Chari's flying speed is very fast.

If there were any Muggles around, they would definitely be shocked.

This speed has surpassed that of ordinary flying birds.

With the blessing of magic.

The owl's whole body exudes an ancient aura.

Privet Drive?

Zha Li flew and searched at the same time.

The view at night is not particularly good.

But thanks to possessing an owl.

On the contrary, Zha Li's vision was extremely clear.

Turn left. straight.

Turn right again. go straight

…… finally.

In the dead of night.

Charlie came to his aunt's house.

Falling gently into the treetops.

Charlie took a short rest.

Looking at this house that only exists in ancient memories.

Charlie couldn't help but sigh for a while.

There are no lights inside the house.

I guess everyone has taken a break too.

Good brother Harry at the moment.

Probably living in a cramped stairwell.

Once someone walks hard through the stairs, the cubicle will be filled with dust.

Thank you so much for your hard work.

Charlie's impression of Harry.

Still that one year old, afraid of myself.

I always look like I can't help crying after seeing myself.

It's a bit funny and nostalgic when I think about it. etc?

Charlie suddenly turned his head away.

There was no breath of Harry.

When Zha Li's perception dispersed.

All he could feel was the bloated bodies of Vernon and Dally, snoring.

And Penny, who was sleeping carefully beside her.

Unexpectedly, there was another figure in another room.


Charlie had an impression of this person.

She is a fat woman who likes to bully Harry.

It is estimated that Harry is not at home and has something to do with this fat woman.

Think of this.

Charlie stood up again.

Soaring in the air, he began to search for Harry.

Fortunately, Harry didn't run far away.

Charlie found Harry's location without much effort.

What made him couldn't help but laugh.

Harry at the moment.

He was actually perching on a tree just like he was just now.

Charlie is possessed by the owl.

What is Harry doing?

Performance art?

Didn't think much about it.

Charlie flew towards Harry's place


Harry didn't fall asleep.

There is no way to sleep peacefully in a tree.

There was that nasty dog ​​lying under the tree.

The dog appears to be sleeping.

But if there is any movement, it will wake up.

Every time Harry tried to escape, he failed.

Harry also expected his aunt or uncle to rescue him.

But as time passed, Harry gave up hope.

Looking at the vast starry sky.

Harry was a little disappointed

"If I were at home, I probably wouldn't bully me like this."

"My parents should feel sorry for me, right?"

"I don’t know how my brother is doing."

"Last time my aunt let slip that I had a brother in the orphanage, and I wonder if his life would be harder than mine."

Harry said to himself. He looked lonely.

He longed for family affection, but never got it.

The happiest time in the past few years was when he heard his aunt spill the beans and knew that he still had a brother living in this world..

This gave Harry a glimmer of hope for the future.

When he grows up and has the ability to take care of himself, he must go to join his brother.

Suddenly, Harry saw an owl flying at low altitude not far away. It seems that direction. Or myself?

"Did I occupy its nest? Harry laughed at himself.

The next moment, an owl landed next to Harry.

The owl was naturally Charlie. Charlie looked at

Harry for a while and nodded.

It looked just like he imagined.

Childish and delicate..

But his nod made Harry startled. How could this owl... have an anthropomorphic posture?

It looked too similar.……

"Hello owl buddy."

Harry hesitated for a moment and said aloud.

He didn't feel aversion to friendly animals.

Sometimes Harry even felt that he could communicate with some animals.

Charlie stretched out his wings and patted Harry.

This way of greeting frightened Harry again.

Charlie didn't mean to scare him.

It was just a habit, just teasing him.

It happened often when he was a child.

But what surprised Charlie was that

Harry seemed to be very fast. I'm used to all this.

I didn't show too much fear towards the possessed owl.

"Owl man, do you think I'm funny?"

"I got chased by Maggie's dog and hid in a tree until now"

"It feels like it's going to be dawn soon, and no one is coming to help me."

"Vernon and Aunt Petunia didn't care about me, not to mention Maggie."

Charlie felt a little cold in his heart.

Sure enough, he has something to do with Maggie.

"Do you really understand?"

Harry was a little surprised.

He vaguely felt that the owl in front of him seemed to acknowledge his confession.

"Oh my God, are you an angel?"

"Thank you for listening to me."

Harry couldn't sleep, so he simply started to have a bitter relationship with the owl.

He regarded the owl as his tree hole.

Charlie didn't bother him too much.

Over the years,

Harry's life has not been satisfactory.

Compared with himself, it is worse. A lot.

Just because of that spell, staying with my aunt is the best choice.

"do you know?"

"I actually have a brother"

"I'm not really alone"

"I once begged my aunt Petunia, hoping that Petunia would also adopt her brother."

"Even if my brother and I live together in the shed in the yard, that's fine"

"At least let me know that I'm not alone."

Zha Li was silent.

My savior brother.

He is indeed very emotional.

"Aunt seemed to hesitate"

"But Uncle Vernon was very excited when he heard it and didn't want to say anything."

"This matter is over as well."

"I made a decision in my heart that when I grow up, I will definitely reunite with my brother"


Harry told it again and again.

While dozing off. soon.

The sky is bright.

A bloated figure slowly emerged.

Maggie is here.

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