands and cast lighting spells"

"How stupid a person would be to do this."

Nicholas Flamel said with a smile.

However, he noticed that his wife looked at him and her face became more and more ugly.

Oh no!

Nikolay Flamen sighed inwardly.

He forgot that his wife liked to hold a wand. Release the lighting spell and walk in the dark night.

Sure enough, Nicoléme's ears were directly grabbed by a force.

He didn't dare to make a sound.

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