For a person like Hagrid who often collects rare and exotic items, it is not surprising that he has the backbone of a fire dragon.

Now the question is.

How to get this spine from Hagrid.

Buy at a high price, spend a lot of money to buy bones?

It’s not impossible.

But right now, it seems that he needs to do Hagrid a small favor first.

Otherwise, he would probably be slaughtered to death.

Zha Li has abilities that no one here has.

That is the knowledge and healing skills of magical animals.

Said without politeness.

No one in Knockturn Alley is as proficient in this area as Charlie.

Neither can Hagrid.

Zha Li sensed something unusual about Yue Chi Beast at a glance.

Extremely weak.

He looked strong, but he was actually dying.

The magic was gone.

If left untreated, you won't live long.

And this stall owner must be aware of the problem of this moon-crazy beast.

How could an ordinary person be willing to sell the Moon Chi Beast?

There is a high probability that the moon-crazy beast was in bad condition, so it was brought here to be resold.

The Moon Crazy Beast is a very interesting magical animal.

Its appearance is very similar to that of an alpaca.

That is, as the saying goes, a grass-mud horse.

The most peculiar thing is that its feces has a miraculous effect on the growth of herbs.

They only appear in large numbers on full moon days.

Therefore it is very rare.

Many wizards who study herbal cultivation and potion refining are very eager for the Moon Chi Beast.

Dream pet.

Hagrid is no exception.

He has an extremely strong interest in all kinds of magical animals.

Many things are obviously not allowed to be raised, but Hagrid often secretly buys them from smugglers.

Keep it for a while and enjoy it.

So much so that there are already many inexplicable creatures in the Forbidden Forest next to Hogwarts.

They were all forced to release by Hagrid.

"Oh, my little cutie. Just follow me from now on."

Hagrid picked up the moon-crazy beast and beamed with joy.

A three-meter-plus giant smiled like a fool.

The moon-crazy beast raised its eyes and forgot to glance at Hagrid, and then lay quietly in Hagrid's arms. without any struggle

"Oh, sir, you are so discerning. This moon-crazy beast cub is the best time to raise and tame it."

"Yeah? That's great."

Hagrid became even more happy after hearing this.

The stall owner's eyes lit up.

He looked at Hagrid as if he were a fat sheep.

"You see, sir, I have traveled all over the country for this moon-crazed beast, and my brother and I are separated from each other."

"If this number is acceptable, we will make a deal."

The stall owner held out two fingers.

He wanted two thousand gold galleons.

After hearing this, Hagrid's smile that was just blooming immediately cooled down.

Two thousand.

That's too much.

But this Moon-Crazy Beast cub is really too much. People like it.

It’s hard for Hagrid to refuse.

After all, the Moon Crazy Beast is allowed to be kept at Hogwarts and is not a ferocious creature.

"Okay, please."

Hagrid gritted his teeth and made the deal immediately.

In a nearby bar, an old man looked at all this and couldn't help but shake his head. He sighed slightly.

Charlie thought for a while and finally chose to speak.



The eyes of Hagrid and the stall owner turned to Charlie at the same time.

"Oh, brother, do you also want this Moon-Crazy Beast?"

"I'm afraid this won't work, after all, I chose it first."

Hagrid had a trace of fear on his face.

He was afraid of being snatched away by others.

After hearing Hagrid's words, the stall owner became even more excited.

If someone increases the price, he will earn more today.

"No, there's something wrong with that Moon-Crazy Beast."

Zha Li pointed at the Moon Chi Beast in Hagrid's arms.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed.

Hagrid's eyebrows knitted into twists.

He raised the Moon Chi Beast and looked at it carefully.

The stall owner's His face was slightly cautious, and he immediately put away the money bag he had just received from the transaction.

"Your Excellency, please don't talk nonsense. This is Knockturn Alley, so you need to think clearly when speaking."

The stall owner's tone was a bit unkind.

"Bro, is it okay?"

Hagrid was a little confused and looked at Zha Li hesitantly.

His attitude towards Zha Li was very vague now.

After all, he couldn't figure out what Zha Li's real intention was.


Zha Li came over and pointed slightly at the lower abdomen of the Yue Chi Beast.

If you look carefully, you will find that all the hair on the lower abdomen has faded. A normal Yue Chi Beast will not look like this.

According to The characteristics of the Moon Crazy Beast, the lushness of the hair here, represent the vitality of the Moon Crazy Beast.

Hagrid picked it up and looked at it carefully.

His brows were furrowed.

Sure enough, he already recognized Zha Li’s point of view.

Just now he had He had a dark thought, thinking that Zha Li might be competing with him for the Moon-Crazy Beast.

Now he looked at Zha Li with a hint of apology.

"Boss, isn't it kind of you to do this?"

Hagrid blew his thick beard, and his eyes were already a little unkind.

The stall owner wanted to struggle and quibble. However, he found that the eyes of the Moon Chimera Beast were closed and he had no strength to open them.

There was no room for quibbles at all. Got it

"Once purchased, no returns or exchanges will be made."

The stall owner's expression became serious. He looked like he wanted money but his life.

Seeing this, Hagrid became even more angry.

Who is he, Lupo Hagrid?

How many people dare to mess with him?

Those who fell over The wizards in the lane were also well aware of Hagrid's reputation, and they couldn't help but step back at this moment.

"How about I refund a third?"

"Oh no, no, I'll refund half of it?"


Hagrid let out a breath from his nostrils.

He immediately picked up the stall owner.

It’s so abominable that you dare to deceive me, Hagrid.

A trace of unbearability flashed across everyone's faces.

Too brutal.

The stall owner didn't dare to use magic on Hagrid at all.

Because I know my own foundation.

If you don't take action, the most you can do is get a beating.

If he had taken action, the result might not be a beating.

But what he didn't understand was.

Hagrid's beating was not something that ordinary people could bear.

That's a giant of over three meters.

The giant humanoid beast is gone


" hurts. Please stop."

"I beg you."

Zha Li looked at this scene and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

It's really cruel.

It makes sense.

He has never seen Hagrid show his physical strength.

Now it looks really shocking.

I guess the trolls have it. Yibo.

Isn't this pure physical transcendence?

A few rounds passed.

The stall owner's voice became a little quieter. Hagrid seemed to be a little less angry.

He clapped his hands and scanned the people around him.

Then he looked at Cha Stand.

Give a smile that you think is friendly.


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